
Music Box
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"Cosmic Police University. Year 3014.


As the days roll by, the last few traces of snow begin to retreat and melt to water on the road to welcome in spring, students of CPU all rush in their respective classrooms to begin their morning lecture. On the far rear corner of the classroom; a dark-haired girl rests her head on her arms on top of her table, snoring loudly and her drool almost dripping off her table.


A figure stands next to her and drops a pile of heavy books on her table, just inches away from her ear and this sends the girl into a panic. She jerks her head up, trying to look around her to see what the commotion was all about but to her failure as her hair blocks all of her views.


"What the hell was that?!" She shouts. 


"What time did you go to bed last night this time, Sojung-ah?" A tall, white fair skinned girl with jet black hair utters out as she takes to her seat beside her friend. She reaches out for one of the books she placed on their table and continues to go off on her seatmate. "Don't tell me you were up watching dramas again." she questions.


"Ya, of course not! I was too busy working on our project to even think about watching those dumb dramas. Aren't you being a little too much, Hyunjung-ah?" 


"Sojung-ah, who said you can speak informally to me, hmm?" The girl closes her book and presents a piercing gaze towards the supposedly younger girl. "Prove it to me then", she continues off. "Show me the work you did. Come on, let's see it."


The girl in question freezes for a passing moment and gives out a nervous smile. She scratches the back of her head and looks around the room not wanting to meet her friend's doubting gaze before finally confessing the truth. "Okay alright fine! I did stay up watching dramas all night last night, sheesh! Don't expect me to start on my part of the project knowing fully that the deadline is two months away." 


Hyunjung rolls her eyes and lets out a little scoff and leans in and hits her friend on the forehead with her index finger. "Tsk tsk tsk. Why are you so predictable, huh, Exy? Nothing's changed. You're still the same old brat I decided to be best friends with ten years ago."


"What the fu... Yo, that hurt!" Exy cries in pain, covering her small swollen forehead bump with both of her hands. "And I still rue that decision to this day." She murmurs under her breath trying not to be heard by the older girl.


"What did you say!?"


"Nothing, Seola-unnie!"


The instructor enters their classroom just in time to save Exy from having sliced and starts off by greeting the class. "Good morning, class. For today, before we start our morning lecture, we have a new student joining us today. I'd like you all the give her a warm welcome, understood?" The instructor motions for the new student to enter the classroom and comes inside a petite girl with the roundest cheeks and at this instant, Seola's eyes glimmer and her heart felt like it just skipped a beat. 


"Class, I would like to introduce you to miss Park Soobin. She received the highest score during the entrance examinations for Wuju Police University and spent a year there before deciding to transfer here to CPU. Miss Park, kindly introduce yourself please." the instructor adds. 


"Good morning, everyone. I am Park Soobin but you can just call me Soobin. I'm looking forward to meeting you all. Please take care of me." The transferee bows and greets the entire class with the brightest smile Seola has ever seen. 


"Unnie... are you okay?" Exy asks waving her hand in front of Seola's face who is wearing the widest grin she's ever seen imprinted on her friend's face. She looks back at the transferee then looks back at Seola before glancing at the transferee once again. She chuckles as she quickly figures out what's happening. "Oh, I see what's going on. This ought to be good," she tells herself. The instructor thanks the transferee for her greeting and points her to her seat just two tables in front of Seola and Exy.


The school bell rings marking the end of their class. Seola gets up from her seat and packs up some of her things into her bag and asks Exy how she rather spends their break until their next class. "Oh, I might head back to our dorm first and take a nap. It's a bit too early for lunch so just let me know if you want to eat and where. You can pick this time." She says kindly while throwing pistol fingers at Seola. 


Seola rolls her eyes before throwing her bag on her back and greeting Exy a farewell. "Alright then, I'll be in the library if you need me, Exy." Seola exits the classroom and Exy glances over two tables down, right where the new transferee is still packing her things. She bites her lip and checks whether Seola might all of a sudden return to the classroom before making her way towards the new student.


"Hey." The unfamiliar voice greets Soobin and from her seat looks up to see who the voice calling for her attention belonged to. She sees Exy standing right next to her, her brown hair falling shoulder length and a wide grin that makes Soobin feel quite uneasy. 


"H-hi." Soobin greets back, not knowing what intention the girl standing right beside her has. She recalls the times back in Wuju Police Unversity when randoms would just approach her and with the knowledge of her being the smartest in the entire school, would ask her for favours regarding academics. She tries her best to assume since she's in a different school.


"Soobin, was it?" Exy replies as she extends her hand asking to shake hands. "I'm Cho Sojung. But my friends call me Exy. Welcome to CPU." Exy grabs a chair beside her and sits close to Soobin. "So tell me about yourself. Where are you from? Your birthday? What things you like and don't like. Why'd you decide to transfer?" Exy bombards the girl with random questions but before she could get a reply, a professor comes in and asks the girls to clear the room to prepare for the next class.


"So have you received your dorm assignment yet, Soobin?" Exy asks as the two girls make their way towards the cafeteria. "I was told I would receive the email from the admin today. Let me check." Soobin tinkers with her phone, scrolling through school emails until she finally finds what she's looking for. "Ah, here it is. Class 1 Dormitory, Room 405." 


Soobin wonders for a moment about her room assignment before showing her screen to Exy and as she turns to her left she notices the girl walking beside her with a blank expression on her face.


"U-unnie? Are you okay?" Soobin asks but doesn't get a response from Exy.


Seola makes her way towards the halls of her dorm after spending an hour and a half in the library. She decided to take a quick nap before heading to lunch together with Exy who she assumes is in their dorm room right now. She grabs her keys from her pockets and inserts it into the keyhole but before she could turn and unlock her door she hears Exy speaking loudly with another girl, a voice Seola doesn't recognize. "I told that girl to always ask me for permission first before bringing her friends over."


Seola unlocks the door and barges in her own room, ready to scold Exy once again. "Ya, Sojung-ah! What do you think you're do...", Seola cuts herself off as to her surprise catches Exy helping Soobin unpack her belongings and placing them in her closet. Soobin pauses what she's doing and faces Seola and bows before her. "Hi, I'm sorry, I'm Park Soobin. I'm your new roommate."


'Ah. Y-yeah." Seola nervously responds as she completely enters the room now and drops her things on her bed. "You're the new transferee, right", Seola continues as she watches Exy try her hardest to contain her laughter. "I hope you enjoy your stay here in CPU", she awkwardly utters and Soobin bows to show her thanks. 


Seola walks to her bed and lays her belongings on her mattress and gazes at the two with a little smile on her face. This is the first time Cho Sojung has been sincerely friendly with another person other than Seola. 




"We beg the government deliver reform for the workers of the industrial sector! We are greatly overworked and severely underpaid!" A man in front of a large crowd of people shouts through his megaphone as people behind him rally just outside the institution of the Department of Labor and along the long avenue where it was located, guarded by a barricade of police officers from the local station. 


Groups of people gather along the street start a noise barrage by banging on their wooden signboards, shouting as loud as they can, and asking passing vehicles to honk their horns to show their support. Volunteers from Cosmic Police University have been deployed to manage traffic flow and create order as the protest goes on through the hours of the day under the scorching hot sun.


About half a kilometre away from where the protest was happening; on the rooftop of a twenty-storey building, a group of students were assigned to keep a bird's eye view on the protest to ensure the safety of everyone on the ground. Soobin keeps her eyes glued to her binoculars as she scans through the crowd making sure no one stirs up any trouble. With her, Seola, Exy and three other students and two of their instructors. 


"Aren't you tired of looking through that thing yet, Soobin?" Exy utters from behind, curious that Soobin hasn't done anything but scan the crowd for the past hour and a half. "Yeah, you can take a break if you want to, we'll take shifts or something. It's gonna be a long day, you know?" Seola adds, crossing her arms and looking at Exy who just shrugs her shoulders. 


"We've been roommates for the past two years, you two. You don't think I haven't noticed how careless you guys are when it comes to the small details?" Soobin replies without even taking a quick second to look back at her two friends. "Besides, I have a reputation to maintain as the best scout in CMP so don't you worry about me, I'll be fine." Soobin chuckles with confidence. 


Exy rolls her eyes and scoffs something under her breath that only Seola was able to hear. "Yeah sure. If you were so into the small details, you would have noticed by now the huge crush unnie has on you." Exy giggles before receiving a shove from Seola's arms. "Watch your mouth Sojung-ah before I throw you off this building." Seola threatens as Exy walks away keeping in her laughter. 


"I do have one small request though..." Soobin adds. "If I may request, Senior-Officer Youngchul, that we send another team to that eighteen story building to our northeast. It would be more efficient to have another team scouting the protest from a different angle and exchanging information with me." The officer approaches the ledge from where Soobin was surveying and grabs his personal binoculars and looks at the building Soobin just mentioned. 


"As much as that would be a good idea, cadet, I only have a few students to spare to send to that location and lead scout. Aside from you six on this rooftop, the rest are on traffic duty and medical duty. You and cadet Ahn Hyeri are the only scouts I have on this operation. The standard protocol states that each overwatch station should at least have two scouts manning it. This being a minor protest, I stuck with the bare minimum." The senior officer explains.


"I'm not one to bring down the mood, sir, but I don't think this isn't going to be a minor protest for long," Soobin interjects still keeping her eyes glued to her binoculars. "What do you mean?" The senior officer questions. Soobin helps direct the senior officer and his pair of binoculars towards two white vans parked on two different spots around the protest with out windows and a man smoking a cigarette just outside one of the vehicles. "I saw them arrive around fifteen minutes ago." Soobin utters.


"What about those two white vans?" The officer ponders some more, quite unsure of what to make of those two vehicles his student seems to be very interested in. "Do you not see it, sir? They share the same number registration plates." The officer is dumbfounded not just about the similar registration plates but the fact that Soobin was able to spot that tiny detail. 


"How did you manage to see that far?" The officer asks in disbelief. "What do you mean, sir? Do you not see it in your binoculars?" Soobin answers quite hesitantly. The senior officer asks the other girls to take a look for themselves to see if they can spot the registration plate from this distance and to no avail, none of them was able to distinguish what was on the registration plate. 


"You have a great pair of eyes there, ms. Park." The officer compliments before questioning Soobin's suspicion on the two vehicles. "Sir, with all due respect my intuition has never let me down in the past. Right now, it's just an assumption but if I'm right, this protest is just moments away from becoming a riot." Soobin finally takes her eyes from her binoculars and faces the senior officer straight.


"Sir, please." Soobin's voice now filled with desperation finally convinces the senior officer to allow her request and the other half of the overwatch team to relocate on the eighteen-story building Soobin talked about. He walks away from Soobin and approaches the other officer in charge and briefs him instructions and standard emergency protocols. As he does this, Seola and Exy approach Soobin and question her what's really going on.


"Fill us in, Soobin. What's going on?" Exy questions as Soobin is immediately back on her scouting duties, eyes glued again to her binoculars. "Local gangsters." She quickly mentions. "W-what!? You can tell just because of their registration plates?" Seola yells in a whisper, a little unsure whether to feel marvelled about Soobin's intellectual guess after seeing the similar registration plates.


"Actually... I was able to tell because of the tattoos of the man I saw smoking just outside one of the white vans. Some of his friends have already begun blending with the crowd as well that's why I couldn't keep my eyes off the protest. They all had the same tattoo on their necks as the guy smoking. I assumed the senior officer wouldn't believe me if I told him I could spot their tattoos from this distance, so I went with something more believable like registration plates but even that was a shock to him."


Soobin calmly explains but Exy and Seola, on the other hand, are totally dumbfounded by what she just confessed. Soobin for the second time today, briefly stops watching the protest and gets up from her position and approaches the second scout in their team. "Hey, Hyeri right? Come here for a second, yeah?" Soobin asks with a bright smile on her face. 


"S-sure." Hyeri replies and immediately Soobin grabs her hand and brings her towards the ledge from where she was scouting and fills her in on the situation. She confesses what she just told Exy and Seola but adds additional information and instructions as she will be the one in charge of scouting from the second location.


"..." Soobin pauses for a bit after realizing it would probably be better if she be the one to switch positions as there's a large possibility of a blind spot that she's not seeing.  "Alright, change of plans Hyeri. I need you to be in charge of this location. I'll be the one to relocate." She helps Hyeri locate the gang members she was already able to identify and informs the senior officer of the switch. 


"We'll go with you!" Exy shouts but Soobin denies them and told them it would be better if they stayed with the other scout to help her out. "I'll keep in touch with you guys through frequency number five on the r

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asyouwish #1
Chapter 15: hi i just read this at the end of 2019 if youre seeing this @ author its literally the most interesting and developed fanfic ive ever read

and if youre not too busy with other things could you please continue? thanks
crunchylife61 #2
Chapter 15: Daebak!!!! I hope you continue this, it’s a really good story!
-yujubemine #3
Chapter 15: I just started reading his and it’s really good!!! The plot is so good I wish I could read more. Keep up he good work!!!!!!
Anomiac #4
It's surprising you're a first time writer! The story is quite intense, you really get to feel the thrill. The girls have no rest like in real life though, so I hope you give them some downtime! But the pacing is pretty good, can't wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 15: That SeolBin moment~~~~~ I cannot with Seola who only tried to act cool in front of Soobin just to impress her xD
Ahhh BonLu...what will happen to Dawon and XuanYi if those two are together :// DaReum quarelling are tooo cute =D
sjch96 #6
Chapter 15: Nooooooo.. you're such a tease authornim giving only a brief BonLu. But still thank you!!! I enjoyed this chapter a lot. And I am looking forward to seeing them RESOLVE THAT TENSION thank you very much! :)
Chapter 15: Apenas vi la notificación corrí a leer el capítulo, fue hermoso, espero que sigas actualizando :3.
soshihearts #8
Chapter 15: What a quick update! I love that your chapters are lengthy with so much of detail, i get so immersed reading them. All those cute moments uwu thank you so much for the update! That cliffhanger though!
JH0112 #9
Chapter 14: Glad to see you back! and that little part on luda's writeup "might need extra-small uniforms" just cracked me up hahaha
Chapter 14: The captain , full of himself and arrogant! He should've listened to her!
On the other side, I'm happy they're all but Hyeri graduating and with top ranks to say more! It's awesome how Dawon and Meiqi's cons were none unlike the other 11 cadets xD

Happy graduating and congratulations authornim!!! Hope to read your updates more often after this ^^