Chapter 2


Chapter 2

"If a man hasn't discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live."
-Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968) American black leader-

“YOOCHUN AH!!!” Junsu screamed in terror as he saw a man was trying to kill his boyfriend.

“LET HIM GO! PLEASE DON’T TAKE HIM AWAY FROM ME!!!” Junsu screamed his lungs as he stormed the man and tried to let Yoochun go. Yet, the man managed to throw Junsu on the floor. Junsu grinned in pain and the culprit was in horror when he saw Junsu’s face.

That’s when Yoochun felt the stranglehold loosened; he kicked the man and rushed into Junsu’s side. Just when Yoochun about to get his gun on the nearest table, the man ran out from the room by the window. 

Yoochun wanted to pursue the man so bad but a grip stopped him. It was Junsu, who’s crying in fear.

“It’s OK, shhh…It’s OK, Junsu ah,” Yoochun embraced Junsu tightly as he tried to calm Junsu down.

“Please…Chunnie…Don’t leave me alone…” Junsu cried as he hugged Yoochun tightly.

” It’s OK, I won’t go anywhere…I promise…”


A man was running so fast, he felt his heart almost exploded. He was shocked, trembling in fear. He never thought he would see them again. 

Tears, that had been long dried, flew from his eyes as he stopped and tried to catch his breath. He looked around and after making sure no one followed him, his legs gave up.

Sitting lifelessly inside the tunnel, he sighed and called the name he had almost forgotten,” Junsu…Junsu…I’m sorry…”

After a few minutes of silences, the figure decided to get up and now, he finally had a purpose in his life once again. He wanted to protect his dearest person once again.

He walked till the nearest exit door, he opened up and some men in black showed up. It was supposed to be his hiding place but he guessed his fake-parent found it.

“Where’s the evidence, Jaejoong?” one of the men spoke.

“I’ve burnt each of them,” Jaejoong spoke.

“You knew the order was to bring the evidence, not to burn it,” another man spoke up.

“But I also knew the evidence should be destroyed, that’s why---“before Jaejoong could finish one of the men kicked his stomach and made he fell on the solid ground.

“Why can’t you just admit your failure?!” the man who attacked Jae spoke,” Don’t you think because the boss adopted you, you can do whatever you want!”

“…Hahaha…That’s funny,” Jaejoong spoke as he got up,” All I know that old man only gave me pain and nightmares….”

“How dare you---“the man couldn’t finish, Jaejoong jumped up and kicked his neck, causing it to break.

“This’s rebel, Jaejoong ah! Stop before---“again, Jaejoong twisted the man neck by his arm and let the man breathed his last breath.

The last man shot a bullet to Jaejoong’s direction but Jae managed to avoid it. Grasping the nearest broken pipe, Jaejoong threw it till hitting the man’s head.

Jaejoong snatched the gun from the man and used it to kill him. Blood splashed on his face but Jaejoong kept calm. He had been killing people for years for no reason, now he got one. 

He wanted to protect Junsu and Yoochun. He wanted to help Yoochun to bring down that rotten old man, the one who forcefully adopted him when he was a child and turned him into a heartless killer.

Wiping his face using the clean water, he took his entire weapons and his car keys. He needed to make a good plan now.

---A Week Later---

“Are you sure you will be OK?” Yoochun asked Junsu one more time.

“I’m sure, now go to work, Yoochun ah,” Junsu spoke,” You’ve been absent for the whole week because of me.”

It’s true that Yoochun had asked permission for holiday from his boss (who thought Yoochun had finally given up on the case) and he was allowed. It’s because Yoochun wanted to make sure Junsu was fine enough by himself after the attack.

“Junsu, remember…”

“I know, I’ll lock all doors and windows. I also have my electric shock device with me wherever I go,” Junsu reminded,” I’ll be fine…”

“Fine, love you Junsu,” Yoochun kissed Junsu’s lips tenderly as he finally got out from his apartment and headed to work.

Junsu decided he should do the laundry in the morning. He took his and Yoochun’s dirty cloth and put them inside the washing machine. After putting some detergent, he turned the device on and went to the living room.

Truthfully, there’s something that had been messing with his mind. He couldn’t forget the man, who attacked Yoochun before. It was like he had seen the man somewhere. Sighing, Junsu decided he should check it.

He went to his bedroom, which he shared with Yoochun, and took the wooden box below their bed. It contained all Junsu’s memories. He opened it up and some photos showed up.

He took them and examined it one by one. There’s one photo that he took when he first went on date with Yoochun to a theme park, he was smiling so happily there. Blushing, Junsu decided to look for the other pictures. 

So many memories were buried there and Junsu reminisced all of them. Some old friend from Yoochun’s workplace, the village he used to live in, and the orphanage.

Junsu took the last picture he loved the most in his entire collection. It was his picture, Yoochun, and his only older brother. He smiled at the picture and ended up staring it for a while till the washing machine beeping.

The man left everything there and decided to dry the cloth first. While hanging the fabric, he accidentally injured his finger with a wire that came out from the hangers.

“Ow…I’m so careless…” Junsu spoke to himself. That’s when something hit his head.

Still shocked, Junsu couldn’t believe what he’s thinking. He was scared. Hasty, he rushed back to his bedroom as he looked at the last picture he saw.

It couldn’t be true, Junsu thought to himself.

The person who attacked Yoochun last week had the same scar that his hyung used to have from the firework festival accident.


It was afternoon and Yoochun decided he should grasp some lunch. Thinking hard about the case he wanted to finish made him hungry.

He went to the parking lot and was about to get into his car when bunch of men blocking his way. He looked around and realized no one was there.

“Crap…” Yoochun cursed.

One of them attacked Yoochun by a long stick; Yoochun avoided it and kicked his . He punched another man’s stomach as he kicked again. But Yoochun was out numbered, one of the men gave him a hard blow on the head and he fell on the cold ground.

He tried to get up but he couldn’t. Yoochun could feel his sight blurred as some blood flew through his cheek. Would he just end like this? Just like his best friend, couldn’t finish the case?

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Chapter 5: Aww~ This is a great story! ♡♡♡
karinokta #2
Chapter 5: great storryyyyy!!!
jae and chun seem so mature when su is still cute and innocent though their s is not that far, but love them anyway
CutieWay #3
great fic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kyouya3 #4
@likuna I dunno where the pic...I haven't organised my pic for a year and it's really messy, if I found the pic, I'll tell u^^
int was a good story and i read all in one breayth...but i have one request to you...chunnie's photo from the poster...he's so beautiful there!!! DO YOU HAVE THE ORIGINAL OF THIS PHOTO???
kyouya3 #6
@zeenei actually, I wrote this in kinda hurry stage, so I didn't really write as well as I usually did, I think...But I'm glad it's not fail^^
zeenei #7
Short but awesome! How you managed to put in so many details? I'm so impressed!
kyouya3 #8
@VieVI thx^^ I can't really make long stories these days, dunno you like yoosu so much, don't you? hehe XD
omo~ the story awesome!
but it too short tbh kekeke ~
poor JJ.. he hd to be killer and lose his happy childhood life to save his beloved.. :'(
chunnie so cute~ in love w/ su since kid~ kyaaa who can resist Su anyway ~ XD #fangirling mode lol ~
Loveeeee this ~ <33
kyouya3 #10
@aegyoJellyprincess thx u^^