soft pink

Fool for you?

There was no one to be seen, everyone had quickly left campus at the sound of the last bell. Only once did Taeyong notice a girl exiting the closest building but even then she was too far away to hear.

School had been over an hour ago but Taeyong and his girlfriend remained next to the tree they often met up.

The brunettes bored facial expression hadn't changed since she got there. Instead she awkwardly fixes the waistband of her skirt as her eyes followed the pacing boy.

“Taeyong, you really don't understand. You don't know how it feels to walk into school while everyone talks about how my own boyfriend is cheating on me.” She said coldly. “I don't think this is right anymore, even my own friends are talking behind my back..” She sounded slightly hurt something he felt completely responsible for.

Taeyoung who was desperate, was having a hard time convincing her otherwise. He kept repeating himself making him sound like a broken record, and his eyes were watering as he tried to keep his voice from cracking.

“I would never do this to you...They're all lies, you know that I love you please. Just please believe me.” he had never been in a situation where he felt this helpless.

“Don't you trust me?” In the end he couldn’t stop from sounding completely broken.

The girl just stared at Taeyong's eyes. She knew even before arriving nothing would change her mind. The truth is she was tired of it all, and came to the conclusion that their short relationship wasn't worth it.

She lowered her head unable to look at Taeyong any longer.

And in a quiet voice said her goodbyes.

Defeated Taeyong leans his back against the tree, and watches as his love walks away without looking back. He lets his tears fall, feeling warm as they spilled down his cheeks. He couldn't believe how quickly he had fell in love and how easily it ended.

He hoped no one walked out of the classroom now and saw him like this.


And for the next few weeks Taeyong spent his days crying at his best friends house. His usual cheerful personality had been replaced by a gloomy aura.

Taeyong was fairly popular around both boys and girls at school. To everyone he is seen as mysterious and unreachable, thanks to his overwhelmingly cool presence. Though his friends would know that isn’t true at all, on the inside he was just a soft, silly guy.  But next to his good looks and charming personality it made every girl fall for him. It wasn't a surprise that people would talk about him but word went around school that he was cheating on his girlfriend with an older girl. Taeyong didn't think the rumor would affect their relationship but his girlfriend grew tired of the gossiping.

Surprisingly this was Taeyong’s first time being in love, the entire thing happened so fast. One day he was flirting with the cute girl sitting next to him in class and next thing you know just her smile would make him melt. After multiple begging and to her surprise she accepted the date. In fact everyone was surprised, even Taeil. They would joke about how they didn't think he was capable of love but in reality he was just afraid of getting heartbroken so he avoided it at all cost. He never truly found out who started the rumor but they assumed it was someone jealous of his girlfriend.

That leaves him here in Taeil’s couch wrapped in a blanket mumbling to himself.

His best friend always has a smile on his face but in all honesty he was quite tired of the non stop crying. Every time he would try to help he’d make it worse.

“Taeyong, listen she wasn't even worth it. There's so many other pretty girls out there dying to be with you.”

“Taeil, she was the most prettiest girl in the world and she's not mine anymore.”

In which Taeil would just sigh. “She was never yours to begin with.” He didn’t quite understand since they only dated 3 months but he tried being supportive anyways.

“How about we go to a party, I heard Jaehyun is bringing beer. Get drunk and hook up with a pretty girl you'll forget about what's her name in no time.” he suggested.

Taeil wasn't sure which part upset him but Taeyong was crying again.

“Actually bad idea, I don't want you to traumatize the poor girl once you start crying.”

“Just get dressed really nice like always, do this for me.”

Taeyong had completely shut down after the breakup. He no longer cared about his looks and he hasn't talked to anyone besides Taeil in weeks. He wondered if the girls who started the rumor were happy about this.



Sicheng was given no choice when his parents decided he would move to a new apartment and school once again. He had been living on his own the past year and although he hated living alone his best friend Kun was always by his side. But moving would sadly separate them. From a young age Sicheng had lived a lonely childhood, his parent’s job involved traveling which meant they were out for weeks at times. It left him with a nanny who didn’t care much about him, and his only happiness came from his best friend who would soon be taken away from him.  Since at first he would travel back and forth from China to Korea his parents thought it would be easier for him to live alone. At least in Korea he had Kun, but once he finally adjusted his parents brought him the news with no explanation.

To make matters worse, his new apartment was too far away from his old city, it would be very rare for Kun to visit and this made him extremely worried.

Lucky for him when Sicheng mentioned the new school, Kun recognized it. Apparently an old friend of his goes to that exact school and they still contact each other from time to time. Kun told his friend about Sicheng and he agreed to hang out with him so he wouldn't feel too lonely at school.

Sicheng was really thankful for this at least he wouldn't feel out of place when he walks into school for the first time.

It was his first day at his new apartment, he had only brought one lonely chair and a suitcase filled with some of his clothing and essentials. He had agreed with Kun, he would help him move in the rest of his belongings when he had time. Exhausted from traveling, right when Sicheng was about to rest he hears a prominent knock.

At the door was a fairly attractive man, something about him was sparkly.

“Nice to meet you Winwin! I'm Yuta, Kun's friend.”

Sicheng was usually awkward around new people but Yuta’s smile was so friendly that it comforted him.

“Ah yes I'm Winwin… nice to meet you.” He was confused by the use of the nickname Kun had given him when they were young.

Yuta’s smile didn't leave his face. Was he always this happy, Sicheng thought to himself. He wouldn't question how Yuta got his address he would only assume Kun gave it to him as well.

Yuta let's himself in the barren apartment. He finds the chair in the empty living room to sit on and crosses his legs.

“Winwin ah I hope you're not tired, there's a big party tonight and don't think I won't take you.”

Sicheng just stared at him unable to give a response. They had just met but Yuta was acting as if they were close friends.

It wasn't that he didn't find parties fun, more like he was usually no fun. He enjoyed staying home as long as he was with someone. Yes, he hated being alone but he didn't like being surrounded by many people either.

Yuta raises one of his eyebrows. “C’mon maybe you'll make a're cute maybe a girlfriend.. girls like new boys like you.”

That was another thing Sicheng was not interested in, finding a romantical partner. Rather he didn't care since he never experienced it. When people would talk about love, Winwin was never able to relate. It made him feel a bit left out but he's lived almost 18 years without a girlfriend he would surely be fine.

“Okay..” He figured he never had a choice anyways.

“Okay.” Yuta smiles giving him a thumbs up. “Get ready it's almost 9.”



Sicheng’s parents had only 2 rules for him.

  1. Don't drink alcohol

  2. Don't get a girl pregnant

Both rules seemed unnecessary to him since he could never imagine himself breaking them. But his current surroundings made him very vulnerable to that. He was holding a red cup some guy had gave him and around him where many girls of his age slowly dancing to music while others chose to chat instead. He took a sip from the cup out of curiosity, it was soda mixed with some type of liquor. It tasted bitter and it only left a disgusted expression on his face. He wouldn't drink anymore but he held onto the cup since someone would end up giving him another.

Sicheng was uncomfortable, he didn't recognize anyone's faces and he wasn't sure but he swore people were looking at him.

He made sure to follow Yuta everywhere, he was introduced to some of his friends but Sicheng thought most of them were weird. (He gave them the benefit of the doubt and blamed the alcohol) One in particular caught his attention.

“Ahh! Taeil where have you been? It's like I haven't seen you in so long” Yuta asked giving him a quick hug, he seemed happy and Sicheng assumed they were closer than the rest.

“After you know what happened, Taeyong’s keeping me hostage. It's quite tiring.” He let out a soft laugh.

Sicheng had no idea what they were talking about but he kept close attention. He looked at Taeil, he was handsome and something about him made him think he was kind. Yuta introduces them, and Taeil smiles while politely bowing something no one else had done at the party.

“Where is Taeyong anyways? I bet you he forgot about it already and is upstairs with some girl.”

Taeil laughed, he knew his best friend better than that.

“Highly doubt it. He's drunk out of his mind, he really overdoes it. No girl would find him attractive him now.”

“You’re kidding, doesn’t matter what Taeyong is doing everyone will find him attractive.” Yuta snaps back.

Taeil teases him, “Woah, didn’t know you liked my Taeyong-ie that much.”

Although he wanted to keep listening he was getting tired. The more time passed the harder it was for him to keep his eyes open. It was reaching midnight and they had school tomorrow.

These kids really get drunk on a Sunday night, is all that was on Sicheng’s mind. He needed to splash water on his face to wake up.

“I uh, I need to use the restroom” he asks shyly.

Before Yuta could reply Taeil touches his shoulder.

“Winwin-ie its upstairs, first door on the right” Taeil said with a soft smile.

He tried his best to avoid bumping into someone and once he was upstairs he realized the door was locked. Sicheng was truly in no hurry, while patiently waiting he noticed a door right across the bathroom. Someone was struggling to open the door on the other side and when they finally opened it, he was surprised by who walked out.

A pretty boy with soft pink hair. Sicheng couldn't see his face clearly but from what he did see he thought he was extremely attractive. He was wearing a leather jacket and his white shirt was tucked in his jeans, but Sicheng’s eyes were drawn to his belt buckle. From where he was standing he was even able to smell his cologne mixed with the alcohol he had been drinking the entire night. The teen was walking towards him or at least was trying to. He was holding on to the wall to keep his balance when he finally looked up.

The skin around his eyes were red from crying but aside from that he noticed how perfect his face was. His gaze felt cold yet Sicheng’s body was being attracted to it. He really looked like a model.

The shorter male closes the little distance between them and with his hand reaches for Sicheng's face.

For a second Sicheng thinks he's about to get hit but instead he holds his face with his palm. Dumbstruck Sicheng lets him.

“You look like her..” he whispers.

Before Sicheng can ask what he's talking about, the stranger meets his lips with the others.

Sicheng completely shocked moves away and instinctively pushes him not hard enough for the deviant to fall. 

He needed to leave right away. Downstairs he realized Yuta and Taeil are still talking.

“Ah he's back, we missed you.” Yuta said with his now signature smile.

Sicheng hadn't noticed that the pink haired boy was following him.

“Speak of the devil” Taeil said in a low voice.

“Hyuuung” Taeyong calls out.

Taeil asks in a rather concerned voice. “Taeyong have you've been crying again?” Taeyong ignores the question and gets closer to the three. Yuta and Sicheng are both surprised by the mess in front of them.

“Woah you weren't joking…” Yuta adds.

“Winwin-ie lemme introduce you to Taeyong.” Taeil changes the topic, noticing the awkward atmosphere.

Sicheng slightly bowed to be polite, and Taeyong was making a very confused face. When Sicheng woke up today he didn’t think it would be his worse day ever, of course Taeil and Taeyong are friends.

“I know him… I’ve seen his cute face before.”

Curious, Yuta asks “Oh really where?”

“Upstairs, we both wanted to use the bathroom and I came to follow him afte-”

“I don’t know who he is.” Sicheng interrupts while nervously laughing “Yuta we need to go, I'm tired.”

“Wait wait… Winwin, Yuta just told me you have many classes with Taeyong so you'll see him tomorrow! Make sure to say hi to him I'm sure he'll like you even more when he's sober.” Taeil was smiling but for some reason it seemed ungenuine. He couldn't remember if he had always smiled like that.

Sicheng slightly smiled and he took Yuta by the arm to drag him out of the house. He was trying to avoid the model but it only made them be closer. If it’s true they share the same classes how will he be able to face him tomorrow. Why did he have to kiss him, Sicheng wanted to scream at all the thoughts roaming his head. He was so embarrassed, but now more importantly he needed to have a rather serious conversation with Kun about oversharing.



im back with more taewin hehe, this will definitely be multichaptered and maybe a bit slow for some but I wanted to try something that wasn't completely unrealistic does that make sense. also for the sake of the fanfic they're all seniors in highschool :p no idea who taeyong's ex is....its u..


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i've been so busy moving into/adjusting to my college life....i haven't had the chance to update and i feel bad because of that but i haven't forgotten about the story and i will update pretty soon!


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taemin101oppa #1
Chapter 6: Your story is really cute, I hope to see you update soon <3
Jun_xi #3
Chapter 6: Please continue ~ good writing
Chapter 6: Your story is so interesting!!! Taewin & suddenly it turns into Jaedo <3 so awesome !!!
Chapter 6: OMG WinWin is just too innocent for this world
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Chapter 5 : AAAAH !!! Can't wait to see what's gonna happen next *_*
7Ahgase7 #7
Chapter 4: Omg this chapter was so cute~ Keep up the good work ^~^
Chapter 4: Ch. 4 : Ahouuu that's so sweet ^_^ I'm waiting for an update *-*
Chapter 1: ooohhhh im loving this already! my 2nd taewin fic and i cant wait for the next.
Chapter 1: Aaaah you're fanfic looks so interesting *-* can't wait for your update ^_^