9:32PM, 25F, clear

Foreign Body

   "Have you ever been in a relationship before, Namjoon?" Jungkook, flustered, swats at Jimin's shoulder. He is visiting for the weekend and hasn't let up talking about love the entire night, upset but hopeful about his own recent breakup. In a booth at a bar, the dim overheads highlight Jimin's drunkenly blushing cheeks and happily squinting eyes and Namjoon feels all the pressure in the entire world on him. Talking to Jimin, to Jungkook's best friend, is scary because he's so sweet and reckless and open and Jungkook hangs on his every word, respects his opinion and wants to impress him.
   "Uh," he laughs because he feels really awkward, "n-not really."
   "I'm- my parents have strict rules." he shrugs and looks away while taking a long drink. His parents wish he would start dating, but it's a part of human life that he tries to ignore and has no idea why Jimin is so interested. Sweat is pouring down his face, it feels like, and the lights are way too hot and bright.
   "Wow. I thought you'd have love letters pouring out your ears. Even Jungkook says you're a nice guy and he hardly gets close to anyone. It's not that no one's ever asked, right?" Jungkook hisses something at Jimin under his breath but he ignores it, intensifying his laser-like focus on Namjoon. He scrambles for an answer.
   "I've just- I have friends, and I focus on school, and I have some hobbies, and that's enough for me. Relationships seem- complicated." Jimin laughs, agreeing.
   "What about ?" Jungkook does a spit-take with his soda and shoves Jimin flat against the booth as he laughs wildly.
   "Jimin!! Please, let's talk about something else!" He looks at Namjoon quickly and their faces are matching shades of red. It's comforting that Jungkook seems just as uncomfortable with the conversation as he is, but he wishes that he hadn't asked at all. Jimin relents and the subject veers to hopes and dreams, weekend plans, evening plans, how are we getting home? They take the bus and end up hanging out in the park for a while, since it's on the way home anyway. Jimin's prying questions soften in the pitch dark beneath the trees.
   "Are you happy here? I know you were having trouble for a while." Namjoon thinks Jungkook looks at him before answering, but he can't be sure.
   "Yeah. I am happy. I feel good these days."
   Splitting up after that and walking home in the cool dark feels a little melancholy to Namjoon, still hot from nerves and alcohol and good company and hoping Jungkook's life changed for the better because they met.

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