~ 7

Pika ~ chuuuu


Your POV

He winced in pain, releasing his grip on me. I pushed him off the bed which made a loud thud.

“Ow” junhyung shouted

At that moment my phone started ringing.


Me: Ne?

Appa: omma and I have planed the day of the wedding.

Me: wha…

Appa: its next week, make sure you go shopping to buy your dress.

Me: I don’t want to.

Appa: okay then, I’ll just get junhyung to persuade you. Bye.

Me: okay okay, I’ll go. Bye.

Appa: that’s my girl.


“Who was that?” junhyung asked.

“My appa” I replied.

“What did he say?” junhyung asked.

“Weddings next week, so we have to go shopping for a dress and a tux” I said.

“Oh, so soon” junhyung said happily.

“Anyways I’m sleeping now on the BED, you’re going to sleep on the COUCH, UNDERSTAND?” I said as I lay down on the bed diagonally again.

“Shove over” junhyung said.

“Didn’t you hear what I said” I said.

“Yea, I heard you, but I want to sleep on the bed” junhyung exclaimed.

“Ok fine, but there’s going to be pillows between us” I exclaimed as I placed a pillow between us.

I turned around facing the wall; I was just about to fall asleep when I felt an arm snake its way onto my waist.

“Yah, don’t touch me” I shouted as I slapped his hand.

“Ow” junhyung said.

“That’s what you get” I said sleepily.


I woke up to be cuddling someone. When I came to my senses.

“Yah, let me go” I shouted.

He didn’t move. I tried to squirm out of his grip, finally after some time I got out, only to be re-cuddled again.

“Yah, junhyung wake up and let me go” I shouted in his ear.

He smirked.

“Fine then, if you’re going to be like this, then you’re never going to sleep on the bed again” I shouted.

With that he jolted awake.

I got out of the bed heading for the shower. I was in the middle of showering when suddenly I heard the door creak open.

“yah junhyung, get out” I shouted twice as loud.


how is it guys? sorry i havent been updating, i went on a holiday, anyways hope you guys enjoy, make sure to leave comments and dont forget to subscribe! ~

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shinebythree #1
Chapter 11: Such a sweet story ;) such a cute ending !!
Good work! Good short story ;)
heechulgirl4ever #2
its cute and great fanfic. but i think its too short
but after all its great ^^
chas_ssmentrok #3
Ahaha..it's cute, short & funny..i really liked it esp. the ending ^^
ert Junhyung going into the bathroom... =="
@mizcrushiez ~ heheh, thankyou so much, means a lot to b one of ur fav author, kamsamnida! ~