

After the game of Disguise, Eunbi returned back to the real world. She checked the clock, noticing that it was only five minutes since she had been in Timepiece. She sighed and walked over to her desk.

The lamp was still lit, shining on the several sheets of letters scattered all over the desk. They were all letters that Yuna had sent prior to her disappearance. Eunbi was hoping that she could find some other clue within its contents, but there was nothing.

I should rest, she thought to herself. She turned off the lamp, but felt her world wave. Her eyes widened and she looked around, noticing that everything was starting to glitch out.

Another game? So soon? Eunbi braced herself and closed her eyes as she felt herself get transported back into another game.



Eunbi woke up and gasped.

She got up and was about to start running until someone grabbed her wrist. She whirled around and tried to kick the mysterious person, but he grabbed ahold of her ankle. She glared, then lowered her guard when she realized that Mingyu was grabbing onto her. When she eased her muscle, she lost her balance and ended up dragging Mingyu down with her. The two fell on the ground and groaned until Jungkook and Yoobin helped them get back on their feet.

“Ow, that hurts,” Mingyu grunted.

“Sorry. Since there’s two games in a row, I thought this might be a counter-clockwise game,” Eunbi explained.

“Well, it is,” Jungkook said. “But it doesn’t look like it’s a violent one.”

Then, they heard Dongmin’s voice from behind the black curtains: “Um, guys?”

The four quickly ran towards him. It took Eunbi a second to realize that she was in a café. It was a small café, with a few round wooden desks. The overall room was painted in an eerie purple color. There was no window except for one large glass pane at the front of the café.

As they entered the kitchen, they saw Dongmin looking through a recipe box. He looked at them and pulled out four cards. Each card had a different outfit with their names on the card. Unlike the rest, Dongmin was already in a chef’s outfit.

“It looks like some of us are selected to be waiters and others are supposed to be chefs,” Dongmin explained. 

They each grabbed their card from Dongmin. As soon as they looked at it, the card glowed and a ring formed around their body. As the ring scanned upwards, the card began to dissolve.

The five looked at their own outfits.

"Chef?" Eunbi said, scrunching up her nose. She checked her sleeves and felt her hat. "Why am I the chef?"

"I'm waiter," Jungkook said.

"Same," Mingyu said.

"N-No…" Yoobin's voice grew small when she realized that she was in a waitress outfit. She looked at Eunbi with pure sadness. "Can we switch? Is it too late for us to switch?"

Then, there was a bell echoing from above. The five looked up and listened carefully to the announcement: 

"Welcome, welcome! Are you ready to be the best restaurant in town? Why don't you all step outside and see your competition!"

Eunbi grimaced, but she lead her teammates outside. They second they were outside, they shuddered. The entire area was dark and barely lit. Strange ghostly shades slowly walked back and forth along the streets.

There were a total of eight teams, with four cafés on each side of the street. Eunbi's team was on the right and owned the second café. She saw Park Kyung's team across the street at the very end of the street. She could see IU enthusiastically waving towards them. Park Kyung and Sandeul were wearing chef clothes while IU and L were wearing a waitress and waiter's clothes respectively. Surprisingly, Jin seemed to have joined their team for the game. He, too, was wearing a waiter's outfit.

Right across from Eunbi's café, she saw Jisoo sneering at her. She, too, was wearing a chef's outfit with Minkyung. Yuri was on her team as usual, except she wore a waitress's outfit. The three seemed to be accompanied by two familiar members.

"That looks like Baby Soul, right?" Dongmin said. "And Jaehyun? From out first game with the rock-paper-scissors."

"Look like it," Eunbi murmured. She looked at the other teams, then widened her eyes. "That's…!"

"Please take this time to review the rules on your phone!"

A loud ding! echoed across the street. Everyone pulled out their electronic device and checked:







"Panda, huh," Eunbi mumbled.

"You've been in this game before?" Mingyu asked.

"Yes, but it wasn't counter-clockwise. I'm wondering how bad this can get because from what I know, the Panda is very passive," Eunbi explained.

"I guess we'll have to see," Jungkook said.

"Counter-clockwise doesn't always involve blood," Yoobin pointed out. "It doesn't mean that the game is more violent or anything. It just means that the game is more messed up."

"It's best to keep our guards up," Eunbi said. "Stay extremely focused."




Eunbi stared at the number on her screen. Seven. Seven

She knew by heart that no one in her team had submitted an Evil Eye. If seven evil eyes were out, then that placed her group at a huge disadvantage. Eunbi gulped nervously, unsure of how bad the game could get as a counter-clockwise game.

"Thank you for waiting!" the Panda's voice echoed through the announcers on the street. "Please enter your restaurant and start serving our hungry-hungry customers! Remember the rules!"

There was another ping! on their phones. 


Eunbi glanced over at the window. Five black large stars were displayed on the windows for every restaurant.


"The game starts in three…two…one…!"

A loud buzzer blared across the street. Everyone entered the restaurants quickly. 

"Cha Eunwoo and I will be in the kitchen," Eunbi said, fixing her hat. "You three stay out here and up to the customers."

They all nodded. Just before Eunbi was about to enter the kitchen, she saw one of the ghostly figures enter their restaurant. As soon as it stepped inside, its ghostly figure because less transparent until it became a solid deformed panda. More of the figures came in, taking shape of half-panda and half-zombie like figures. Chills crawled up her spine and she was grateful that she didn't have to deal with the creepy customers.

Through the serving hatch, Eunbi and Dongmin could see the pandas coming in. Jungkook, Mingyu and Yoobin were lined up next to the serving hatch, frozen at their spot.

"Where shall we sit?" one of the deformed panda asked. The panda's arms were interlocked with another panda's, showing that they were entering the restaurant for two people.

"U-Uh, anywhere," Jungkook stuttered. The panda seemed to be a bit confused, but took a seat anyway. 

"Menu?" the creature asked.

A sheet for the menu popped up in Yoobin's hands. She nearly shrieked and panicked. She looked at the boys for some help, but they awkwardly managed to push the job to her. Taking a deep breath, Yoobin walked up to the two pandas with shaky hands. She delivered the two menus to them, then scurried back to where Mingyu and Jungkook were standing.

Eunbi glared at them and whispered, "You guys! Stop standing around like this!"

"Are you seeing what we're seeing? Look at them! They're like scrawny pandas! It's gross!" Mingyu hissed back. "Look! That patch of fur is oozing out something! What the hell is that?"

"The other panda doesn't even have an eye," Jungkook murmured.

"These are ing ugly pandas!" 

"Mingyu! Jungkook! it up!" Eunbi muttered. "Binnie, don't be so nervous. They might dock off points."

"We are ready to order!" one of the panda announced.

The two stared directly at Yoobin. She looked around for help, but the pandas seemed keen of having Yoobin take their orders. She let out a shaky sigh and took out a pen and notepad from her apron pocket. She slowly walked over to their side and cleared .

"U-Um, what would you like?" Yoobin stammered. She tried to smile, remembering Eunbi's warning.

“I would like one Nightmare.”

Yoobin blinked her eyes but still smiled.

“Ex…Excuse me? I don’t think I quite got that,” Yoobin said.

“One. Nightmare.”

Yoobin batted her eyelashes. She tried to look at the menu, but noticed that it was completely blank. She slowly nodded her head and wrote it down on her notepad.

“O-Okay. One ‘nightmare.’ What about you, sir?” Yoobin asked, turning to the second person.

“I want one Laugh.”

Yoobin closed her eyes nervously before opening them again. “Pardon, ma’am?”

“One. Laugh.”

“Like, would you like to hear me laugh? Ha, ha?”

Yoobin’s words seemed to have offended the customer. The customer glowered at her, her fingers gripping the blank menu. The customer service icon appeared with a negative number over the customer's head. Yoobin gulped.

“Are you making fun of me?” the panda asked.

“No, no! I’m not! Okay, so one ‘Nightmare’ and one ‘Laugh.’ Got it. We’ll be out with your order,” Yoobin said hurriedly, keeping up a bright expression. Eunbi reached out her hand to take the order from Eunbi through the serving hatch, but Yoobin walked straight past her.

She rushed into the kitchen, nervously holding the pencil and notepad in her hands. Mingyu and Jungkook also entered the kitchen, following right behind her in confusion. The second she saw everyone staring back at her, she gulped. Then, she looked back down at her notepad and felt her lips tremble.

"What's the order?" Eunbi asked impatiently.

"U-U-Uh… One 'Nightmare' and one 'Laugh' is the order for Table One," Yoobin said in a small voice.

"A what?"

"A 'Nightmare' and a 'Laugh,'" Yoobin repeated.

“What the is a ‘Nightmare?’” Eunbi asked Dongmin. He frantically started to look through the recipe box, but noticed that the box was gone. "Cha Eunwoo?"

"I swear, I had the box right here—" Dongmin caught sight of the box sitting near the stove. He furrowed his eyebrows. "That box moved."

"Well, check and see if it has anything," Eunbi said. She turned to Yoobin. "And you said they wanted a laugh?"

“I don’t know! I thought they actually wanted me to laugh or give them a nightmare, but they actually want something called a ‘Nightmare’ and a 'Laugh,’” Yoobin explained. "The menu is blank, too. I think the requests are all random."

“There’s no recipe named ‘Nightmare’ and ‘Laugh’ in the recipe box,” Dongmin said as he looked through the different index cards.

“What do we do?” Yoobin asked, worried.

“I don’t know. I’ve never played this before counter-clockwise,” Eunbi said, frustrated.

“Why don’t we try creating something random and call that ‘Laugh’ or ‘Nightmare?’” Mingyu suggested.

“Why don’t you try stealing or trading with the other teams?” a voice said behind them. They turned and saw IU holding out a recipe for Laugh. She smirked and Eunbi looked around.

"How did you make it into the kitchen?" Eunbi asked her.

"Well, I walked in from the front and no one seemed to be guarding anything. So I just walked here," IU said. "Although I will say, if we weren't friendly, I would've probably snuck in through the vents."

Eunbi groaned.

"You three, go back! I can see that there's more panda-people entering. Get their orders," Eunbi said. Mingyu, Jungkook and Yoobin obeyed and left to manage the floor.

She then looked up, noticing the various spots that people can manage to sneak in. There was definitely a reason that the recipe box was moving around in the kitchen and why the kitchen was so large.

IU showed the recipe for Laugh.

"I have the recipe for Laugh. I'm willing to trade," IU said.

"You don't need it?" Eunbi asked her slowly.

"I don't, but there's at least one other team that needs it," IU theorized. "What can you trade me for Laugh?"

"Here's the order for Table 3," Mingyu said.

"Order for Table 2!" Jungkook exclaimed.

"I-I got another Laugh order here," Yoobin stuttered.

Dongmin grabbed all three tickets and looked through it. Then, he checked the recipe box.

"Um, according to all the orders we have waiting right now, it doesn't seem like we need a 'Liar' and 'Hacker,'" Dongmin said.

"Perfect! We'll take the Hacker," IU said. Dongmin took out the recipe for Hacker and swapped it with IU's Laugh. 

"Okay, then we need Nightmare," Eunbi murmured.

"We don't have Nightmare, so we can't help you with that," IU said. She beamed. "Let's stay as friendly as we can, okay? Our team doesn't want to screw your team over or anything. We want to get through this together."

"Sounds like a good plan," Eunbi said, smiling. "Thanks for helping us out, IU!"

"Any time!"

IU walked out their restaurant and started running back. Dongmin and Eunbi sighed and looked at the Laugh recipe.

"Okay, so how do we cook this?" Dongmin asked, taking out Laugh.

"Have you cooked before?" Eunbi asked as she headed to the refrigerator. 

Dongmin scratched the back of his head. "Well, just small stuff. Nothing restaurant-fancy."

"That's fine," Eunbi said.

She tossed him a whole fish. It wasn't like the usual fish that they would see at the market. This fish was a deep purple color with with soft fluffy scales. It was still frantically wiggling in Dongmin's arms.

"Eunbi, it's alive," Dongmin said.

Eunbi pointed to the cutting board. "Start cutting that up. I'll take care of the garnish." Dongmin dropped his jaws as Eunbi noticed that the recipe box moved to a different counter. "Oh, and make sure you're keeping an eye on that box, too."

"Eunbi, I don't know how to cut this up!" Dongmin exclaimed.

She threw him the recipe for Laugh. "Just follow the instructions on there! I'll help you in a second."

Eunbi went over to the serving hatch. She observed how well everyone was doing. Jungkook was a natural, and he seemed to be keeping the customers pretty happy. Mingyu seemed to be doing fine as well, but it seemed like more of the female pandas were interested in his good looks. 

She silently noticed Yoobin struggling. She wasn't as charismatic with the customers as Jungkook was, nor did she have the looks to make up for her lack of customer service skills. Eunbi sighed. Normally she would try to get Mingyu or Jungkook to sneak out, but it seemed like the restaurant would do better if they stayed behind.

"Binnie, come here," Eunbi said.

Yoobin finished helping one table before walking over to the serving hatch. "Yes, Eunha?"

"I need you to go out and find Nightmare," Eunbi said.

Yoobin paled. "You… You aren't serious, right?"

"Yeah, why does she get to go?" Mingyu complained as he delivered another order. "Also, you should get back to the kitchen. Cha Eunwoo seems like he's struggling."

"Ya think?" Dongmin replied sarcastically as he frantically tried to push down the dead fish into a pot of boiling gold water. "Eunha, I can't keep track of the recipe box and cook at the same time! You need to help me back here!"

"I-I can't," Yoobin stuttered.

"Binnie, you are literally doing nothing in this right now," Eunbi said. "Look at the customer's ratings for the tables you served versus the others. It's significantly lower."


"Please? Just find us Nightmare," Eunbi said. "You know that I would do it myself, but I can't because I'm the chef. You can see how much Cha Eunwoo is struggling without me helping."

"I-I'll help in the kitchen!" Yoobin exclaimed.

"That goes against one of the rules," Dongmin reminded her.


Fire erupted from the stove. Dongmin widened his eyes and searched around to find something to extinguish with it. Eunbi groaned.

"I'm counting on you, Binnie!" Eunbi exclaimed. She turned around and grabbed a nearby fire extinguisher to get rid of the fire.

"You better go quickly," Mingyu said. "Hurry back, okay?"

"But I really don't want to…"

There was no time. Before Yoobin knew it, she was pushed out of the café to do her search. She weakly looked at all the restaurants around her. The ghostly figures were still slowly roaming around the streets, passing through her. She shuddered and paled until she heard a voice behind her:

"Get out of my way!"

Yoobin yelped when someone bumped into her, pushing her down. She saw someone running down the streets recklessly with a piece of paper crumbled in their hand.

"Move it!" someone else yelped. Yoobin covered her head as the figure jumped over her, chasing after the person who bumped into her. As she watched them run down the street, she heard another group fighting from across the street.

She took a deep breath, then started walking down the street. She glanced into the windows, checking to see which team was cooking what. 

She looked up and saw Yuri punching someone aggressively before taking the recipe from their broken hand. Yuri spat at the random stranger and wiped the blood on her hand against the stranger's clothes. She looked up and grinned wickedly when she saw Yoobin across the street. She started walking towards her.

Yoobin almost froze, but her second instinct was to start running. She quickly fled from the scene, hoping to get away from Yuri, but she had forgotten how Yuri was pretty fast. Right when it felt like she was about to be caught, someone else grabbed Yoobin's arm and pulled her into the alley. Yoobin yelped and was about to scream for help until she realized that it was L who had brought her to the alley. Before she had the chance to say anything, he kicked the back of her legs, forcing her to fall on her knees.

Yuri arrived shortly, but stopped smiling when she saw L grabbing onto Yoobin's wrist. L coldly looked at Yuri, causing her to shiver at her spot.

"You want to be next?" L asked in a threatening voice. 

Yuri grunted, but she didn't try to attack. She ran away, leaving to sneak into a different restaurant.

L quickly pulled Yoobin back up on her feet. "Sorry I had to kick you so suddenly. I was watching you get chased and this seemed like the smartest thing to do."

"T-Thank you," Yoobin stuttered.

"I'm kind of surprised that Eunha made you go out," L said.

"W-Well, my customers weren't very satisfied with me," Yoobin murmured.

"Ah, that makes sense."

"Um, how about your team? I thought IU was out getting everything?"

"She is, but she's currently being pretty reckless right now. She didn't come back since the start of the game, so I'm out trying to find her. I think she's having fun messing around with people," L explained.

"So there's only one server?"

"Yeah, but we trust Jin to hold down the fort. He's good at managing large crowds, so we're pretty sure he has everything handled." Yoobin slowly nodded. He looked at her. "So why are you out here? Or are you heading back to your restaurant?"

"I was asking to find a recipe for Nightmare," Yoobin said quietly.

"Nightmare… I saw three other restaurants fighting for it," L said. Yoobin gulped. "I'd help you, but I really need to bring IU back. The last time I checked, it was in that restaurant over there."

He pointed to the restaurant besides next. She let out a small sigh.

"It's best to get through the vents. Here, I'll help you get up there," L said. He gestured her to follow her and she did.

When they arrived at the entrance to the vent, he bent down and folded his hands together, gesturing her to step on his hands. She bit her bottom lip, then took his help. She jumped on his hand and he lifted her up, allowing her to reach for the vent. Surprisingly, it was quite easy to open the vent. She climbed in and found herself staring in the dark.

"Go straight ahead, take two rights, then a left! You should find yourself in the vent closest to the exit, so once the recipe box spawns nearby, pop out and run straight away!" L instructed her.

"T-Thank you!" she managed to say. When she didn't hear anything, she assumed that he had already ran off to find his teammate.

She took a deep breath and exhaled softly. Then, she began to drag her body through the vents, following L's instructions with ease. Like he had said, she found herself staring out from the vent, watching another team frantically cook in the kitchen. 

"I'm going out to the customer. You can handle things here, right?" one of the chef said.

"Are you serious?"

Yoobin's ears perked up. The voice was awfully familiar, but she wasn't sure where she heard it from.

"Relax! We're doing a great job with our restaurant," the first chef said.

"I can't keep cooking and watching the recipe box at the same time! Stop flirting with the waitresses and just help me!" cried the second chef.

"Okay, but you know that the girl is super cute! I'll be back!" the first chef promised.

Once the first chef went out of the kitchen, Yoobin noticed that the second chef had his back turned against the recipe box. The recipe box dissolved and was placed on the counter closest to Yoobin. She could even see the Nightmare recipe at the very front in the box.

This is my chance! she exclaimed in her head. She took a deep breath, calmed herself, then opened the vent. She fell down rather clumsily, but quickly scurried over to the box to grab the recipe. Once she grabbed it, she started to head over to the door.

The second she reached for the door knob, the second chef placed his hand over it, preventing her from opening the door. Yoobin immediately paled and gasped. She looked up with complete fear, but her eyes widened.

Yoobin widened her eyes. "You're…!"

The boy blinked, then smiled. "It's nice to meet you again."

"I-I thought you were a Chinese student?"

"I am, but I am studying abroad in South Korea now," he said. He extended his hand. "I don't think we introduced ourselves. I'm The8."

Yoobin slowly shook his hand. "I-I'm Binnie…"

"Binnie, huh?" His voice faded until he caught sight of the recipe in her hands. Yoobin gasped and crumpled it behind her. "Is that recipe for Nightmare?"

Yoobin bit her bottom lip. "I-I-I-It's not—"

"I don't need it, so you can have it," The8 said. He smiled. 

"Really?" she asked.

"Yes. Go ahead, quickly!" The8 told her. He opened the door and gestured her to leave quickly.

She beamed. "Thank…Thank you! Thank you so much!"

She started to run off with the Nightmare recipe clutched in her hand. He chuckled lightly and watched her disappear into the crowd. When he heard the other chef walk in, he immediately closed the door and the vent cover, then started to stir a pot. The recipe box teleported to a different location closer to the other chef. The chef whistled and checked the recipe box as soon as he got another order.

"Hey. We're missing Nightmare," he said with a frown.

"What? We are?" The8 asked innocently.

"We needed that!" the other player exclaimed. "Did someone come in and steal it?"

"How would I know? I told you not to leave. You know that one chef can't protect the recipe box and cook at the same time," The8 said, shifting the blame to the other chef.

He turned his body around to focus on cooking, but he couldn't help but let a small smile slip through his face.


* * *


Yoobin finally returned with the Nightmare recipe in her hands. She slammed the doors open, clearly proud and excited over how she managed to get the recipe. 

"I got it!" she exclaimed. The guests looked at her, then frowned disapprovingly at her screaming. Negative points arose from their heads. Yoobin covered and apologized quietly as she made her way through. She handed the recipe to Eunbi.

"I got it!" she repeated, this time in a smaller voice.

Eunbi smirked. "Thanks."

Yoobin smiled and turned back to the customers, but her smile faltered when she saw what happened next.

The panda guests suddenly froze. No one moved a single bit. Jungkook blinked and looked around.

"Are they frozen or is it just me?" Jungkook whispered.

"No, they are definitely frozen," Mingyu murmured.

"Did everything freeze out there for you guys?" Dongmin asked through the serving hatch.

"Yeah. Is the kitchen okay?" Jungkook asked him.

Dongmin and Eunbi came out of the kitchen and looked around with a deep frown.

"The kitchen is frozen, too. The recipe box is glitching and nothing's cooking," Dongmin said.

"What's going on?" Mingyu asked Eunbi.

"I'm…not sure," Eunbi said, looking around. All the small objects started to glitch. "I've never seen this happen before…"

"T-THIS IS N-N-N-N-OT PART OF THE G-GAME." The announcement started to blare out in statics like a bad connection. The voice went from high-pitched to low-pitched. "I-I R-RE-PEAT-PEAT-PEAT…T-TH…N-N-NOT…PAR-PAR-PART OF THE G-G-GA-GAME…"

They all started to run outside, but stopped when they saw that the streets were starting to sink down into darkness. People started to scream as they started to fall down in the abyss. The five started to huddle close as the world literally started to fall apart.

"Eunha, what's going on?" Mingyu yelled.

Before she could respond, the ground beneath them collapsed. They all started to fall down at a rapid scream. They started to scream and yell, bracing themselves for some kind of impact. Their stomachs nearly flipped and they felt their chest squeeze until they fell down somewhere.

All of them groaned, but no one was severely injured. Eunbi quickly got on her feet, but swayed from the dizziness. Mingyu caught her before she fell back to the ground. 

"Wh-Where are we?" Jungkook stuttered.

Eunbi looked around. She was in a dark room, but the room resembled a ring with large observational windows in the inner part of the circle. The windows were the only source of light in the black room.

"Cha Eunwoo isn't here!" Yoobin exclaimed.

Eunbi looked around, then brightened when she saw IU and L standing over one area of the window.

"L! IU!" Eunbi exclaimed. L glanced at her, but IU's eyes were fixed to the window. She ran over to them, but slowed down once she peered into the window.

Below, she could see Sandeul standing at the very center of the circle. He had his wrist chained to the floor, preventing him from escaping. He seemed rather calm, but the deep frown on his face showed how displeased he was to be in the scenario. He was wearing a black-and-white-striped uniform, as if he was on trial for something.

"What's…going on?" Eunbi asked quietly.

Three other lights shined on three other individuals. Eunbi placed her hands against the glass when she saw Park Kyung, Dongmin and Jin also chained up while wearing a formal suit. Park Kyung seemed to keenly observe the situation while Dongmin freaked out and Jin frantically tried to get out of his shackles.

The Timekeeper appeared on bench of the courtroom. Even though he didn't have eyes, he seemed to be looking down on Sandeul. Sandeul easily paled before the Timehost.

"Now, now, now," the Timekeeper stated. The Panda appeared as the bailiff, wearing a cop uniform and standing in front of the judge. "Panda, shall we get ready?"

The lights shined on the jury members. Various Timehosts with different animal heads appeared as the jury. 

"All rise!" the Panda exclaimed cutely. The jury members got up on their feet while the only humans in the room were already standing. "The Honorable and Great Timekeeper will be presiding!"

Sandeul glared. "What's going on?"

Eunbi frowned. She could see Dongmin frantically moving his mouth, but there was no sound coming from his lips. The same happened to Jin and Park Kyung. The three looked at each other, looking as if they could not hear each other at all. They looked up, but it seemed like they were unaware that there were people looking through a window observing the situation from above.

"Why can't we hear what they're saying?" Eunbi asked.

"I'm assuming they are being protected," L murmured.

"Okay, but what the hell is going on?" Mingyu asked. "Why is Cha Eunwoo down there?"

"Please take a seat!" Panda exclaimed. Everyone was forced to take a seat except for Sandeul.

"Can someone just tell us what's going on?" Jungkook asked.

The Timekeeper pounded his gavel, grabbing everyone's attention. 

"Sandeul. Real name Lee Junghwan. Birthdate: March 20th, 1992. Fourth-time Returnee," the Timehost said, reading through his profile through an electronic device. "You have been accused of hacking and cheating Timepiece. How do you plead?"

Eunbi widened her eyes. She looked at at L and IU, only to watch both of their facial expression darken as they remained awfully silent.

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— FEB. 6TH 2021 —
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Chapter 23: Omg this chapter was so stressful and intense
Rip sandeul :( I had to take a few minutes to swallow the last sentence.
trelosomorfimou #2
Chapter 23: I love this story!!! Thank you for updating Author-nim! ?
madamechordia #3
Chapter 23: Your writing really brings out the best imagery TT keep it up, author-nim ❤
Chapter 22: HELLO!!! I'M HERE AGAIN!!! JUST FINISHED THE BINGE READ SESSION AND WHY THE HELL TIMEKEEPER GIVE US SUCH A SICK GAME FORMAT DAY BY DAY???? Dang it cliffhangerrrrr. Crappp, they manage to trace sandeul's activity tho. They do have backup plan about this right?

Also, you know when i read this, it just came into my mind, who is the creator of TP? What kind if technology s/he used, and how come s/he got this idea of building this whole new expansive(?) universe tho... And also storing their real data, also keeping up with their location. S/he/they are soooooooooo amazing.

Oh btw BINNIE MET THE8 HA HA HA FINALLY!!!!! I hope you're doing okay? The current pandemic is sickening, i hope you're doing great. Stay safe :D
Chapter 22: I had a LOT of coping up with these! Omg binnie as someone dangerous??? Why are they all protecting eunha as yuju said?? Omg this is a roller coaster!
Chapter 22: damn this was intense!
gross those panda customers sounds disgusting
eyy binne met the8 again~ thank you L, and I love the scene with binnie and L, so far hes been serious its nice to see him help out
Chapter 21: ooo so the mystery boy have been revealed, binne and the 8 interesting..
i sort of expected yoobin to be the faker as she is someone that would be least suspected from their group and park kyungs comments makes me worry, i really hope yoobin is with their team with good intentions...
Chapter 20: i really wonder why mingyu doesnt like park kyung and the others,
is it a ' they dont look like what they seem' or is he just jelous of eunbi's/eunha's attention being on someone else?
and woah L why so protective over jieun, although i like that just like in real life you added that jungkook admires iu ( or beginning to in this story)