Today is not my day: Yoobi

The best of bad choices

She doesn't remember what it was that had occupied her thoughts so obstinately. Rarely does her mind ever really slow down enough that she had time to hold onto one thought for too long before another manages to snatch her attention away. Ones that crinkle her brows into a furrow and tug downwards at the corners of her lips were the worst of them all. Too quickly would her worries pile high from her own musings alone, seeking out the most minute of things to form imaginary problems in her head and the inevitable doom that lies await. Her downcast gaze searches thin air distractedly as she crumbles under the weight of her own troubled mind, shoulder meeting another's with barely any impact to affect either persons—but the clattering sound that follows tells her that his phone wasn't as fortunate.

The first wave of shock was muted in nature, but the second comes with dread, guilt, and a gasp from behind the hand clamped over . Wide eyes dart from the device on the floor upwards to meet the others quickly, feeling herself wince. (She silently begs for her tear ducts to stay dormant.) "Oh my god, I'm- /so/ sorry!" She moves without waiting for his response, wary eyes flitting back and forth in between the device and its owner as she descends to a crouch, fingers finding grip on the phone for one moment before she begins to rise. Alas, the next moment arrives with another clatter, a squeak, and two hands now working in effort to salvage the phone from the concrete floor as quick as her reflexes allowed her to move(which was admittedly not very quick at all). It stings where the cracked screen nicks her skin lightly, though that was far from the reason why she was wincing visibly when she stands upright once more, uncertain whether the phone was even working anymore. "I'm so, so, /so/ sorry about that..."

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