Today is not my day: Yukwon

The best of bad choices

Yukwon couldn't help but smirk in amusement at the girl's remark. And her posture. And how she seemed to be helplessly lost in the situation at hands.
'She's really cute'

His smile faltered, however, when she handed him the much dreaded device. He opened the package without any words, mindlessly letting the useless pieces of papen and carton fall to the ground next to his feet. He barely gave the girl a glance while slipping the new sim card in the device. Usually booting a new phone would take forever, but luckily he had a few trick up his sleeve. 

He finally looked up to the girl smirking, as usual. 

"I really appreciate the effort, this phone looks neat." 

He looked back down on it, just to add a contact: his number.

"You know, I'm surprised you could afford this, you seem like what? A uni student?" he tilted his head to take a closer look at the girl. His next move would be a bit bold, but really. What did he have t lose?

"Listen, I may have been kidding the other time, hmm?" he hummed trying not to sound too insulting. "So how about you take this," he took her hand in his and carefully placed the newly booted device in it. "You keep this, so you'll call me later" [wink] " and maybe I could take you somewhere for now? As a... sorry and thanks?"

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