Chapter 6

Stranded With Seventeen

It's about noon when the four of you finally decide to head back after an anticlimactic and fruitless search of the land beyond the rocks – it's just a short stretch of sand, with a vast greenery of the jungle in the backdrop.

You want to go beyond the beach and venture into the unknown depths of the jungle, but the boys don't say a word about it – like there's an unspoken barrier limiting them from going too far, so everyone simply strolls on the sand. Woozi's been picking up a few more shells and pocketing them, but apart from that, there's no new development – not even one trace of the other missing members – so, feeling a bit down, your little group retrace your steps over the treacherous rocks, and back to the main beach area.

As you, Jun, Joshua and Woozi trudge back to the base, you can hear Seungkwan's loud yelling. You wonder what else could be happening now – of course, with Seventeen, there's never a dull moment.

"I was trying to sleep, but he keeps singing! It's so annoying!" Seungkwan complains as your little group approach. Jun laughs at Seungkwan's statement, which annoys the younger boy even more.

"I'm trying to keep the mood up, and it gets a bit too creepy if it's quiet." Wonwoo shrugs. He's been extending the shelter - a bit of poor handiwork, but it's the thought and effort that counts – and now there's more shade from the hot sun, which Woozi is grateful for.

Joshua tries to placate Seungkwan, talking to him in his ever-calming tone, as Jun nudges you and says, "Seungkwannie needs to go for a swim in the sea; he's so stressed out." You suppress a giggle and nod, thinking that Jun's right – that impromptu dip in the ocean did alleviate your stress, even though now your clothes smell like the sea.

"I hope the fishing team catches some fish." Wonwoo says, after listening to Woozi's recount about your little trip. Woozi counters that Wonwoo can't eat seafood, but Wonwoo, keeping up his newfound image as the castaways' happy virus, simply shrugs it off.

You pass around a bottle of water as everyone settles down under the extended shade, shielded from the sun. No one knows what to do, but Wonwoo keeps the mood light as he hums random little songs.

"I miss my guitar." Woozi laments, stretching his fingers. He's probably itching to write music, since that's all he does.

"It kind of feels like we're on holiday." Joshua reclines on one of the crates.

"It's a crappy one, then." Seungkwan's been surly since day one – a large contrast to his easygoing, loud personality back home. "I miss the other members."

Wonwoo stops humming. No one says anything for a moment. Seventeen's a band of brothers, doing everything together, but now that they're separated, it seems off for them.

"I'm sure they'll be fine." You break the silence. Jun, the infinite prince of positivity, looks at you and agrees, nodding his head.

While waiting for the fishing team to return – hopefully with food – everyone keeps themselves idle. Seungkwan makes himself comfortable in the shelter, settling down for a good nap, while Woozi sits nearby, fanning himself. Joshua takes it upon himself to make an inventory for the remaining supplies, with Wonwoo shadowing him closely, insisting he'd done that earlier. You sit with Jun under the extension of the shelter Wonwoo built, looking out to sea.

"I want to go into that jungle we saw earlier." You say the words that's been lingering on your tongue.

Jun looks at you like you have a death wish.

"No." Woozi says firmly, barely looking at you.

Wonwoo pauses from shadowing Joshua and chips into the conversation, with an interested look on his face. "What jungle?"

You tell him, as the rest of the boys (save for a napping Seungkwan) shift in their places uncomfortably.

"Sounds interesting. We should go soon." Wonwoo nods avidly with a smile plastered across his face.

"Noona, don't go. He might try to eat you." Woozi interjects, using his sharp producer's tone. Wonwoo laughs at Woozi's statement, and you crack a smile. Woozi's expression is dead serious; his eyes piercing onto you, as if trying to convey a hidden message.

"Woozi, you're just being paranoid." You laugh it off. Joshua and Jun don't say a word, since they can't judge the unpredictable Woozi even though they've been together for years. "It'll be fine. Wonwoo and I can go, and you guys can rest here. We might find something in the jungle." You try to keep a positive outlook, adding a saccharine smile.

With a child-like manner, Wonwoo breaks into a huge grin – a definite huge contrast to the quiet, bookish Wonwoo you worked with – and shouts, "ADVENTURE TIME!" as Woozi glares at him and scoffs, "Predators are going to eat you."

"It does seem dangerous, actually." Joshua says. "You never know."

"We could find food there, like fruits and berries." You suggest, trying to justify your case, knowing that the boys never say no to food. Deep down, there's a wild notion in your heart that there might be something in the jungle; that's why you're so drawn to it. And as for Wonwoo, being the castaways' self-appointed happy virus, an adventure seems exciting.

Joshua points to the coconut pile right next to the shelter. "We have food."

"And Coups-hyung and Hoshi and The8 are out fishing right now, I'm sure they'll catch something." Woozi adds, ignoring the fact that the three are fishing novices – precisely the reason they've been gone for so long.

You can't begin to explain your instincts of exploring the jungle, so you just keep quiet. Wonwoo starts off on a tangent about being adventurous and how there'll never be another chance to do this; prompting Woozi's baby face to turn into a murderous expression.

"Maybe we should wait for Coups-hyung to get back, and we'll see what he says." Jun suggests quietly. Joshua nods in agreement, before turning his attention to Wonwoo and Woozi, stopping the latter from attacking the former.

You don't pursue the idea anymore and let the conversation die. Craving for some shut-eye, you join Seungkwan in the shelter and try to let slumber take over you, the balmy sea breeze lulling you off to sleep under the bright sun.

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ugly crying because this story is DONE. Thank you so much for sticking with me all the way, readers. 'Til the next fic :)


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Chapter 12: OMG the story ended I'm not sure how I feel anymore but it sure was an unforgettable ride! I really like this story idea, it's very unique and refreshing compared to the other stuff I read :) looking forward to your other works!
Chapter 9: A RAFT! Omg so many things can go wrong! and what about the others??
Chapter 7: I almost teared but KWON FIYAH IS TOTALLY MY THING. And i am no spreading the gospel of the coconut song to all my friends. thank you
Chapter 4: The8's characterisation is so spot on ahhhh
Chapter 12: So I just finished this the other night. And boy, did it end on a bit of a bittersweet note. T T
A part of me really wanted to see some romance budding, but the other part was just too caught up in the flurry of relief and--I don't know--endearment the end came with. The seashell bracelet as well... feels!
Thank you for writing and sharing this story! It was a really lovely concept, and you pulled it off so well.
Chapter 3: SCOUPS FOR THE WIN. And you know what they need? Mingyu. Every man needs a Mingyu when they are stranded. This story would have ended happily in one chapter if they found Mingyu lol
Chapter 7: The coconut song preview was enough to wreck me. So creative, LOL, go Wonwoo!
I'm really curious to see what Woozi's deal with the forest. Of course, I probably would react the same as him considering it's a forest on a foreign island and they're less than prepared to venture into it, but I'd still like to see what's going to happen here concerning it. The end of the chapter was super cute, especially the rookie mistake part. Oh, Coups. That was just too cute, haha.
Chapter 11: Oml they're Already gettibg rescued?!?! Aghhh im so hapi!!!!
Chapter 4: So cuuuute! The bit about S.Coups sleeping next to the protagonist was super adorable. Enjoyed this chapter and how they went about the whole sleep rotations! Seventeen is doing a pretty good job at survival so far, I must say, haha.