~ 8

Pika ~ chuuuu

Your POV

Junhyung took a step closer to me.

“Yah, don’t come any closer, turn around and get out” I shouted.

Junhyung hesitantly turns around, obviously a smirk played on his lips. I exited the bathroom.

“Yah, if you do that again, you wont be able to see the next day” I said angrily.

“Yah, why can’t I, I want to see my soon to-be wife” junhyung exclaimed.

“Stop being a ert, aish” I said.


>>>days later<<<


I sat on the bed waiting for junhyung, when I spotted something yellow sticking out from the bed side table. Aww it’s so cute.

“It’s cute isn’t it” junhyung exclaimed proudly.

“Aniyo, what is this, a yellow rat or something” I said.

“Yah, it’s not a rat, it’s a pikachu” junhyung said defensively.

“Who cares” I said throwing it to junhyung.

He missed, making it tumble on the floor.

“Nice catch” I exclaimed sarcastically.

He pouted angrily.

“Lets go buy the tux and dress” junhyung said.


We arrived at the mall. We went to a shop that sells wedding clothes.

I chose a dress; I went into the changing room trying on the white silky strapless dress. I exited the changing room to see an open mouthed junhyung.

“Yah, are you trying to catch flies” I asked.

“Aniyo” junhyung said as he snapped back to reality.

I went into the changing room again.

The zip on the dress wouldn’t budge. ‘Aish’

“Yah, junhyung can you it for me” I asked.

“Is that the sign for me to strip you” junhyung asked with a smirk.

“ANIYO” I shouted. “Urk, fine you don’t have to, I’ll just ask someone else” I said as I turned around.

“Fine, fine, I’ll do it for you” junhyung said.

His hand slid down onto my skin as he ped the dress. I clutched the dress as junhyung finished ping.it sent chills down my spine.

“Can I have a peek” junhyung asked.

“Aniyo, stop being a ert” I exclaimed loudly.

With that, it caught perople glances.

“Geez stop talking so loudly” junhyung whispered.


sorry for the late update, enjoy! ~

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shinebythree #1
Chapter 11: Such a sweet story ;) such a cute ending !!
Good work! Good short story ;)
heechulgirl4ever #2
its cute and great fanfic. but i think its too short
but after all its great ^^
chas_ssmentrok #3
Ahaha..it's cute, short & funny..i really liked it esp. the ending ^^
ert Junhyung going into the bathroom... =="
@mizcrushiez ~ heheh, thankyou so much, means a lot to b one of ur fav author, kamsamnida! ~