~ 9

Pika ~ chuuuu


Your POV

“Aish, so tired” junhyung exclaimed.

“Stop complaining” I said.

I plopped onto the bed tiredly, before I knew I fell asleep.


I woke up in a forest, with the wind continuesly blowing my hair. I held down my hair to keep it from blowing everywhere. In the distance I could see a bright light pulling me in. it pulled me in only to be in total darkness. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder; I swiftly turned around, my heart beating faster and faster.

“Sarangehae” it said.


I opened my eyes, to see junhyung sitting beside me and staring at me intently.

“Yah, when did you wake up” junhyung said startled.

“Just now, wae?” I asked curiously.

“Aniyo, it’s nothing” junhyung said unsure.

“Hmm, okay” I simply replied.


I sat on a chair as they did my make-up. To be honest I wasn’t really excited for the wedding, but kind of are. They did my hair into a loose bun, with strands of hair curled from the sides of my face. I wore the dress I had picked out days ago. I wore the shiny glass heels, and wore a necklace around my neck.


Appa linked his arm into mine as we walked down. The church filled with aws. I suddenly stepped on the hem of my dress, making me fall over flat on my face. I slowly got up, to see my stained dress.

“~~~~~, are you ok?” junhyung asked.

“Yea, I’m fine” I said.

I continued walking down, when suddenly a foot caught my leg causing me to fall down again. I didn’t bother to look back. I sat on the floor, covering my face with embarassement.

“~~~~~, are you ok?” junhyung asked again.

“Yea, I’m fine” I said as I faked a smile.

I didn’t know junhyung was this nice. o.O

{The wedding speech, I don’t know how it goes}

“You may now kiss the bride”

I stood there frozen, wanting to run away and stay. Before I knew it junhyung leaned in to kissing me, suddenly deepening the kiss. I wanted to push him away, but there’s a crowd and it’s our wedding.

He finally stopped, I let out a little sigh.


heheh, another update, enjoy! ~

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shinebythree #1
Chapter 11: Such a sweet story ;) such a cute ending !!
Good work! Good short story ;)
heechulgirl4ever #2
its cute and great fanfic. but i think its too short
but after all its great ^^
chas_ssmentrok #3
Ahaha..it's cute, short & funny..i really liked it esp. the ending ^^
ert Junhyung going into the bathroom... =="
@mizcrushiez ~ heheh, thankyou so much, means a lot to b one of ur fav author, kamsamnida! ~