new beginnings

Fool for you?

The apartment Winwin's parents had chosen for him was only a few minutes away from school. This was a good thing since he didn't know how to drive and the last thing he wanted was to get lost in the new city.

While walking to school he couldn't help but feel nervous. Even though moving to different schools was something he had gone through many times before, the feeling never went away. He was at the foot of the school’s gate, when Winwin thought to himself. I won't let this opportunity go to waste, I will make the best of it at least.

He walked inside with his head held up high. There was many students around him but none of them bother to even look at his direction. All of them were too busy waiting for the first bell to ring. He had no idea if Yuta had their first class together, but he was hoping he did.

On his way to first period which had taken him longer to find than expected, the bell rang. He walked in the half empty classroom, his stomach dropping when he didn't recognize any face. Of course he wouldn't but he was a hopeful person. His eyes wandered the room unsure where to sit when he picked up a familiar pink at the back of the room.

It was Taeyong. He was too busy on his phone to notice he had walked in.

At this point Winwin was a little bit worried. He was blocking everyone from coming in but he also didn't want to sit down, afraid he would take someone's spot. But his main concern was avoiding the pink haired boy.
Taeyong looks up for a second and notices the lost boy.
“Hey, Winwin!” Taeyong gestures for him to sit together.

Everyone in class turn their heads back, wondering what had made Taeyong talk.

Winwin really had no choice. He either had to sit with the weirdo or be embarrassed in front of the class. So he chose the least painful one.

He quickly took a seat next to Taeyong. He looked different, his hair wasn't styled instead it fell messily on his face. And his neatly worn school uniform made him seem younger than last night. Winwin had no intentions to talk, he looked directly in front of him and he noticed how many people were whispering. Were they talking about him?

Taeyong wraps his arms around Winwin’s. “I'm glad you're sitting here, I've been so lonely.”
He tilts his head while examining Winwin's face. “You are cute… Good, maybe that will make my ex jealous.” He says as if he was looking for someone in the room.

Winwin was unsure how to respond. He was essentially being used.

“Can you let go of me, Taeyong.” He asks.

“Oh right, sorry about that.” Taeyong let's go immediately.

The room had filled up with conversations, and only them two stayed silent. Winwin was tired of the awkward glances so he spoke up. “Are you okay by the way…” Taeyong looked at him confused. “You know from last night.”

“I have a tiny headache, I'm mostly fine..” Taeyong says touching his temples.

During the rest of the class Winwin is surprised by how much Taeyong focuses in class. Not once did he get distracted or talked in front of him. He was quiet but he wasn't sure if he's always like this or if he had a hangover from last night.
And when class was over, as they walked out they realized they were heading the same way.
Taeyong's hands were in his pockets. “English?” He asks with one of his eyebrows raised.
Taeil was right. They had another class together.

“Hm, yea.” Winwin answers.

Winwin and Taeyong had a total of 5 classes together out of 6 that he was in. He also found out that in every class he sat alone. Taeyong reasoning was he focused better when he was alone but he also mentioned that his ex girlfriend used to sit by him in the classes they shared.

By this time it was lunchtime, Winwin had walked out the classroom and soon Taeyong follows. Usually Taeyong would spend his lunch hanging out with Taeil and the rest of his friends but occasionally he would wander off and none of them would question it. He looked at Winwin who was just outside the classroom’s door, he seemed like a lost puppy and Taeyong didn't want to leave him.

“Winwin, if you aren't busy you can come with me. I'll show you where you can buy lunch.” Taeyong offers.

Winwin felt relieved. He had been panicking his entire 4th period because Yuta wasn't replying to his texts and he didn't want to be alone. Plus his whole perception of Taeyong had changed in half of a day. He wasn't so bad after all.

“Thank you.”
Taeyong smiled, it was a nice sight.

And for the next two weeks, Winwin and Taeyong spent it almost entirely together. Taeyong made Winwin sit with him in every class they had and during lunch time they would hang out as well. Yuta would occasionally ask where he was but he wasn't purposely ignoring him, Taeyong would just drag him around during the day. Winwin took this time to get to know him better, Taeyong would talk about his ex girlfriend an awful amount of time. But he didn't mind, since he was a nice friend. They had different personalities but were able to get along well. They both wanted to protect each other and they did this in their own ways. Winwin would offer his shoulder when Taeyong gets sad during lunch. Taeyong always made sure Winwin was comfortable, so this meant never leaving his sight. By now Winwin had forgotten about the stolen kiss. He assumed Taeyong had also since he never mentioned it. It was a good thing for him, like getting to have a new first impression.

It was an ordinary day, the boys had passed the tree where Taeyong got heartbroken. But instead of walking away, Winwin finds a spot to sit near it. He flops down on the grass placing his food on his lap and looks at Taeyong. Taeyong stood frozen, 5 feet away and after a few seconds goes to sit next to him.

Winwin looked around. No one bothered to come so far away from the classrooms. He enjoyed the lack of voices that were replaced by birds chirping. Plus it was a pretty tree that gave them shade.

Winwin says quietly afraid to break the silence. “It's pretty here.”

Taeyong puts his head on the younger's shoulder and hums in response.

“Hey, eat your food okay.” Winwin says.

Taeyong looked down. “I'm not hungry.” He replies. He would often act like this. All gloomy and Winwin was used to it. He would always try to help by soothing him or patting his back. This time he wanted to say something.

He got the courage and began to talk. “Why are you still sad over her… Have you seen yourself? I've never seen anyone as perfect as you but that isn't the point. If she didn't want you then she was never worth it to begin with… she couldn't even simply trust you.” Taeyong raises his head to look at the boy. “I don't know anything about love… But I think when you truly love each other nothing can tear you apart…” Winwin took his time to say each word, he had practiced saying this in his head before.

He nervously opens his milk and hands it over to Taeyong.
He grabs a strand of Taeyong's hair. “Here drink this, it's pink like your hair.” Winwin changes the subject.

Taeyong eyes were wide open from hearing his rant. “I think that's the most I've heard you speak for.”

“Shut up.” He steals the milk away and takes a sip.
Winwin is relieved that Taeyong didn't get offended instead he lays his head on his shoulder again.
Taeyong looks straight ahead processing what his friend had just told him. “What now?” He asks.
Winwin takes a moment to think of an answer.

“I guess we just forget about her.” Winwin responds.

He used the word ‘we’ as if he was part of it. He wasn't sure why but he had a feeling he was responsible for Taeyong now.

Winwin tried to bring up the mood. “Starting now, this tree is ours. Not hers. So when you see it think about me instead okay?”
Taeyong's nods at the suggestion, there's was a small smile that appeared on his face.

After what Winwin had told Taeyong, he began to feel better. He no longer got sad at school and his old personality began to show. Taeyong was goofy and he talked a lot. As much as Winwin lied to himself he really enjoyed his company.
Taeyong wanted to thank Winwin. He would invite him over tonight since his parents weren't home.

They were waiting for their science teacher to come in and in the meantime Taeyong was messing around with Winwin's school supplies.

“Winwin, how about you come over to my place tonight? We watch a movie sounds good?” Taeyong mentions casually.

Winwin didn't want to go over, he felt as if he would be intruding since they've only been friends for a little while.

“Uh no thank you.” He declines as polite as possible.
Taeyong stops what he's doing and gives his entire attention to Winwin. “I won't take no for an answer, C’mon Winwin it won't hurt if you visit me one day.”

“I don't think that sounds like a good idea…”

“If you say no again… I'll go in front of the classroom and ask you again.” He says mischievously.

Winwin thought about it, he knew him enough to know Taeyong was completely capable of doing that.

“Okay fine only for a little bit.”
Taeyong started smiling, it was adorable.

“Hmm what about the grudge? Yea?”
Winwin wanted to end the conversation it seemed like every time Taeyong spoke he would get louder. Without giving the least interest he replies. “Yea… okay.”

On their way to Taeyong's house he realized they were going the same direction to where he lived. They passed by the same convenience store Winwin always saw in the morning.

“We're here!” Taeyong says excitedly.
Taeyong lived in a tiny neighborhood in front of his apartment.
Winwin freezes and points at the apartments. “I live there.”
Taeyong follows the direction of his finger and is in awe.

“We live so close… that's really cool.”
They walk inside the house, as expected no one was home. Taeyong takes Winwin to the couch.

“I'll be back let me make some popcorn.”
Winwin stops him. “I don't really like popcorn.” He says embarrassed.

Taeyong frowns. “I'll bring you something don't worry.” Moments later he comes back with an ice cream cone.

“Here, no one hates ice cream.” Winwin takes it from his hands.

The movie had been playing for a few minutes when he realized it was a horror movie. Winwin was deathly afraid of scary movies. The loud noises made him sink into his seat even more. Taeyong noticed how jumpy Winwin was, every time he looked he got an inch closer to him.

Taeyong thought the sight in front of him was more amusing than the movie. He had his complete focus on Winwin, his face was only half a foot away from his own. His eyes moved to focus on Winwin lips, he'd never been this close to him he thought they were pretty. Winwin would his ice cream a few times and then go back to watching the movie. He noticed how some drops had landed on his hand and instinctively Winwin began to them.

He watched as how Winwin's tongue fell on the ice cream taking such slow movement, Taeyong thought he was teasing him. Everything about this looked sensual in Taeyong's eyes. His body felt hot and he was feeling guilty because of it. He wondered if his face was red. Not sure how but Winwin noticed Taeyong wasn't watching anymore.

“Taeyong? Are you scared?” Winwin asked hoping he was.
Taeyong's face was probably frozen with his mouth open.

With the back of his hand he pretends to wipe the sweat on his forehead. “It's kinda hot in here.”

Taeyong nervously laughs. “There's just something on your face.” He lies.
“Oh really? Well take it off.” He tells him surprised.
Taeyong was unsure what to do, his mind had lied on its own..

“Do you trust me.” Taeyong whispers going closer to his face.

Winwin doesn't reply. They stare into each other's eyes; in the background the horror movie music is playing.

“Of course I do, it's not that ser-” a loud cry from the television cuts Winwin's sentence short. He jumps and the cone leaves his hand, landing on his jeans.

Taeyong bursts out laughing while Winwin looks at him disgusted.

He brings him a change of clothes, an oversized t shirt with some shorts.
Winwin clearly looked unhappy about this.
Taeyong sat on his bed, trying to liven up the mood.

“Hey, you look kinda cute in my clothes. You should come over more often.”
Winwin covers his face. He didn't want him to see the slight blush appearing on his face.

“I'm definitely never coming over again.”

“Please forgive me, I didn't mean to say that.”

Taeyong had just wanted to thank him he never planned for this to happen.
They head over the couch, both of them decide to not finish the movie. They sit quietly waiting for each other to speak first.

“You really are the worst.” Winwin says.

“Me? I haven't even done anything.”

“You forced me to come and look at me now, I'm cold.”

“And I'm hot? Just come hug me.” He teases.

“Can you stop for five minutes.”

They pause.

“You're setting yourself up. I just take the opportunity when I see it.” Taeyong replies with his arms crossed. Winwin had been messing around with him. None of it had bothered him. Him dropping the cone was his fault he would admit that. He looked over to Taeyong and smiled. Taeyong realizing sighs in relief and lays down on the couch.
Looking up to Winwin's face he offers a solution.

“I'll make it up to you… how about you stay over tonight?”

Winwin looks with wide eyes at his friend.



Chapter 3 will come really soon I promise…. it might be short but it will be up in less than 3 days definitely.


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i've been so busy moving into/adjusting to my college life....i haven't had the chance to update and i feel bad because of that but i haven't forgotten about the story and i will update pretty soon!


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taemin101oppa #1
Chapter 6: Your story is really cute, I hope to see you update soon <3
Jun_xi #3
Chapter 6: Please continue ~ good writing
Chapter 6: Your story is so interesting!!! Taewin & suddenly it turns into Jaedo <3 so awesome !!!
Chapter 6: OMG WinWin is just too innocent for this world
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Chapter 5 : AAAAH !!! Can't wait to see what's gonna happen next *_*
7Ahgase7 #7
Chapter 4: Omg this chapter was so cute~ Keep up the good work ^~^
Chapter 4: Ch. 4 : Ahouuu that's so sweet ^_^ I'm waiting for an update *-*
Chapter 1: ooohhhh im loving this already! my 2nd taewin fic and i cant wait for the next.
Chapter 1: Aaaah you're fanfic looks so interesting *-* can't wait for your update ^_^