~ 11

Pika ~ chuuuu


Your POV

“WOW, it’s so pretty” I said as I stared at the cherry blossoms under the dim lights.

“Of course” junhyung said sarcastically.

Junhyung hugged me out of the blue, causing me to blush.


We sat on the bench in the park. At that moment the fireworks lit up the dark starry sky. I stared at the sky, intently as I felt hands cupping my cheeks, pulling me into a passionate kiss. What surprised me most was that I didn’t intend to pull away.

Just as the fireworks finished, junhyung got something out of his pocket, kneeled on the floor with one leg.

“~~~~~, since I haven’t asked you to be my wife, netherless my girlfriend, would you accept my feelings” junhyung said.

My eyes widened in surprise.

“To be honest I’ve liked you ever since I met you, everything about you makes my life shine brighter then any other” junhyung said. “~~~~~, sarangehae” junhyung said as he looked down towards the ground, holding up the opened box.

“of course,sarangehae” I said.

With that our lips met.


hehe finally finished, please comment and subscribe! ~

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shinebythree #1
Chapter 11: Such a sweet story ;) such a cute ending !!
Good work! Good short story ;)
heechulgirl4ever #2
its cute and great fanfic. but i think its too short
but after all its great ^^
chas_ssmentrok #3
Ahaha..it's cute, short & funny..i really liked it esp. the ending ^^
ert Junhyung going into the bathroom... =="
@mizcrushiez ~ heheh, thankyou so much, means a lot to b one of ur fav author, kamsamnida! ~