night talking

Fool for you?

Winwin looked at Taeyong carefully.

“And why would I do that?” He asks suspiciously.

He lived right across the street, it wouldn't be any trouble to walk home this late.

“I mean you're already here, then we can walk to school together..We've never done that.” Taeyong replies. There was no real reason why he wanted him to stay but since he hadn't thanked him yet he panicked.
Winwin thought about it for a while, there was no harm in staying.

“Okay fine, I'll stay only if you wash my uniform for me and you help me with my English homework.”

Taeyong's eyes light up. “Deal.” He gets up already heading to do laundry.

Winwin awkwardly sits there. Too afraid to look around the house. He takes his backpack to Taeyong's room remembering there was a desk there.
While taking out his notebooks he hears Taeyong walking in behind him. He sits and hears him ruffling around in the background. When Winwin takes a glance back he realized he was changing clothes.

He was in the process of taking off his uniform’s shirt when Winwin quickly looks away. There was a slight blush on his face, embarrassed from the scene.
Winwin tries to distract himself with the homework. Looking down at the words, he couldn't seem to understand no matter how hard he tried.

Taeyong popped his head next to Winwin's, dressed in his sleeping clothes.

“Why are you so bad at English? Shouldn't you be good at it.” Taeyong asks chuckling to himself.

“I'm too busy learning Korean sorry!” Winwin snaps back offended.

“I'm teasing! Look I'll show you a bit before I go to sleep.”

“You're going to sleep already?” Winwin asks confused.

Taeyong jumps on top of his bed. “I'm tired Winwin!!”

“You didn't even do anything!” He exclaims back.

Not only did Winwin force him to help, he also makes Taeyong do his own homework as well. After multiple headaches over the English grammar and the math homework they decide to call it a day. Winwin was awkward again. He didn't know know where to go. Taeyong looks at his lost face and speaks up.

“Here sleep on my bed.” Taeyong suggests giving him a pillow.

“I'll sleep on the floor.” He says sheepishly.

Taeyong frowns. “You're my guest.” He pushes him on the bed with no choice. “Hmm I don't want to hurt my back I'll sleep with you..” he says while getting on.

Both of them go under the covers. Taeyong turns off the light but they were clearly wide awake.

Winwin tried to control his breathing making sure he wasn't making too much noise. His mind began to think about their friendship. Although they had only met for a little bit there was a spark that made them close. He looked forward going to school and seeing Taeyong. They spent so much time together, Winwin couldn't even imagine not hanging out for one day anymore. He would message Kun and Yuta everyday just to keep up but they would never actually meet up. Taeyong on the other hand stopped hanging out with his friends completely. He couldn't make himself leave Winwin even though he had Yuta, Taeyong felt as if he had to be there with him. Taeyong treated him like a girlfriend almost and when they didn't see each other he missed him. Taeil had been asking about him but Taeyong told his best friend there was nothing to worry about.
Taeyong started moving interrupting his thought. They were now facing each other and he tried to get a good look at Winwin's face.

“Are you still awake?” He whispers.

Winwin waited a few seconds before answering. “Yea…”

“Can I ask you something?”
The random question made Winwin a tad nervous. Especially after what he was thinking about.

He took a small breath. “Do you think it's too early to start dating again?”
The question wasn't anything from what he suspected.


Winwin began to imagine this scenario. If Taeyong were to date again that means they wouldn't spend so much together. He felt guilty for feeling this but he didn't want to lose a close friend again.
Taeyong was patiently waiting.

“I don't think it's a good idea..” Taeyong waited for him to continue. “I think you should wait till love finds you instead..”

“Love will find me?” Taeyong smiles at the cheesy advice.

“Uh sure… Who knows maybe the love of your life has been with this whole time.”

“Is Winwin confessing his love for me?” Taeyong says abruptly.
Winwin just pushes him and Taeyong shows his perfect smile.

“I'm kidding, I'm kidding.” He says defensively. “But actually I just wanted to tell you thank you. I know I'm annoying sometimes and you keep up with me but I'm really glad we met. It's kinda corny to tell you but you're a good friend and I care about you…”

Winwin is surprised by how serious he got suddenly. But he's glad he feels the same way.

“If it weren't for you, I'd be alone in my bedroom right now… so maybe you aren't so bad after all.”

Taeyong flips over to face the other side.

“Didn't think you would tell me you love me so much this soon, haha goodnight cutie.”

“That's not at all what I said… ah night.”

But Winwin couldn't fall asleep. He's slowly falling for Taeyong's charms. He's never had a friend like this before. Lee Taeyong really is something.

Basically I wanted to include this in chapter 2 but I didn't want a super long chapter TT ….. this is a kinda boring chapter I know!!! But it was necessary…. character development lol chapter 4 is gonna b cute…. I promise mayb finally u get to see taewin



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i've been so busy moving into/adjusting to my college life....i haven't had the chance to update and i feel bad because of that but i haven't forgotten about the story and i will update pretty soon!


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taemin101oppa #1
Chapter 6: Your story is really cute, I hope to see you update soon <3
Jun_xi #3
Chapter 6: Please continue ~ good writing
Chapter 6: Your story is so interesting!!! Taewin & suddenly it turns into Jaedo <3 so awesome !!!
Chapter 6: OMG WinWin is just too innocent for this world
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Chapter 5 : AAAAH !!! Can't wait to see what's gonna happen next *_*
7Ahgase7 #7
Chapter 4: Omg this chapter was so cute~ Keep up the good work ^~^
Chapter 4: Ch. 4 : Ahouuu that's so sweet ^_^ I'm waiting for an update *-*
Chapter 1: ooohhhh im loving this already! my 2nd taewin fic and i cant wait for the next.
Chapter 1: Aaaah you're fanfic looks so interesting *-* can't wait for your update ^_^