Friends? Nah!

My Next Door Neighbor Eli [Hiatus]

Narrators P.O.V

Soohyun quickly drove the car to where the loud crash was and they both widen there eyes "SOMIN!" SoMin was on the ground with blood slightly tricking down her head. She had a huge motorbike on her and couldn't move. Eli yelled rushing towards her. Soohyun quickly called the ambulance and Eli lifted the motorbike and put her head on his knee "Please be alright...Please," he said closing his eyes as people took her away.

SoMins P.O.V

I opened one of my eyes and looked at the plain white ceiling Where am I? I tried to sit up but a wave of pain rushed through my body and I lied back in bed and groaned "Oh your awake," I looked over to see Soohyun and Dongho standing there "Noona...are you okay?" Dongho asked and I nodded slowly. Soohyun slightly smiled "I have told your friend...the one eating sandwiches with yo-"
"HeeYoung...her name is Kim HeeYoung," Soohyun nodded "And Eli went to your apartment to tell your brother," I sadly looked down when he mentioned his name and Soohyun sighed "He did help you SoMin..."
"It's not that..."
"If it's about that JiHyo person Eli doesn't believe her,"
"Then why help her!" I slightly yelled. Dongho left the room because he didn't really know what Soohyun and SoMin were talking about and Soohyun lightly pat my back "He had no choice...what kind of person would just let a girl cry and not help them up?" I thought for a moment and sighed "You are right...I'm sorry...Tell Eli I said sorry and...thankyou," Soohyun grinned and rushed out the room and Dongho came back in "Noona! Are you sure your okay? Should I call the doctor? Do you want some food? Or something to drink?" I quitely laughed "No Dongho I'm fine, But calling the doctor may be a good idea," Dongho nodded and ran out the room to call a doctor but the door opened once again. 

Eli P.O.V

I quickly bought some porridge after Soohyun hyung told me that SoMin said thankyou to me and walked to her room. I quitely opened the door and saw her in an awful state but somehow....still beautiful? Ughh what the heck am I thinking of?  She looked at me and nodded her head and I quickly went in "Are you okay?" She nodded at me and smiled "I got you some porridge" 
"Thankyou Eli," I took out what was in the plastic bag. She tried to get it herself but I shook my head "I'll feed you," she looked at me strangly but I still feed her anyway. After a few minutes she finished the whole bowl "So...friends?" I asked. She looked at me and thought for a while. She smiled and slowly nodded. I smiled at her and the doctor came in "Hello sir, sorry to inturupt but I need to see SoMin-sshi's condition so could you please leave," I nodded and walked out.

5 days later

Narrators P.O.V

"YAH YOU PABO!" SoMin screamed throwing a pillow at Eli at back stage "BWO!"
"NO WAY!" The two continued on and the rest of U-kiss sighed along with HeeYoung who made it backstage with Soohyuns permission and another of there make up stylist.


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  <====== OMG *spazzes*


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itpaty #1
I'm loving the fanfic, please update soon ^ ^
OMG YES! :D Forbidden Love is soooo amazing and Kiseop even has a good amount of lines this time so I don't feel like he was left out.
Can't stop reading!I love this story!<3
very nice ;) well then we just have to wait... nice holidays to you <3
pinayELF13 #5
love it ~~eli is my biased
This better be updated fast! :) *thumbs up