sudden confession

Fool for you?

That entire week Winwin kept mentioning how excited he was to see his friend Kun on the weekend. Taeyong pretended it didn't bother him but he knew he would feel odd being by himself on Saturday.

It was a particularly warm day yet Taeyong was inside his room stretched across his bed. He had no plans of leaving in fact he had no idea how to pass by the day. He spent so much time with Winwin now that he was alone, he was completely lost.

He closed his eyes, letting his mind wander by itself. Even with his eyes closed he could picture Winwin in front him. With his soft hair and his cute smile. His smile was so bright, his only competition was the sun.

He missed his friend. Taeyong reached for one of his pillows and hugged it.

Lately he was feeling strangely towards Winwin. Without thinking he would let his hand rest on Winwin's thigh too long or would offer to buy him anything just to see him smile. His stomach would get all twisty when Winwin would say he misses him. Or the time he forgot his textbook at Taeyong's house and he called him to make sure. Taeyong wasn't sure if it was accidental but Winwin said ‘love you’ before hanging up.

Ever since then he can't think straight.

Taeyong's phone began to vibrate pulling him out of his daydreams. He crawled over to the nightstand where his phone was and saw Taeil was calling.
“Hey. What's up.” Taeyong answered.

There was a pause and Taeyong waited patiently for a response.

“Taeyong! Are you busy? Come over to my place it's been a while.”

Taeyong wanted to whine he had already decided he was going to stay in bed the entire night until Winwin texted him back.

“You're not busy I know Winwin is out of town just come.” Taeil begged.
Taeyong laid on the bed again closing his eyes to give an answer.

“Fine… Are you picking me up?”

“That… Isn't of my concern. Just take the bus dude.” Taeyong could tell Taeil was smiling behind the phone.

He sighs and this is a sign for Taeil to hang up.

He convinces his mom if he could visit his friend and after a long journey of busses he makes it to Taeil’s house exhausted. Taeyong takes a seat by the kitchen table and opens the can of coke Taeil offers him.

“It's cool, my parents aren't home so we can do whatever.” Taeil was smiling and Taeyong looked at him with one eyebrow raised.

“So you're telling me, you have no actual plans but you made me leave my bed for this.”

“Taeyong-ie what's wrong with inviting my best friend over? We used to do this all the time. You see that couch?” Taeil points to the couch in the living room. “I let you cry there until you couldn't cry anymore because you were actually dehydrated.” Taeil goes to sit on the couch. “Plus you need to hang out with other people, you have friends you know.”

Taeyong follows him and sits next to his friend. He wraps his arm around Taeil and lays his head on his shoulder.

“I miss you that's all.” Taeils says in a low voice looking away.
“Don't worry I miss you too.” Taeyong responds with a playful tone. They weren't ones to say embarrassing things so before they could both cringe Taeil reaches to turns on the television. Taeil decides on a funny drama, something they would usually enjoy making fun of but Taeyong's mind keeps wandering off. Once Taeil noticed he wasn't responding to any of his comments he realized he was in his own world.

Abit worried he waves his hand in front of Taeyong's face hoping to get his attention. “Everything okay? Should I ask?”

Started, Taeyong blinks his eyes. “I'm fine.. I'm just confused.”

Confused. Taeil thinks for a second. Taeyong had never been confused about anything, he was a straightforward guy. But lately he did have a weakness, who happens to also be a guy.

“Hm I think I know what it is…” Taeyong stares at him curiously. “You know I'm your best friend, so I notice these things but are you and Winwin… you know… involved.”

Taeyong raises his eyebrow, not sure if he understood correctly. “Involved?”

“Taeyong if you keep it up people are going to start talking.” Taeil stands up. “Listen I don't care, I'll support you but I hope you've been thinking it seriously.”

Taeyong is confused, he sets his feet on the coffee table relaxing while Taeil goes on speaking enthusiastically.

“Talking? People always talk about me so what.”
Taeil is being so vague and Taeyong still has no clue.

He pauses before speaking again. “Do you like him that much?”
“Like who? Why are being like this Taeil just talk normally.”

“Taeyong do you like Winwin?”

Taeyong was taking a sip of soda when Taeil asked him, it caught him by surprise that he almost chokes.

“What! Like… Taeil I've always liked girls you know that.” But to be honest Taeyong had never thought about it until now. Liking his friend? Isn't that wrong.

Surprised by his answer he questions again. “So there's nothing? What were you confused about then?”

“Oh. Something Winwin told me on the phone before… if doesn't matter…”

Taeil asks suspiciously. “You don't think about him romantically? You wouldn't do couple things with him?”

Taeyong thinks whether to tell him or not. “Well… I mean we've kissed before.”
Taeil freezes. “You what… oh my god Taeyong!” Taeil doesn't know how to react. “And how was it? How do you feel about it?” He asks genuinely curious.

Lately he had been thinking of the kiss. He was too drunk to remember most of the night but he does remember thinking Winwin was cute. Unconsciously kissing him. He wouldn't mind kissing him again.

“Well, I've been wanting to kiss him since then.” They both stare at each other. “Oh.” He says lightly enough to be heard.

“Taeil… maybe I do like him.” His eyes widen at his sudden confession.
Taeil starts jumping and Taeyong stands up to stop him.

And then suddenly Taeyong screams which scares Taeil and he screams back.
“Why are you screaming!?” Taeil yells.
“Because I like a boy.” Taeyong is having a full on mental breakdown, spinning around.

They both start screaming again.
Out of breath Taeyong begins to question Taeil. “Why do I feel like this? Maybe I just want someone to kiss, Taeil kiss me.” He leans in close to Taeil's face.
“What! No way.” He pushes him away. “Go kiss your boyfriend.” Taeil teases him.

“Taeil this isn't funny, you can't tell anyone.”

“It's okay! Maybe you're right! Maybe you're just … maybe you're just curious… it's fine no one will know anyways.”

Taeyong takes a seat again, exhausted. Taeil lays down on top of him, his head on his lap.

“You know, everything will be fine I always thought Winwin was kinda cute…” Taeil smiles and Taeyong closes his eyes. He needed a lot of time to think.

plot twist taeil is in love with taeyong…. JK JK qkjdkqkw lemme just say you're either going to hate me or love me for the next chapter :) it's gonna get a bit hot but not too hot :) also I feel like as each chapter progresses my writing gets worse lol




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i've been so busy moving into/adjusting to my college life....i haven't had the chance to update and i feel bad because of that but i haven't forgotten about the story and i will update pretty soon!


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taemin101oppa #1
Chapter 6: Your story is really cute, I hope to see you update soon <3
Jun_xi #3
Chapter 6: Please continue ~ good writing
Chapter 6: Your story is so interesting!!! Taewin & suddenly it turns into Jaedo <3 so awesome !!!
Chapter 6: OMG WinWin is just too innocent for this world
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Chapter 5 : AAAAH !!! Can't wait to see what's gonna happen next *_*
7Ahgase7 #7
Chapter 4: Omg this chapter was so cute~ Keep up the good work ^~^
Chapter 4: Ch. 4 : Ahouuu that's so sweet ^_^ I'm waiting for an update *-*
Chapter 1: ooohhhh im loving this already! my 2nd taewin fic and i cant wait for the next.
Chapter 1: Aaaah you're fanfic looks so interesting *-* can't wait for your update ^_^