What I thought

Idoimugēmā Daigaku (Idiot Gamer University)

Day two at OGU, and crazy things have already happened. No, CRAZY CRAZY things have happened. Like what happened last chapter. Rena had to explain to me what happened, and I still did not get it. I decided to call Rikasan. "ARE YOU OKAY?!" Rikasa yelled trough the phone. I guess either Rena told her, or the news spread out to her. "I AM READING THE NEWSPAER, AND IT SEEMS LIKE YOUR COLLEGE HAD A--" she screamed. "Murder?" I asked. "I DON'T KNOW...ARE YOU OKAY?!" She screamed. "Could you stop screaming?! Yes I am fine, and are you somewhere else?" I asked.  "No, I am at the house, why?" Rikasa asked. "Well...OHHH!!" I screamed. "I WILL CALL YOU LATER, RIGHT NOW, IVE--" 


I had no idea what she was saying. That voice sounded like something is on, even though I couldn't hear the T.V going on. But she then do ME to stop screaming, so now why is SHE screaming?! 


There re was something going on outside, like Christmas carols, but with tricks like flips and stuff. I was thinking to go to a First Shrine at New Years. 


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