


A/N: You should probably listen to a slow/sad song so that you can get the feel for this chapter. It’s up to you though~ ^^


It had been two weeks and she’s avoiding me. It’s pretty obvious although she would deny whenever I have the chance to ask. I sighed. Why? I just… Is it wrong to love her? I had this feeling inside of me when I saw her for the first time. She’s beautiful… and different. I had dated a lot of girls in the past and none of them lasted. None of them were like her.

“Here, wipe yourself dry.”

“Hyemi. Kim Hyemi. You?”

“This. Is my boyfriend, Yoon DooJoon.”


“Aish…” I ruffled my hair and decided to give her a call. Since thinking about her here and doing nothing else is getting me nowhere.



No answer….. I sighed again before texting her,

“Hey, can we talk? I will meet you at the café. Hope to see you there! :)” –Junhyung

I waited patiently for her reply. I really wanted to see her. Just then, my phone vibrated. I immediately lit up but frowned after reading what she said,

“Not today, I am really busy. Next time, probably? Sorry~ ^^” –Hyemi

“Alright then… but why weren’t you answering my calls?” –Junhyung

I replied and after a few minutes, I received her text.

“Told you I am busy… Got to go! Talk to you later~” –Hyemi


That’s what she says every time, and her ‘later’ never comes. I went to my room and changed into a comfy sweater along with my favorite jeans. I put my phone in my front pocket, slipped my foot in my shoes, and headed to the café. I know she wouldn’t come but since I have nothing else to do for the rest of the day, I decided to go have a cup of warm coffee. It would probably make me feel better.


I sat at the corner of the café, her usual seat. After taking a sip of the warm coffee, I glanced outside the window. Many people passed by and everyone seems happy. There was a family; the son was in the middle of his parents, holding their hands, swinging back and forth. I smiled at the scene, suddenly having the urge to have a family of my own. Then, there’s this two happy couple, hands intertwined together, and the girl is laughing at a joke the guy said. Wait… they look so familiar. I squinted to get a clearer view of their faces. It’s… her… and her boyfriend…

Oh… that’s what she’s busy with.


He seems to be taking her somewhere. I don’t know why, but I felt curious and thought it wouldn’t harm if I followed them.


He brought her to the beach, that beach I first kissed her. I felt my heart stung a little. Why here? Why now? What is he going to do to her? Questions of ‘why’ and ‘what’ filled up my mind.


Hiding behind the nearest tree, I peeked out to look at the couple standing in the middle of the beach.


“It’s beautiful here right?” I heard the man, who I supposed is Doojoon, said. She nodded slightly, without showing any expression. Just then, Doojoon got on one of his knee and opened a blue box revealing a diamond ring.

“Will you marry me?” I gasped and look towards her. I could see shock… sadness… and a little guilt in her eyes. I wasn’t sure. Is she going to reject him? I hope she will, please tell me she will.


After what seemed like eternity, she finally said, “Yes…” and then that man hugged her, tight.


……. I could feel my heart sink to the bottom and dropped to the ground, shattering into thousands of pieces. I tried to hold back my tears, but they still found its way down my cheek. And I left, just like that, without even bothering to pick up my broken heart.


Why do I even feel upset? She wasn’t even mine in the first place. But it still hurts… a lot… I know this may sounds crazy due to the fact that I had only know her for less than two months, but it seemed like we have know each other since forever.


Hyemi, please be happy.


A/N: Hi~ ^^ Last update for this week~ I will probably update again... next weekend? Since I am taking my national exams this year, so I will be very busy on weekdays. But I will try to write alittle everyday and post up a chapter every weekend. Hope to see your comments! ^-^

Big big hug for those people who subscribe to this story!!! 

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read for 2nd time..but still..sob2..
TTTT i'm cryingggg
sobs why hyemi die??
aiggoo TT nice story~~ ^^
So it's not a happy ending~~~

no! she died. no happy ever after. but i guess that is better. cause all the fanfics i be reading be giving only happy endings..
and no it's not obvious. it's just i read a lot of fanfictions that i can probably guess. lol. i do that with a lot of the other fanfics i read. or it's also because i watched a lot of dramas to predict. lol.
aigoo ㅠㅠ that was a heart attack. why should hyemi die????

You can't make Junhyung die..
Anyway this chapter is daebak!!!

So sad... I wonder what will happen next???
Maybe Junhyung met another girl, her face is just same like Hyemi???

-Just my imagination lol~
i bet it was her who got hit......
OH MY GOD!!!<br />
<br />
What happened to him? Accident??? <br />
<br />
. . . Pity him....
Yah! -_- i want more~ please :3