Chapter 03

Because I Miss You Too (SEQUEL)

"~~~~~!!!" Infinite and Teen Top screamed my name as soon as I got out of the car. I look at Woohyun oppa in confusion. He, too, was confused.

"What are you guys doing here?" Woohyun oppa asked them. I stood beside him, looking at Infinite and Teen Top waiting for an answer. I stopped at Sunggyu oppa, hoping he would say something as he was the oldest out of everybody. Instead of explaining, he kept quiet. Myungsoo finally voiced out.

"We can't trust Woohyun to be with you alone so, Sungjong found out where you both are headed to," Myungsoo explained. "Hyung! You promised not to tell!!" Sungjong whined. Woohyun oppa glared at Sungjong oppa, who shrinked behind Sunggyu oppa.

"Welp, since we are all here, might as well just enjoy at......." I look around hopefully to find a sign to know where we are. Since I couldn't find any, I look at Woohyun oppa " Where are we?" I asked.

Infinite and Teen Top laughed. "We're at the beach." Woohyun oppa smiled down at me and pointed behind them. My jaws dropped. How long has it been since the last time I went to the beach? I don't remember. Its been too long.

Sungjong and Ricky oppa took my hand and guided me towards the sea. Behind me, Woohyun oppa was pouting. "Yah! This was suppose to be ~~~~ and mine date!!" He snatched my hand away from them and pulled me. I giggled.I took a seat on the sand and stared out into the sea. "I miss going here" I said to myself but Myungsoo oppa- who were sitiing beside me- heard me.

"Me too. Its been awhile, huh?" Myungsoo oppa smiled at me. I smiled back nodded. I took a deep breath and sighed satisfyingly.

"Princess!" Ljoe oppa called my name. I look up to see a hand in front of mine. "Wanna play with me?" He asked. I nodded eargerly and took his hand. He lifted me up and ran to the water. I grabbed Myungsoo's hand and dragged him along too.

"I don't want to play!" Myungsoo whined childishly. "Keep quiet oppa" I playfully splashed water on to his face. He froze and slowly turn to look at me. My eyes widened. I know I'm in trouble now. I slowly back away.

"~~~~~, come here" Myungsoo oppa calmly said. I took another step back before sprinting away from him and hid behind Ljoe oppa. Myungsoo ran after me and stopped in front of Ljoe oppa.

"Byunghun, please step away from my sister," He said. Ljoe oppa stuck out his tongue, signalling that he didn't want to. "This is the last warning, please step away from her or else" He threathened.

"Ooo I'm so scared~" Ljoe oppa sarcastically said. Suddenly water was splashed on to his face. Myungsoo oppa stood there, smirking. I laughed at Ljoe's shock face.

Ljoe and Myungsoo oppa turn their attention to me. I stopped laughing abruptly and stared at them wide eyes. I took a step back and they took a step forward. "Oppa! Look! An eagle!" I pointed behind them. They look behind and I took that opportunity to run away.

"Oppa!!! Help me!! They want to splash me!!" I screamed at the top of my voice and ran towards Woohyun and Sunggyu oppa who were chatting with each other. They looked at me and stood up.

"Oppa!! Hide me from them!!" I hid behind them. "Why should we?" Woohyun slyly asked. "Oppa!" I whined. "Arasso arasso!" Sunggyu gave in. "Hyung! Give ~~~~ to me!" Myungsoo said as they ran towards me. "Don't bother ~~~~~! Go play with the other kids!" Sunggyu said and pointed to the maknaes.

"No! Just give her to us!!" Ljoe oppa whined. "I don't want to!" I squealed from behind Sunggyu oppa. "See? She doesn't want to! Now go play with the maknaes. If not...." HE glared at Myungsoo and Ljoe oppa.

They sighed in defeat and walked off. I quickly hugged Sunggyu oppa and squealed " Thank you oppa!" Woohyun oppa pouted. "Hey! What about me?!" He asked. I stuck out my tongue at him and walked off. Sunggyu oppa chuckled and sat back down, pulling Woohyun oppa down with him.

I walked to where Hoya, Dongwoo, Niel and Cap oppa were sitting. "Oppas Anyeong!!" I beamed happily. They smiled and Hoya oppa patted the empty space beside him. I gladly sat beside him. "Don't any of you have work today?" I asked.

They shrugged "We deserve a break once in a while." I smiled. "Everyday is break for you!" They sheepishly grinned. "How about you? Does the workers treat you well?" Niel oppa asked. I nodded and smiled.


We sat down on the sand and stared at setting sun. I gaped in awe. Beautiful~ I smiled in admiration. I rested my head on Myungsoo oppa's shoulder. Soon, I was dozing off. Myungsoo oppa glanced down at me and sighed.

"Let's go home guys. Our princess here is tired" Myungsoo oppa whispered but loud enough for everyone to hear. They agreed and stood up. Myungsoo oppa stood while carrying me in his arms.  Myungsoo oppa and the rest walked back to their cars. He put me in the back seat gently and came out.

"We'll see you guys tomorrow." With that, Myungsoo oppa got into the car and drove off. Woohyun oppa drove off with Sunggyu oppa since Sunggyu had taken Mungsoo oppa's car to go there. One by one, they left the place until Ljoe oppa was left. He leaned on to his motorcycle, looking out onto the sea.

He took a deep breath and sighed heavily. His mind was thinking about me. She's trying her best to move on but I know she couldn't. I sighed again. If only she accepted my confession. She wouldn't be too depressed. Suddenly his phone vibrated. He took it out and read the message.

To: Ljoe


Yah! Where are you? We're going to eat. Want to follow?

He sighed and texted back "Yes" before getting on his motorcycle. He took one last look at the beach before zooming off.


Myungsoo POV

I glanced at ~~~~~ through the rear mirror. I turn back my attention on to the road and smiled. She tried. She really tried. But I know she couldn't move on. How heartbreaking it was too see my own sister breaking down. But now, she tries to move on. She tries to forget and I know it wasn't easy for her. ~~~~ started mumbling.

I look at her through the rear mirror again. "~~~~? Princess? Are you awake?" I asked. She stirred in her sleep.

"...yeol...sung...yeol" She mumbled. I sighed. How many times has she mumbled Sungyeol hyung's name in her sleep? I lost count. "Princess.. you have to forget him. He's gone" I said though I know she couldn't hear me.

I shook my head and focused on the road again. When we reached my house, I carried her to her bedroom and gently lay her down. Why can't you accept Ljoe. At least give him a chance to heal you heart. I lovingly gaze at ~~~~~. I don't want to see you hurt. Just accept Ljoe.

I stood up and walked out of her room. I looked at her before closing the door behind me.


Another update up!! :D

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[Because I Miss You Too] Chapter 10 is up ^^


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Chapter 10: Don't let HyunA win this fight author-nim. Sungyeol has to remember her somehow someway. Please Sungyeol please remember.
Oh LOVELY story as you can tell I really like it.
Chapter 10: OMO OMO OMO :O O___O
Chapter 10: T___T He has to remember..
SummerLuv #4
Chapter 10: So that young man is sungyeol?
KimSuYeon #5
Chapter 9: HE WOKE UPPP?!?!?! Seems like he lost his memory though.. :(
SummerLuv #7
Chapter 9: HE'S AWAKE. OMG
Chapter 9: :O HE WOKE UP :O
en hyuna is back? pa lease leave the story or like ummm get killed
UPdate Soon
SummerLuv #10
The hell hyuna ? Seriously ? Such a :/