Well That Escalated Quickly

Just Can't Get Enough

This will be in your POV


Unbelievable. This is the worst thing that can happen to me. Well I attract bad luck so I’ve said that statement more than I can count. Its freezing cold because of the December breeze and my car broke down in the middle of nowhere and guess what? It’s gonna be New Year in a matter of few hours or I don’t know my phone lost its battery an hour ago and I don’t have a watch because I threw the last one I had.

I shivered and prayed that somebody or Superman can come and save my night but of course he won’t because he’s not real. This was an unplanned trip okay – trip to the middle of nowhere because I didn’t want my friends to go to my apartment and spend the New Year with me when they are supposed to spending it with their loved ones.

I was supposed to be spending mine with him. But of course I won’t after he practically ate the face of that cheerleader. My love for bad luck happened and so when I was walking away after my speech (that I was done with his bull) I slipped. I got up as fast as I can so I can shut up the laughs I heard.

I spent three days of December eating ice cream and burning all my memories of him. This was those times when friends finally told me the things he does behind my back and whatnots. I broke down many times but ice cream helped me. The fact that mum and dad live far away don’t help too, I don’t even want my brother to come here or my ex-boyfriend’s face won’t see daylight.

I can hear a car come this way and I pray once again that it’s not chucky or Annabelle or any kidnapper- or thief.


Chucky knows my name?

Slowly, I turn my head and of course the window on his nice car is pulled down. I peeked at his face and—

“Y/N what are you doing here? Out in the cold?”

Are my eyes deceiving me? The guy inside the car is Jeonghan?

“Uhh I’m looking for a Night Fury?”

That’s just a ridiculous excuse. Well who doesn’t want a Night Fury? Who doesn’t want a cute black dragon? I should just focus on this man in front of me. I would have preferred Chucky over him. This guy on the car was one of the people who don’t want me to be with my ex-boyfriend.

Well everyone. This guy is my ex-boyfriend’s bestfriend.


“Y/N, how many times have you watched that movie that you’ve gone nuts?”

“A few times. Erm. Every day.” I confess

He opened the door in the driver’s seat and walked out.

“Get inside my car. You look freezing.” Jeonghan said as he eyed me from head to toe

“I was practicing Air bending. You can’t blame me that I chose this night.” I reasoned as he walks over to my car and checks something and pulled out the keys and throw it to me.

I enter his fancy car and examine it; I still can’t understand expensive cars offer little space. That’s why I bought a car with many seats. I saw him walk to the other side and he enters into the driver seat.

“Seriously Y/N what were you doing? But let me guess you are lost.” He stated,he reached out to the back of the car to get a blanket.

“Uhhh yes.” Was all I can say, feeling uneasy realizing which situation I am in

“Why didn’t you stay in your car?” His eyebrows started to knot

“Because it was smoking and I thought it was gonna blow up.” I confess, looking away and noticing the snow is falling too fast.

He shakes his head “You watch too many movies.”

“You noticed?” I laughed awkwardly, “How did you find me?”

He quickly glanced at his phone, “Seungkwan called me; he told me that you weren’t answering your phone and he really sounded worried.” He chuckled, “I had the free time so I volunteered.”

I arched your eyebrow, “You had free time? I bet you’re invited to three parties.”

He smiled and nodded, “Five parties.”

I scoffed; I can see his smug smile. “Tch.”


Awkward pause.



“So, we’re going to be stuck here until we can see the road. We’re in the middle of nowhere and my phone died trying to track your whereabouts, how about your phone?”

“Died a minute a go.”

I absolutely have luck on my side huh. I don’t want to get stuck with him but what can I do. I feel so small around these kinds of people. He makes me small because of his broad shoulders.

Let me fill you in people. Jeonghan is a handsome person. He has his own fanclub and even my niece knows him. He has a nice face, nice body (not that I saw it already), he’s mysterious (giving that hot and y idea). All of those may or may not be from the intel I got from my niece.

“Seems like we’re gonna be stuck with eachother for hours.” He turned to look at me,” We have to turn the heater off for the sake of my battery.”

How can he be so calm? Why did he became a nice person all of the sudden. He turned the engine off and opened the driver’s seat and ran to the door for the backseat.

“Now be a good girl and crawl here.” He says

“B-but how come you didn’t crawl?” I asked

“I would have if I had a smaller body like what you have.” He chuckled

I kinda agree.

I crawl to the backseat of this little fancy car avoiding everything that I would break or something.

“Take off your jacket please, I bet its freezing.” He lectured

I’m so surprised at the lack of awkwardness in his voice. I thought he’d be all judgy because of the fact that I dumped his bestfriend and made a scene -- an even embarrassing one.

I shrugged off the jacket and I’m only left with my baggy shirt. “I told you that this trip was unplanned.” I can see Jeonghan’s eyes soften and I hear him laugh. “Is it because I’m so not a girl-ish in fashion? Why are you laughing at me?” I cross my arms

He tucked me in with his blanket and it was so sudden that I didn’t have the chance to react properly.

“No not really. I find it … comfortable.” he says “I guess that you are comfortable?”

I nod, “Thank you for this. How about you?”

He shrugs and scoots to my side a little closer.

“How long were you out there?” he asks, trying to lift the blanket

I whisper the answer in his ear and at the same time give him space so we can fit inside the blanket.

“An hour?! You took airbending practices seriously. “He joked and secured the blanket around us more

I laugh and realize that we are so close to eachother. This doesn’t feel bad than what you had imagined. We stayed silent for minutes and that made me relax more in the car. I wonder what time it is.

I check out Jeonghan’s face and see that he also is comfortable napping. I guess I need to sleep too but I want to stay awake until its 12AM. I look at his watch and try to see which number the hands are pointed at.

“Its 11:10pm” Jeonghan spoke out of the blue

I smiled, “Thanks. Hey Jeonghan can I ask you something?”

He slightly opened his eyes and looked at me, “Yeah. Go Ahead.”

“Of all the things that you could be doing right now, why on earth are stuck here with me?”

He’s got his full attention to me now, “Well Seungkwan called and just like what I’ve said he was very worried. I was kind of worried too.”

“Was it because I was the ex of your bestfriend?” I ask

“That too, but not quite.”

“What do you even mean?”

He scooted closer, our shoulders are already bumping. I caught a glimpse of the trees outside and see the branches of the tress swaying; it’s getting colder here too. He shifted and stayed like that.

“Aren’t we friends?”

“Ah. Uhh. I’m sorry.” I laugh, awkwardly “I don’t know what to talk in in in this kind of situation when,” I look around and scratch my head “I’m-”

He smirks. “You what? This is a pretty cozy set up.”

“Thank you for coming. Though I could have handled that.” You assure him

He raised an eyebrow, “I will have to disagree on that. Your car overheated and is now flat, your phone is dead. How could you have survived that?”

I wanted to talk my way out of it and give him my long list of survival skills but then I remember that they are so useless. Talking to him still makes me nervous and stuff. If my nervousness was a person, she’d be crazy right now because of this situation. So I just agree with him and nod. It was no point in arguing with someone who is smart.

Seungkwan really, of all the people you can call.

“It was true. They said you are just full of luck.”

“Bad luck.” I pointed out

“Not really, you’re lucky that Seungkwan thought you’d be in trouble and he connected the dots and also you’re lucky that you’re stuck with me.”

You looked at him in disbelief, “Why am I lucky? I thought you hated me.”

He looks at me with accusing eyes, “What makes you think that I hate you? Wow hate is such a strong and deep word.”

“I thought you disliked me.”

 “I have no reason to dislike you.”

“It was your birthday and I messed it up, making a scene with you-know-who ­with all the breaking up and stuff.” I blink and avoid his eyes

He chuckled and that made me look at him. “I’m not that shallow. I was glad you broke up with him. He’s my friend but he’s an , he needs someone to wake him up.” His hands grabbed my own hands and slipped them inside the blanket.

“Really?” That sounded like a whisper


“Why did you laugh at me when I fell down then?” I suddenly realize that his hands are still on the top of mine, I retreat them and fiddled with my bracelet

“I didn’t.” Also a whisper, “I was more amused at the face of ­you-know-who after you poured wine on both of them. These months he has been and I can’t deny that. I will apologize for his part.” His mouth twitched, “You deserve someone better.”

“Nah don’t mention it. It was three months ago and I was drowned in school works that I forgot that my boyfriend cheated on me and when I dumped him my foot slipped and made a fool out of myself but all is well.” I explain

He laughed.

His laugh also is contagious.

Trying to remember it now, Jeonghan had helped me more than once.


“Where is your boyfriend?”

“Seems like he can’t make it.”

“Take this.” He hands the umbrella he was gripping

“Wait! Jeonghan but—“

It was too late, he already ran in the midst of the heavy rain.


“I can’t go to the swimming pool party.” I say

He nods, “Are you okay? You look kind of pale.”

“I’m fine Jeonghan, it’s the monthly visit. Why are you here? Where is he?”

He blinked rapidly and huffs, “Well, he’s uhh sent me here to pick you up.”

I nod and smile weakly. It’s my first day of my period and I feel the worst.

“Is there something I can get you?”

“No it’s fine, really.”

“Please.” The ultimate magic word. I already opened the door and gestured for him to get inside.

“Can you cook?” I ask

He coughs and smiles, “I can at least make you scrambled eggs.”




“So have you been dating someone? After him?” he asks

I scratch my arm and shake my head, “Naaaaah. After my last relationship seems like my standards are pretty high now.” I said jokingly

My ex was good in words and made an effort when we were together, but everything went cold gradually. I tried my best to fix it but he made it sure that there was nothing to be fixed; he even demonstrated how he was so good in cheating. I cried for a day and went on with my life. I can’t be sad because of an like him.

 “Well how about you? Are you dating? I’ve never seen you being lovey-dovey with a girl before.” I ask and teased

“Really? I’ve been with a girl.”

I smack his arm, “Are you serious? Wow, did you meet after me and you-know-who broke up?”

Because then I don’t have the reason to meet and hang out with Jeonghan. After the incident I was embarrassed. I felt like I ruined his party, I could have waited after that but emotions ran over me so I made a scene.

“I’ve been with one and all this time she wasn’t available.” He said

My eyes widened, “What? Is she married?”

“No!” He denied. “She’s just stupid for not noticing me.” He said while shaking his head

“Oh. I thought you had girls lining up for you. Did you know you have a freaking fanclub?” I start and see him bury his face in his hands

“Ughhh.” He groans

“My niece is a fan.”


We both laugh and he pushed me playfully to the side and I shove him right back too.

“I haven’t been dating lately because.” he rubbed his nape and looked me in the eye, “You weren’t available.”


“Ohhhh, so that’s why—wait, what?” I stutter


He shifted his legs and faced me while also making sure that the blanket is still shared within us. I can feel the car door getting colder and colder too.

“You, me, what?” I ask still skeptical of what he just said. Was that a confession?




He leaned his head to the seat, shoulders drooping “I wasn’t able to date anyone if it wasn’t you. Well it wasn’t always like that; I think it started when it was when you thought you-know-who was sick.”

“Was he really sick?”

He chuckled, “No, he wasn’t. I’m sorry.”

“I’m over it.” I swiftly replied

“We only have met twice and you noticing that I was actually the one, who was sick, impressed me since I didn’t even know that I was sick.” He lifted his hands to heaven, “My mind was blown and that was the start.”

I got lost and dragged his lifted hands to his side and gaped, “The start of what?”

He caught my hands and held it tight, “My unrequited love? I wasn’t gonna steal someone else’s girlfriend even if I can.” He meekly smiled


Yeah right


“Oh.” I couldn’t concentrate on what he’s saying when he’s massaging my hand. “I’m sorry I didn’t know.”

“Well that was the plan until you-know-who started becoming an unappreciative and eventually a cheating boyfriend, I know that was selfish of me to want you two to break-up since you two are my friends but he’s a jerk and you deserve someone who’s not a jerk.” He said without even stopping

“So you’re not a jerk?” My hand still is getting a massage

He sighed, “I hope you see me that way. This is me confessing and I do hope you’ll think about it.”

I scrunched my nose and pulled my hand from his. I looked at him in worry and he looked like he’s starting to worry too. His shoulders are still drooping and his forehead is creased but his attention is on me.


“What will my niece say?” I whisper

His frown faded and immediately replaced with a smile. It that a smile? Looks like a cocky grin.

“Ah nooo.” He pouted, “Don’t give me an answer right now. I can wait. I’ve waited this long.”

I checked his watch and it’s exactly 11:59.

I scooted closer and he just stared at me. I reached out and tugged the shirt under his jacket (how i managed to do that, I have no idea), he gave me a confused look and I motioned for him to come closer.











I lifted myself and placed my hands in his shoulders, kissed his cheek, lingering longer than the usual. I go back to my original position and then he got a hold of my hands, he looked away and back to me again.

“Happy New Year.” I say and slightly smiled

He broke into a chuckle, “Uhh, Happy New Year. What was that about?”

“My answer,”


I smiled as I see his confused face; I might not be a magnet of bad luck after all.






That was a ty ending I'm sorry ;_; HOPE YOU LIKE THIS SHORT STORY THOUGH HEHEHE 

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psungjae1122 #1
Chapter 4: I love your one shots! Hope you’ll update the next one very soon ^^
Chapter 4: I loovveeee them all! They’re like everything I love in a one shot! Thank you so much for making this! I’ll be waiting for the next update!!