Today is not my day: Yoobi

The best of bad choices

Sitting in place for as long as she did meant that Yoobi was given ample time to flip through phases like slides. The restlessness seems to make her flipflop between forced nonchalance and hyperawareness: one moment looking up with every motion in the corner of her eyes, and the other entirely caught up in the quiet drumming of her fingers against cardboard. He catches her during the latter, realising his presence far too late and left gaping like a fish out of water as he ushers her out the door.

She tries once, twice, and then a couple times after that to say something - anything - yet it didn't seem like words were coming too easily to her at that moment. “You're still around,” she points out lamely, a fact that was clear as day. “Uh- here. I- don't know how much storage your other one had so I just bought the highest one they carried…” Clumsiness is evident even in the way she tripped over her words, internally cursing the entire time for embarrassing herself even further. Regardless, she tries her best to stand her ground and the box towards the other resolutely, hoping this was going to be the end of it and they could both go about their days.

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