ChapTer 04

... you killed half my of brain cells already ...

ChapTer 04

I explained everything to Yuki the next day at school.

"So he was only faking it, correct?"

"Yes." I yawn, placing my head on the table.

"Aren't you scared that he'll come today again?"


"Why not?"

"Because I'm not going to see him anymore. I don't know who he is though I feel bad for throwing my shoe at his head. I apologized many times to him. If he doesn't accept it, too bad." I close my eyes.

Yuki shake her head in disappointment. I'm not the brightest person in school. In fact, I'm always late to school, on top of that, I'm the last person on the school rank system. I try to study but fail, not that it's my fault. I give up after multiple times.

"Yah Lee Jun Hee!" teacher scream my name, waking me up from my sleep. I'm a light sleeper by the way.

"Yes?" I rub my eyes.

"How many times did I tell you you can't sleep in my class?" she look very angry.

"Many times."

"Stay after school to clean this classroom."

"Yes." I quietly answer back. It's nothing new to me, cleaning the room. I've done it plenty of times and actually came to like it.

School ended. Yuki sat on top of teacher's desk swinging her feet back and forth as she watch me clean. I move all the desks to one side and the chairs to the other side, mopping the floor.

"Don't you get tired of cleaning?"


"Seriously Jun Hee, why can't you be like any other kids?"

"Because I'm not like them. Plus, I like cleaning." I continue scrubbing the floor with the mop. It seem like years that I finally finish cleaning the room up.

"Let's go get some ice cream." Yuki jump up and down like a hyper kid.

"You're paying right?"

"Why me? I always pay.." Yuki whine.

"That's because you are my bestfriend." I smile.

"Fine.." Yuki pout.

We were walking down the hall arm in arm, laughing like little kids when we see a big crowd near the gate.

"Shouldn't they left hours ago?" Yuki wonder.

Curious, Yuki and I walk towards the big crowd and to my surprise, he was there leaning against the school gate with an annoying face.

"Yah, let's go through the back."

"Why? I can't climb." Yuki whine.

"I'll help you."

"Fine." Yuki follow me to the back side of the school gate. Yuki and I successfully climb over the gate without falling. I poke my head to see if he was still standing there and to my surprise, he was. He kick the ground a couple of times here and there. I laugh to myself.

"Aren't you a little too cruel leaving him there?" Yuki ask as we walk to our favorite ice cream store.

"No. I told him I was never his girlfriend in the first place."

"I feel sorry for him.." Yuki open the door.

"Hello!" I greeted the owner with a cheerful voice.

"How's school today? Don't tell me you were late again." he laugh.

"Aw. Ajusshi, I want the usual." I smile.

"Of course. How about you Yuki?"

"I want chocolate today. Don't know why I'm craving for chocolate.."

The owner laugh. "On your service." he smile.

"Thank you." Yuki pay for the both of us. Both of us sat down in the usual spot, eating our ice cream while watching people walk pass. My back was against the door so if customers enter, I wouldn't know who they are.

*Door bell ring*

"Welcome. What can I get you?" ajusshi ask them.

"I want.. chocolate please." one of the guy order.

"I want vanilla." another voice order up.

"Hyung, what do you want?" the guy ask him.

"Nothing." That voice sound familar. I slowly turn my head, peaking at who that person may be. That voice belongs to no one but him, my so call boyfriend. What is he doing here? I turn my head back around, lowering my head.

"What are you doing?" Yuki surprisingly ask.

"Ssh." I put my index finger to my mouth, indicating her to be quiet. Yuki nodded her head.

"Can I get one cookies n cream and one coffee please."

"Right this way."

Once they receive their ice cream, they sat in the seat behind me. Seriously, out of all the seats, why did they have to seat behind me?

"What are you going to do now hyung?" a low voice ask him.

"When I see her, I'm going to kill her." he didn't hesitate to say.

"I wonder where she went.." a cute voice wonder.

I cover my mouth along with Yuki's so that she wouldn't blurt out anything. We sat there listening to their chats quietly.

"Hyung, is she cute?"

"She's ugly." he definitely didn't think before answering. I wanted to hit him for calling me ugly but I held it in. When time comes, I will get my chance.

"Than why are you chasing after her?"

"He's not chasing after her. She killed half his brain cells Daesung." the other voice speak.

"I bet she's ugly." Daesung retorted, eating his ice cream.

After what seems like hours of sanking in my seat, they finally left the place. Phew, that was a close call.

"I think you just dig up your own grave." Yuki half laugh.

"Yah! You're suppose to help me. Not be on their side."

"I'm surprise to hear him call you ugly."

"He's ugly himself." I folded my hand in annoyance. Yuki and I threw away our melted ice cream in the trash before walking out of the place.

"Bye ajusshi!" I wave to him. He wave back with a smile. I walk out of the store, taking a moment to breathe in the air. I stretch my arm out, smiling to myself. I turn to look at Yuki who seem to have a shock look on her face.

"What's with that face?" I ask Yuki as I place my hand back to my side.

Yuki didn't speak, only pointing to whoever was behind me.

"Who gave you the rights to call me ugly?" the voice ask.

I didn't have to turn my head around to check who that guy is because I already know who he is. What the heck, I thought he left already..

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Update please author~nim >,,<
New reader here and am loving each and every chapter of it!!!
Poor Lee Jun Hee!!! I feel so sorry for her that it's almost funny!!
Okay, WTH am I saying?
Whatever.....Update soon, neh?
HAHAHA !! LOVE THIS STORY~~~ Hilarious !! xD
Hahahaha...... "he's been behind you this whooole time!" good job Yuki.... I'm proud... o.o<br />
Your story is sooo strange... but it's sooo cute!! In a good way!!<br />
I love this story, keep up the good work From me lots of love!
-min_ash- #6
woweee i love this fanfic its soo wierd but cute!!!
Oh please update!!It's becoming more interesting!
Ohmygosh!!<br />
Nichichan #9
niiiice~~ friend you got there...yeah run :)