lifetime opportunities

Fool for you?

Doyoung wasn't one to be glued to his phone. In fact one would argue he's always glued to his books. He took pride in his grades and he studied enough to be proud. It wasn't that he avoided people and social gatherings, he just never had time to get around it.

During one of his classes while flipping through his book, he overheard some girls talking about an app. Doyoung was embarrassed to admit but he was definitely outdated with social media.
After contemplating for awhile he puts the pen down and takes out his phone to download the famous ‘snapchat’.

He manages to figure out his way around the app and decides it's pretty simple, you either send pictures or text messages but they both delete after a certain time. He sends a quick text to one of his friends asking for his username and after 20 minutes of owning the app he officially had one friend.

He puts his phone down and lays down on his bed. The app was useless if you didn't have any friends. The phone which laid peacefully on his chest began to vibrate. A message from “Jae” appeared on the screen.

Doyoung didn't know any Jae’s, this freaked him out. There was no preview of the message so he didn't have any choice but to open it.
He swipes on his phone and reads the simple message.

Jae: hey :)

Well that was friendly enough. Doyoung had no clue what to do. Was it really wise to talk to a stranger, when there was a possibility he was a complete freak. Well he didn't have anything else to do.

Doyoung: hi…do i know you??

Doyoung didn't have to wait much in a few seconds he got a reply.

Jae: ah u don't… but I'll make u wish u did

Yea. This guy is a freak. He closes the app and gets ready to sleep. His phone vibrates again.

Jae: hey don't leave me hanging!! Are you busy rn?
Doyoung wasn't sure why but he wanted to answer him.
Doyoung: hmm.. I'm getting ready to sleep in a bit… and you?

This Jae guy seemed very interested in him since he would reply right away.

Jae: sleep??? This early??? what a baby
Jae: and im bored I was hoping u could change that hehe

Doyoung felt weird talking to him, it felt as if they knew all about him but they were a mystery to Doyoung.

Doyoung: 10:30 is a reasonable time to go to bed… and why am I going to get insulted by a stranger.

Jae: I'm only teasing u cutie… stranger? Let's change that hey nice to meet you I'm jaehyun :)

Well that didn't help, he couldn't seem to remember anyone by that name at school.

Doyoung: I'm Doyoung, and I'm going to sleep have fun being bored alone.

Jae: no wait!!!! Don't leave me :( let's have some fun please really quick..

Doyoung was rolling his eyes like hell he'd respond.
He reaches to turn off his light and closes his eyes. Only seconds later his phone is vibrating once again. The curiosity gets the best of him and he opens the message.

Jae: cmon there's nothing to lose we don't even know each other. Send me a pic I wanna see ur face :)

It was true. They didn't know each other, there was no way they would ever meet. Doyoung decides he wants to have fun too. He's spent his entire life buried in books why not be spontaneous for once. He turns on his light and begins to model for his phone. The lighting was weird but he manages to take a selfie where he doesn't look bad. He sends it and is unexpectedly nervous for their response.

Jae: wow ur cuter than I thought… and ur blond?
Quickly after reading the text, Jaehyun sends him a picture. Doyoung’s eyes are wide open at what he sees. It's Jaehyun shirtless in the dark, you can see him from the light coming through his window. It was mostly his chest but his jaw line was visible. Across the picture in text was ‘Tell me if u want more <3’ and just like that the picture disappears forever.

Doyoung gulps, what had he just witness. He was feeling weird… yet weirdly attracted to this stranger. Doyoung wanted to continue messaging but what could he say to that.

Doyoung: nice…….

Jae: hahahh you're very cute, is that all? >.< what more? Do you wish u were here with me?

Doyoung knew he didn't. He wanted to be hundreds of miles away from this guy. Yet he replies otherwise.

Doyoung: yes, I wish I was there with you.

Jae: hmm and? What do you want to do? Do you want to touch me?

The sudden realization hits Doyoung. In what kind of situation did he put himself in. Doyoung freaks out for a second, what was he going to do. He had never been in a situation like this. He could go on and pretend to be someone who he wasn't or he could go to sleep and forget this ever happened.
But Doyoung was better than that. Who cares anyways. Life is short, when will another opportunity come like this again? A hot guy begging for me. Yes… and I can always just turn my phone off if I want to stop. Doyoung convinces himself.

Doyoung: no… I want you to touch me…

Jae: hehe I knew you would do it :) what did I tell u? U wish u knew me… so go on tell me everything you want me to do to you… I'm feeling good tonight

The words they exchanged had Doyoung red the entire time. He was thankful he had locked his door before going to bed or else if anyone found him in the mess he was he wouldn't be able to explain. The things he said had never even left his mouth before, he felt dirty dirty dirty. It all felt unreal, he couldn't even remember most of the things he said but it was all done in the moment. Jaehyun ended it off with ‘I promise I'll do everything u want and more one day’ this gave Doyoung the chills.

Before Doyoung’s math class started, sitting behind him Mark tapped his shoulder and told him to meet him up during lunch. There no was no explanation and since it was rare that they talked, Doyoung was intrigued. They had exchanged numbers before but Doyoung saw him as a little brother, he was a junior who made his way into an advanced mathematics class. Although he acted like he wasn't Mark was very intelligent.

Doyoung was in the cafeteria with his tray of food waiting patiently by the entrance. Mark didn't say where or anything so he would look at his phone hoping for any text. Doyoung had just given up when Mark walks in along with a friend he presumes.

“Hyung! I've been looking everywhere for you!” Mark exclaims way too enthusiastically.

“Well, maybe if you told me where next time.” Doyoung glares at him.
Mark shyly scratches the back of his head.

Doyoung looks at the guy in front of him. He didn't have any classes with him that's for sure. He did seem familiar though. And judging by his face he seemed older than Mark so they must be the same age. Maybe he's in the basketball team with Mark, Doyoung guessed.

Mark noticed the awkward pause and begins to speak again.
“I uhh Hyung, actually I have a favor to ask for.”
Mark playfully hits his friend with the back of his hand. “This guy over here needs your help..”
“This hyung.” Jaehyun corrects him with a smile on his face.
Doyoung stares at them both.

“This is Jaehyun hyung.”

Jaehyun. Doyoungs stomach dropped. It couldn't be him. Was Jaehyun a common name, what were the chances. Doyoung was a good kid, and the one time he does something bad it's going to ruin his life. He couldn't hide the look of distress on his face.

There was just a smirk on Jaehyuns face as if he had planned this all. What a sadist.

Suddenly there was an arm around Mark. Pink hair Taeyong, everyone knew him. The smile that appeared on Mark's face was cute.
“Hyung!!” Mark said excitedly.
“Ah Captain.” Jaehyun said less excited.

There was someone behind Taeyong looking curiously at them. He recognized them they were in the same bio class.

“I told you not to call me that Jaehyun, and lookie lookie where have you been? We aren't friends anymore or what?” Taeyong asked jokingly.

“Around… and I can ask you the same thing.” Jaehyun responded cooly.

Everyone was ignoring Doyoung as if he wasn't there. Jaehyun looks over to the stranger.
“And you?” Jaehyun questioned.
Everyone's eyes fell on Winwin.
He struggled but managed to say his name.

“Hey Winwin, you wouldn't mind helping me out in the bathroom for a little bit.” Jaehyun was joking but it didn't stop him from saying it.

Doyoung cringed at his obvious attempt to flirt.
“Ew gross hyung!” Mark says.

Winwin looked a bit confused. “Help?” He looks at Taeyong for confirmation. “I can help…” Winwin says nicely.
The smirk on Jaehyun face disappears, and becomes surprised by his response.
“Woah I think I'm in love with you.” Jaehyun says getting closer to Winwin. Taeyong interrupts him.
“Hey don't play around with him.” Taeyong looked tired.

“Sorry.. but wow boys like him… all innocent.. really tur-.”
Mark starts singing. “Lalala I'm right here.”

Taeyong holds Winwin's hand and takes him out without saying goodbye.
Jaehyun focuses back on Doyoung.
“So Doyoung how about you help me.” Jaehyun states more than asks.

Mark socks him in the shoulder. “You promise you wouldn't be weird.”

Jaehyun touches his shoulder. “Ouch fine… I was just wondering if you want to get lunch tomorrow and talk? I need a tutor…”

Doyoung is stunned.

Unable to give an answer Mark begins to talk again. “Please Doyoung! You need to help him out if he gets one more bad grade he'll have to drop the team.” Mark seemed genuinely upset.

He looked at Mark and he couldn't deny his pouty face. Doyoung curses for having a soft spot for him.

“Fine… one condition though. Jaehyun can't be weird with me… no flirting.” Doyoung decided he would pretend like that night never happened. There was also the possibility it wasn't even him.

“That seems hard… ahh.”
“Hyung, Doyoung is a good person please don't dirty him with your filthy hands.”

“Get out of here kid.” Jaehyun lightly pushes Mark away.

“This is how you're repaying me fine, I'll leave.” Mark leaves waving goodbye. Doyoung and Jaehyun are alone.

“So you want me to not flirt?” Doyoung nods and waits for his response.

“Your blond hair? Is so y I can't stop thinking about it since I've seen it.” Jaehyun spits out.

Doyoung looks around to see if anyone is looking.

“Shhhhhhh” he pushes Jaehyun out the door.

“Your milky legs… can I have the privilege to kiss him?”

“Oh my god shut up Jaehyun!” Doyoung was hitting him hoping he would stop talking.

“I need you please.” He copies Doyoung's words from last night. “I can't wait to hear those words come out of your mouth.”

Doyoung is red mixed with anger and embarrassment. It really was him.

“You have a deal I won't flirt with you.” Jaehyun said innocently.

Doyoung had no choice but to stare at him unsure what to do. But very sure he wanted to hit him now.

“Wait can I say one last thing? You look really cute right now… okay there I'm done.”

Doyoung accepts only for his little Mark.

well well well…… first of all i'm sorry i haven't updated in so long … this chapter was in my drafts for like over a week i was just lazy to edit it lol anyways hopefully next chapter is cute! i'm thinking of writing a jinhwi fanfic if any of you kno them



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i've been so busy moving into/adjusting to my college life....i haven't had the chance to update and i feel bad because of that but i haven't forgotten about the story and i will update pretty soon!


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taemin101oppa #1
Chapter 6: Your story is really cute, I hope to see you update soon <3
Jun_xi #3
Chapter 6: Please continue ~ good writing
Chapter 6: Your story is so interesting!!! Taewin & suddenly it turns into Jaedo <3 so awesome !!!
Chapter 6: OMG WinWin is just too innocent for this world
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Chapter 5 : AAAAH !!! Can't wait to see what's gonna happen next *_*
7Ahgase7 #7
Chapter 4: Omg this chapter was so cute~ Keep up the good work ^~^
Chapter 4: Ch. 4 : Ahouuu that's so sweet ^_^ I'm waiting for an update *-*
Chapter 1: ooohhhh im loving this already! my 2nd taewin fic and i cant wait for the next.
Chapter 1: Aaaah you're fanfic looks so interesting *-* can't wait for your update ^_^