Chapter 3


Chapter 3

"The hour of departure has arrived and we go our ways; I to die, and you to live. Which is better? Only God knows."
-Socrates (BC 469-BC 399) Greek philosopher of Athens-

“Kill him,” one of the men spoke.

Another one was ready to blow Yoochun’s head with the sharp stick but a bullet stopped him.

“Jaejoong! You traitor!” the other spoke as they fought the guy who just arrived with a noiseless gun.

“Shut up,” Jaejoong spoke as he drove his motorcycle and shot few men down on the head and heart. He jumped from the bike as he twisted a man’s neck and killed him.

One last man stood there, scared of Jaejoong’s presence but didn’t want to admit it. The man tried to attack Jaejoong from the back but Jae shot the man first.

Then, Jaejoong heard few men’s voice chatting as they headed into the parking lot. In hurry, Jaejoong got on his bike as he drove away. He knew Yoochun would be alright now. 

Like Jaejoong’s expectation, few men that were coming to the parking lot was Yoochun’s colleague. They immediately called for help and took Yoochun to hospital.


After thinking hard, Junsu decided he should call Yoochun. He dialed Yoochun’s number but no one answering. He tried again but the result was still the same. Sighing he decided he should just go to Yoochun’s office. He knew Yoochun was supposed to be there.

Junsu went out from the apartment and used the lift to get down. Just when he stepped out of the lift, bunch of men in black blocked his way. Junsu was scared, he tried to use the electric shock device he had but the men caught him first.

Junsu could feel his body lightened as one of them dosage him with some anesthetic. 

“Yoochun…help,” was Junsu’s last word before he passed out.


Yoochun opened his eyes slowly; he thought he heard Junsu’s voice. He looked around and discovered he was in hospital. He got up as his colleague told him he should get some rest.

“I’m fine, really…What happened to the guys that attacked me?” Yoochun asked.

“An unknown guy killed them all,” Yoochun was surprised by the answer,” We still don’t know what happened since the security camera was hijacked at the time you were attacked. It seemed it was a planned attack…”

“OK then, just tell me if there’s any news…” Yoochun spoke as his colleague got out from the room.

Yoochun couldn’t remember clearly but he seemed to realize the one who saved him. It was like he had met him/her before. He managed to catch a quick glance but it wasn’t clear.

Sighing, Yoochun decided to look for his hand phone. He found it on the table and there was five miscalls from Junsu. Yoochun panicked, something must be so urgent that Junsu called him continuously.

He dialed Junsu’s phone and waited. It took almost one minute till it was answered.

“Yoboseyo, Junsu ah, is there anything wrong?” Yoochun asked worriedly.

“Park Yoochun, Kim Junsu is in our hand now, don’t do anything stupid if you want him to keep breathing,” a computer-like voice answered. Yoochun felt like his heart wanted to stop beating. His precious Junsu was in danger!

“What do you want?” Yoochun asked.

“Come to the place we’ll tell you after this and bright the entire evidence that your best friend gave you,” the voice commanded.


Jaejoong walked around the hospital park as his eyes still looking around. He should be cautious; he never knew what the company would do to hurt Yoochun.

Suddenly, he saw a familiar figure walking out from the hospital. The figure was wearing jacket and Jaejoong couldn’t see the face. But since he knew Park Yoochun from childhood, he could identify him in a glance.

It took Jaejoong a few seconds to realize that something was wrong with Yoochun. Jae decided to follow silently from behind. Yoochun was on phone and Jaejoong could hear some of the conversation.

“I got out from the hospital without anyone knowing,” Yoochun spoke,” Where should I go next?”

“…OK…The harbor then, I’ll bring the evidence. Just don’t touch him,” Yoochun warned as he closed his phone and walked to his car.

Those conversations were enough for Jaejoong to know the situation. The man got into his bike and rushed to the harbor. He knew one of the company hideout at the harbor and he was certain that they kept Junsu there.

Jaejoong drove madly, he kept going faster and faster. He felt like his heart would stop if anything happened to his precious little brother. He was devastated.

I took him fifteen minutes to reach his destination. He walked slowly to the back door of a warehouse. He managed to slip in and killed the guard. Still no one aware of his presence, Jaejoong saw a door which was guarded by two armed guard. He was sure Junsu would be there.

Jaejoong used a coin to distract one of the guards. He killed the other guard while the other one checked the noise Jae created. Then, he twisted the other guard from behind and hid their bodies. 

He rushed into the door again and almost opened the door, but then he stopped. He was scared. He was damn scared to see Junsu again.


“Here’s all the evidence you asked,” Yoochun spoke as he gave the briefcase to an old man’s assistant. Yoochun knew the old man was the boss and he’d been dying to kill him for hurting Junsu and killing his best friend.

“Now, can you please release Junsu?” Yoochun spoke.

The old man checked the evidence and he gave signal to the guards. Like Yoochun expected, they’re planning to kill him after they got the evidence.

Just before a guard shot him, Yoochun got out his hidden pen gun, which had been hidden inside his sock, and killed the guard. He managed to kill two other guards while rolling over into the back of a big box. 

“Kill him, don’t let him get away!” the old man spoke in fierce voice.

Yoochun knew he should put the end now. He couldn’t let the old man get away or more people would get hurt. He avoided insistent bullets from the guards as he killed some and rushed into the old man’s side. He shot the old man right on the head with his last bullet and rolled back, hiding behind an empty barrel.

“Boss!!!” the guard was shocked. Using their remaining bullet, they kept shooting into Yoochun’s direction. 

Yoochun got a gun from the nearest guard who had died; it had only four bullets left. He managed to kill one and then two guards. But there’re so many, he was outnumbered.

“Damn it!” Yoochun cursed as he had only one bullet left.

That’s when a leaked barrel caught his eyes. He carefully aimed at the leaking liquid and shot. The barrel exploded and the fire ate most of the guards. Yoochun used the chance to run away and tried to find Junsu. He could only pray that he and Junsu would make it out alive.

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Chapter 5: Aww~ This is a great story! ♡♡♡
karinokta #2
Chapter 5: great storryyyyy!!!
jae and chun seem so mature when su is still cute and innocent though their s is not that far, but love them anyway
CutieWay #3
great fic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kyouya3 #4
@likuna I dunno where the pic...I haven't organised my pic for a year and it's really messy, if I found the pic, I'll tell u^^
int was a good story and i read all in one breayth...but i have one request to you...chunnie's photo from the poster...he's so beautiful there!!! DO YOU HAVE THE ORIGINAL OF THIS PHOTO???
kyouya3 #6
@zeenei actually, I wrote this in kinda hurry stage, so I didn't really write as well as I usually did, I think...But I'm glad it's not fail^^
zeenei #7
Short but awesome! How you managed to put in so many details? I'm so impressed!
kyouya3 #8
@VieVI thx^^ I can't really make long stories these days, dunno you like yoosu so much, don't you? hehe XD
omo~ the story awesome!
but it too short tbh kekeke ~
poor JJ.. he hd to be killer and lose his happy childhood life to save his beloved.. :'(
chunnie so cute~ in love w/ su since kid~ kyaaa who can resist Su anyway ~ XD #fangirling mode lol ~
Loveeeee this ~ <33
kyouya3 #10
@aegyoJellyprincess thx u^^