close calls

Fool for you?

In the two months since their first encounter, there was 3 times Taeyong made Winwin's heart beat uncontrollably fast. 
It had been one month since Yuta had last interacted with Winwin. Yuta would see him around school, or would say hi if he passed by. But most of the time he saw him, he and Taeyong were together. He didn't see anything wrong with it in fact it put him at ease.

He had received a text from Kun earlier that day wondering how everything was going, Yuta felt he had failed his friend’s request. Feeling guilty, he decides his only option to make up for it is by forcing Winwin to hang out with him. 

It was an ordinary day, Winwin was sitting down copying the math notes from the projector when Taeyong stopped him from writing. 

In a low voice Taeyong explains he would come back but to wait for him outside the door after class. He asks for permission to use the restroom and next thing you know Winwin was left alone. He was clueless, the vague explanation was no help and as expected Taeyong never came back to class. The bell rang and it was time for lunch, Winwin took one step outside of the classroom when Yuta linked their arms together and began to drag him away. Winwin quickly looked around, there was no sign of Taeyong so he followed Yuta given no other choice. He didn't mind but he worried Taeyong would wait for him at the door the entire time. 

Once they bought their school lunch, Yuta takes him to one of tables closer to the cafeteria's entrance. It was full of boys who he didn't know but had seen their faces plenty of times around school. The only one who Winwin was able to recognize was Taeil. 

“Winwin-ie!!” Taeil greets him with a smile.

The rest of the boys all copy him and began to introduce themselves as if they knew each other beforehand. 

Winwin was lost for words. He never knew what to do when multiple people talked to him at once. Plus he wasn't paying much attention to their names, so none of them stuck. 

Yuta and Winwin take a seat right across from each other ready to eat. Winwin had taken the first bite of his food when Yuta began to talk.

“Winwin-ah how did you manage to make the school heartthrob fall for you?” He joked, tilting his head to look behind Winwin. 

Winwin tried finishing chewing the food in his mouth before he spoke. 

“Very funny Yuta.” He said his voice sounding muffled.

Taeil overhears and adds his own comment. “I agree. You stole my best friend from me.” 

Taeil playfully smacks Yuta on his arm. “This wasn't part of the plan Yuta.” They continue to bicker on but Winwin doesn't listen and instead looks behind his shoulder. 

Taeyong was at the building's entrance holding a white bag. 
While quickly examining the cafeteria, he sees them from afar and walks towards the table. 

“Wow TY, it's been a while. I thought you forgot about us.” One of his friends said. Taeyong takes a seat next to Winwin, giving no reaction.

He sets down the bag on the table and responds.“Course not, I've been busy that's all.” There's a huge smile
on his face. No one decides to reply. 

Taeyong takes out the item from the bag. It's a piece of a vanilla cake with a strawberry on top. Everyone looked at it curiously. 

“Sorry I didn't know it was gonna be all of us I should have brought more cake.” Taeyong said shyly. 

“Don't worry about it but you owe us next time.” the same boy from earlier teases. “Yeah and buy us drinks!” Another adds. 

“You got it Johnny, and drinks? You can't even hold down one.” All of them begin to snicker which makes Taeyong feels proud. He puts his arm around Winwin and looks at him with a cheesy smile. “Also don't feel bad Winwin is special that's all.” Taeyong replies. 

Winwin stays frozen, he's embarrassed to be put on the spot, especially in front of Taeyong's friends. He had already felt nervous and intrusive for being there but now Taeyong was saying comments that could be taken the wrong way. No one says anything, they all stare at Taeyong feeling the awkward atmosphere at the table. 
“What…” Taeyong asks confused. 

“Nothing.” Everyone says in unison and they go back to talking within their own conversations. 

Winwin notices that Taeyong is still offering the cake, although he doesn't have any lunch of his own. 

He rejects it, pushing the plate closer to Taeyong.

“Eat the cake, I have food already.” 
“It's okay really.” He takes out a fork and holds it in front of him for Winwin. “You eat first, I bought it just for you.” 

Winwin steals the fork and ends up eating the first bite. He takes another and pretends to feed Taeyong but instead wipes the frosting on the older’s face. Both of them were good at ignoring their surroundings, being alone in their own world.

Winwin is smiling, he probably didn't mean to say those cheesy words. He doesn't know why but his heart is beating pretty fast.
They had been friends for 2 months now. And ever since Taeyong found out they lived 5 minutes away from each other they began to walk home together everyday. 

Winwin didn't mind, he enjoyed being around him whether they talked or not and Taeyong felt the same. 

That day, they were assigned to do a group project for their English class and agreed to work on it for a bit after school. But they stayed longer than they expected. Taeyong looked outside the window and noticed the orange sky, this was their sign to leave.

By the time they got going it would be completely dark outside. The way home wasn't far but with each step made the sky darker. At times it was hard to see, occasionally they would bump into each other their shoulders lightly touching because of the proximity. Their hands would slightly brush and both would instinctively pull away. 

Winwin almost trips on the uneven pavement. He catches himself on Taeyong's arm. Instead of pulling away, Taeyong interlocks their fingers and pretends like nothing happened. 

Winwin looked to his side but it was no use he couldn't see his expression, the street lights only helped form the silhouette of his face. He had no clue what he was thinking. 

Winwin felt oddly safe, they had never held hands before so it was a new experience. This made him nervous he hoped Taeyong wouldn't notice. 

They walked and walked and sometimes Taeyong would make tiny circles with his thumb or would squeeze his hand tighter. Winwin was enjoying this too much, he was glad it was too dark for Taeyong to see the smile on his face. 

While crossing a small alley they hear a noise that makes them let go of each other. When Taeyong goes to check out where the noise came from they realized it was only a street cat roaming.

They were just about to arrive, as much as Taeyong wanted to hold Winwin's hand again he decides not to. Both of them wish they could. 

They say their goodbyes, acting completely normal despite what they did a few minutes ago. Winwin walked inside his apartment, with his heart beating too fast to be normal. 

After hanging out with Taeyong's friends once, Winwin would suggest spending lunch together with them (though it was rare). Depending on his mood Winwin decided where he wanted to hang out. Taeyong understood very well that his friends were a bit too loud for Winwin at times, so he did whatever made him most comfortable.

He wasn't sure why but Winwin missed Yuta. Taeyong was happy to hear that and managed to gather them all to eat lunch together. Everything was going fine. Everyone looked like they were having a great time, including him. Winwin looked at how easy it was for Taeyong to joke around with his friends it made him feel guilty for spending so much time with him.

He wasn't sure who brought the subject up but Taeyong mentions Winwin lives alone in an apartment. After hearing this everyone turns to face him.

"Wait, really? I guess this means party at Winwin's!" Ten yelled from across the table.

"Woah that's so cool..." Johnny said slowly. He looked like he was thinking carefully about what to say. "Wasn't Taeyong gonna pay for the beer this time. If I remember correctly he said and I quote, 'I love you guys so so so much even more than Winwin I'll pay for everyone's beer.' Didn't he Winwin?" 

"He would never say that." Yuta answers him uninterested.

"I don't even like drinking though." Taeil adds. 

"That's too bad, this is a democracy the majority always win duh." Johnny snaps back.

Winwin wasn't sure what to do in this situation. A party at his apartment... if his parents ever found out he would be sent back to China. But he also didn't want to ruin the fun. Even Taeyong wasn't saying no he was looking at Winwin waiting for an answer like everyone else. 

"Okay... as long as you guys don't make a big mess." Someone starts whooping in the back. "Also you don't get me in trouble and no more people... just us." Everyone was glad and they started planning everything they would do at the party. 

"Hey where is Jaehyun anyway?" Taeyong asked taking a sip of his juice.

Johnny answers him quickly. "Where has that kid not been. He only hangs out when he needs us. Should we invite him still?"

Winwin answers before anyone else. "It should just be the 6 of us..." he didn't know who Jaehyun was and that wasn't his concern at the moment. 

"You guys heard the boss, it's just us tonight." Taeil confirms. 

"Also Taeyong you're totally buying the beer, that's what you get for ditching us all the time." Ten laughs leaving the table. And one by one they all leave before Taeyong could say anything. Winwin giggles at Taeyong who was internally panicking. 

"Where am I going to buy beer from, am I going to have to use my body?" 

"Sowwy." Winwin says cutely, patting the pink hair although he found it all amusing.

Taeyong was the last to arrive. The rest of the boys played silly games to waste time. Everyone kept making fun of how much Winwin , that Yuta  promised he would fight anyone for him.

Winwin didn't know anything about beer. Taeyong told everyone he bought them off some guy outside of a corner store. No one bother asking anything else, was that even safe? Winwin asked to himself. It was only 2 dozen packs but he was worried for the night. 

It hadnt even reached midnight when everyone was passed out. Ten and Johnny decided they wanted to play beer pong and they dragged Taeyong along. Winwin watched them drink countless cups, he wasn't even sure what the purpose of the game was. No one ended up winning, after one and a half beers Ten turned up the music and tried going on top of the table to dance. Johnny got all of the full cups and chugged them because he didn't want to waste any precious liquor. Taeil and Yuta were playing video games ignoring everyone. Somehow Johnny convinced Taeil to drink; he told him he couldn't chug a beer in one go and Taeil wanted to prove him wrong. Yuta saw everyone and gave up. Taeil was going to give everybody a ride after this and now that he was drunk they were gonna spend the night. Ten was passed out on the table surrounded by empty red cups. Johnny fell asleep on the floor when he was smelling it because he claimed it smelled 'really good'. Taeil asked to use the restroom and he never came back, Yuta who was the least drunk and the only reasonable one went to look for him but never came back either. Winwin was surrounded by idiots. 

Taeyong was sitting next to him on the couch, treating Winwin like he was a baby. He kept pinching his cheeks and babbling too fast to understand him. 

"Winwin-ah what are you thinking? All you do is say nothing and act pretty." Taeyong asked slurring most of his words. 

“I do not.” Winwin wasn't sure to feel offended or not.

Taeyong's eyebrows scrunch up as if he was thinking really hard. “I havent been this drunk since we met.” he lays his head back with a smile on his face. “I kissed you." 

"You remember…" Winwin is stunned. He didn't think he would. 

Taeyong looks at Winwin with his head slightly tilted. “Should we kiss again?” He whispers as if someone else would hear him. 

Winwin's eyes open wide, what was happening. Taeyong closes his eyes and leans in to kiss Winwin.

He cringes at the smell of alcohol. He isn't sure if he's imagining it but Winwin also smells the cologne Taeyong wore that day. He looks in front of him, Taeyong had his lips puckered. For a second the thought of kissing him back crosses his mind but he ends up pushing his face away. 

“No way, You're drunk.” Winwin softly pushes him away. 
Taeyong lays down super pouty for being rejected. In seconds he falls asleep.

Winwin looked around, there was no other witness. He cant stop blushing...he's lucky everyone's pass out. He put his hand over his chest, his heart is beating super fast. Why couldn't he chill out. 



thank u for 30+ subs :') I hope u enjoy this chapter... by the way I have plans for doyoung and jaehyun hehe 

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i've been so busy moving into/adjusting to my college life....i haven't had the chance to update and i feel bad because of that but i haven't forgotten about the story and i will update pretty soon!


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taemin101oppa #1
Chapter 6: Your story is really cute, I hope to see you update soon <3
Jun_xi #3
Chapter 6: Please continue ~ good writing
Chapter 6: Your story is so interesting!!! Taewin & suddenly it turns into Jaedo <3 so awesome !!!
Chapter 6: OMG WinWin is just too innocent for this world
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Chapter 5 : AAAAH !!! Can't wait to see what's gonna happen next *_*
7Ahgase7 #7
Chapter 4: Omg this chapter was so cute~ Keep up the good work ^~^
Chapter 4: Ch. 4 : Ahouuu that's so sweet ^_^ I'm waiting for an update *-*
Chapter 1: ooohhhh im loving this already! my 2nd taewin fic and i cant wait for the next.
Chapter 1: Aaaah you're fanfic looks so interesting *-* can't wait for your update ^_^