Chapter 1


Chapter 1

"To fear death, my friends, is only to think ourselves wise, without being wise: for it is to think that we know what we do not know. 
For anything that men can tell, death may be the greatest good that can happen to them: but they fear it as if they knew quite well that it was the greatest of evils. 
And what is this but that shameful ignorance of thinking that we know what we do not know?"
-Socrates (BC 469-BC 399) Greek philosopher of Athens-

“Damn it!” a man cursed as ran as fast as he could. His bleeding thigh prevented him from running faster.

“Catch him! Don’t ever let him get away!” a fierce voice commanded as he and his comrade followed the man.

“Hurry...Please hurry up, answer it! Yoochun ah,” the man mumbled as he kept pressing the dealing tone on his phone.

“Yoboseyo?” another voice spoke through the phone.

“Yoochun, listen to me carefully,” the man whispered as he kept running,” SM real business isn’t real estate like we’re guessing. They do drug dealing, slavery, organ selling, and also ion. They’re mafia undercover.”


Bullets pierced the air around the man, he was shot in the shoulder but he managed to keep running with his limb legs.
“Where’re you?! Are you OK?” Yoochun was shocked to hear so many gunshots.

“I’ve sent the evidence to your place. It should be arrived tomorrow morning,” the man managed to say with a hoarse voice, he knew he wouldn’t make it.

“I hope you can continue our investigation even without me,” the man spoke, “Goodbye, Yoochun ah…”


The man cut the line as he threw the phone into the floor, breaking it into pieces. He stopped running as he made sure the phone was really broken. 


Another bullet pierced his flesh as he lost his balance. He hit the floor and he could feel his blood flew out of him. His sight blurred, all he could catch was some people were around him. He breathed his last breath as a bullet went through his head.

---One Month Later---

“Yoochun ah, are you going to be late again today?” a man in his pajamas asked as he hugged his boyfriend tightly.

“Yeah, I’m sorry, Junsu ah…” Yoochun caressed Junsu’s hair as he continued,” I need to finish this case, which my best friend had died for…”

“…But…be careful, OK?” Junsu looked at Yoochun’s eyes as he kissed his lips softly,” I love you Chunnie…And I don’t want to lose you…”

“I love you too, Su...I will be OK, I promise,” Yoochun smiled as he put his shoes,” I’ll be going then…”

“Have a safe trip,” Junsu finally spoke as Yoochun’s figure disappeared from his sight. He sighed, he needed to admit he didn’t like Yoochun’s job at all. Being a police officer made Yoochun always in danger, Junsu thought. But he also knew he was part of the reason why Yoochun be one.

Fifteen years ago, when he lost his only one hyung, he was left devastated. He cried almost every night. One day, Yoochun hugged him tightly as he promised; he would find his only brother for him. That was why Yoochun decided to be a police officer once he was able to get out of the orphan house.

“Please God, please protect Yoochun…He’s the only one left for me…I can’t live without him,” Junsu softly prayed inside his heart.


“Have we managed to track where he sent the evidence?” an old man, who’s holding long gold walking stick and sitting comfortably on the couch, spoke.

“Not yet, please give a few more hours. We’re almost there,” another man in glasses spoke.

“When you found it, tell Jaejoong to take care of it,” the old man spoke as he left.


“I hope you can understand your position, Yoochun,” the older man spoke as he stared at Yoochun.

“But why? Why should we stop our investigation when it has already been this far?!” Yoochun couldn’t take it anymore,” Is my best friend’s sacrifice not enough?”

“That’s exactly what I mean, Yoochun ah. We can no longer lose any important members of our department,” his supervisor explained,” That’s why I decided to stop it and give it to the higher rank officer.”

“Why can’t you just let me continue it, Sir?!” Yoochun said almost shouting,” I can do it; we just need a little more evidence to destroy that corrupted company!”

“But, Yoochun ah---“

Yoochun didn’t let his boss finished. He stormed out the room with anger completely written all over his face. No way he would the condition stopped him now. He had regretted enough. He couldn’t make the same mistake again. He wouldn’t let the situation beat him like when a mysterious family took his precious friend when he was a child.

Yoochun cursed as he took his file on his desk. He was ready to bring that damn company even without his supervisor’s permission. He knew the older man was a coward but he didn’t have a choice than followed him since he’s his boss.

He went to the parking lot and opened his car door. He kicked the engine on and headed home. He needed his Junsu to calm him down. He wanted to see Junsu so badly. 

So into his emotion, Yoochun didn’t realize a car that was following him from behind. Yoochun turned right and then turned left at the junction. He finally made it to his apartment.

Turning the car engine off, he got out and headed inside his home. He took the files with him of course. Unknowingly, a man also came out from the car that was following him. The man followed Yoochun up to his apartment door.

“You’re home!” Junsu cheered as he was so happy because Yoochun came home earlier that day,” I miss you so much!”

“Me too…” Yoochun spoke in soft voice. Junsu realized something was wrong with his boyfriend,” What’s wrong?”

“Nothing…” Yoochun lied,” Could you make my favorite stew? I’m so hungry right now…”

“Of course! Come in,” Junsu took Yoochun inside as the door closed.

The man that had been hiding came out as he walked to the nearest window. He climbed out and walked closer to Yoochun’s apartment window by the periphery wall. The window wasn’t locked.

“I’ll wait at the living room, OK?” Yoochun informed Junsu, who was in the kitchen.

“Sure, I’ll be right there with the stew in a few minutes!” Junsu spoke.

Yoochun put his file down near the coach as he decided he should watch some news. Turning the television on, he let himself sat on the coach. 

Yoochun’s eyes were still in the screen when suddenly he felt his neck being strangled by something tight. He tried to struggle but it was no use, he couldn’t move much. He knew the culprit was a professional one. 

Yoochun needed to do something or he would be good for dead in another minute. He tried to kick the culprit, punched him, but nothing worked out.

His sight started to get blurry; he swore he didn’t want it to end like this. He still wanted to live to finish the case. Moreover, he couldn’t bear to see Junsu lost anything anymore. He wanted to be there for Junsu. He wanted to live with Junsu for God shake!!!

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Chapter 5: Aww~ This is a great story! ♡♡♡
karinokta #2
Chapter 5: great storryyyyy!!!
jae and chun seem so mature when su is still cute and innocent though their s is not that far, but love them anyway
CutieWay #3
great fic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kyouya3 #4
@likuna I dunno where the pic...I haven't organised my pic for a year and it's really messy, if I found the pic, I'll tell u^^
int was a good story and i read all in one breayth...but i have one request to you...chunnie's photo from the poster...he's so beautiful there!!! DO YOU HAVE THE ORIGINAL OF THIS PHOTO???
kyouya3 #6
@zeenei actually, I wrote this in kinda hurry stage, so I didn't really write as well as I usually did, I think...But I'm glad it's not fail^^
zeenei #7
Short but awesome! How you managed to put in so many details? I'm so impressed!
kyouya3 #8
@VieVI thx^^ I can't really make long stories these days, dunno you like yoosu so much, don't you? hehe XD
omo~ the story awesome!
but it too short tbh kekeke ~
poor JJ.. he hd to be killer and lose his happy childhood life to save his beloved.. :'(
chunnie so cute~ in love w/ su since kid~ kyaaa who can resist Su anyway ~ XD #fangirling mode lol ~
Loveeeee this ~ <33
kyouya3 #10
@aegyoJellyprincess thx u^^