3:09PM, 47F, clear

Foreign Body

  Jungkook quickly learns that walking to class without music to listen to is very boring, however, with no phone, he doesn't have a choice but to look up from the ground and find something entertaining in his surroundings.
   Without knowing why, he tries to keep an eye out for Namjoon, but there are so many faces it can get overwhelming. Today his mind is elsewhere and he only notices Namjoon after he waves him over. To a table he's sitting at with a few other people. Even if Jungkook weren't already late for class, he wouldn't want to sit with a bunch of people he doesn't know. He waves back and gestures to his wrist as if he were wearing a watch, starts jogging a little to make it seem like he cares about this class.
   "You can make it!" Jungkook doesn't hear him, but it was worth a shot.
   "Who was that?" Yoongi is only mildly interested but still manages to ask faster than Jin or Hoseok.
   "Some guy I met in the park the other day. He recently moved here and still doesn't know anyone. I'm actually really excited to get to know him." His friends all share a look but he doesn't notice. Things like that, he never notices.
   "I think he might be shy or something though. He just lets me talk for a long time without saying much, but we've only met a few times so hopefully he'll warm up soon."
   "He's in my remedial math class. I wouldn't count on him 'warming up' any time soon." Donghyuk puts air quotes up, indicating something Namjoon can't quite wrap his head around. He changes the subject.
   "You're in remedial math classes?"
   "We can't all be mathletes like you, Kimmie." Everyone laughs, and it is lighthearted, but Namjoon still feels bad.
   "I- I didn't mean it like that!" They laugh harder and he covers his head like a bomb is going off, hoping he didn't hurt anyone's feelings, hoping they'll talk about something else soon, hoping Jungkook will open up to him some day.

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