
Thunder rolls

Solar's POV

“So what should we watch? I really don’t want to spend an hour looking for something again,” I said the moment I walked into her bedroom. I dropped my bag onto the floor and plopped onto her bed. Her room was just a bit smaller than mine, but I thought that it only made it cozier. Plus, I love that it smelled like her. It was like being surrounded by Byul.

“I mean, you can never got wrong with The Office. Should we just oomph-” Before I could even finish the sentence, Moonbyul tackles me against the mattress. “-put that on?”

“Let’s not put anything on.” She looks down at me with a smirk, holding most of her weight up with her elbows. “Don’t get any wrong ideas. I just want to talk, so don’t be too disappointed.”

I knew where she was going, and I knew it was inevitable that we were going to talk about it. But that never stopped me from trying.

“It’d be so easy not to disappoint me though.” I’m acting shameless in my attempt to sway her. I’m wearing the pout that I know she loves, and of course I gently ran my fingertip up her sensitive arm. It was a little unfair on my part, but like I said, I’m shameless.

It’s all for naught. Byul laughs and shakes her head. “Solar, Solar,” she chides. “Did you really think that was going to work?”

My pout becomes real, and she leans down for quick peck not wanting me to feel bad. “It was really tempting though. I’ll give you that.”

“Yeah?” I smile and pull her down by her collar. “Give me one more shot.”

She gives into my lips for a moment, letting more of her weight press against me. I almost think I’ve won, but that isn’t the case. Not this time.

The moment passes too quickly and she pulls back.

“You’re good,” she murmurs sounding short of breath. “But I have an iron will.”

“Not all the time,” I remind her. There’s been countless times I’ve gotten her to leave her homework unfinished at her desk.

“Well, at least when it comes to you I do.”

She was serious again. Byul was only concerned for me, and I knew that. She was always so attentive, which I loved, but it also meant I couldn’t get away with hiding things away.

“It’s you and me, Solar. Neither of us ever has to go through anything alone anymore because we have each other. That’s our deal. We share our burdens, right?” I nod. “So tell me.”

“Byul, I-” I reach up and push her hair back so that I can see her face better. “I’m scared.”

“Why? Are you scared of what you saw?”

“No, I’m scared that this will lead us into another dangerous adventure, and I’m afraid that you’ll get hurt.”

“So you were holding this back because you were afraid to follow your vision? You don’t want to do it because of my safety?”


“If it makes you happy, then we won’t do it. We’ll just put on The Office and move on.”

“I mean we have to help them though, don’t we?”

“Solar, you mean more to me than anyone and anything. If you don’t want to do this, and instead live your life like a normal person, I will support you. I am not going to make you do anything you don’t want to. And I’ll do what you do. I don’t need anything else but you.”

I know she means every word with no judgement. Her gaze is intense, and I can’t look away.

“But, Byul… I don’t think I could live with the guilt of not trying to help. Whoever this was called for me.”

“I don’t think this is ever going away, Solar. Do you plan on helping them all?”

“If I don’t try, what does that make me?”

She looked away for a moment with a crinkle in her brow. She must have been having moral questionings now too.

When she met my eyes again, she didn’t look anymore assured. “Then we try and help?” She looked unsure. I can’t blame her when I don’t even know what I want. She sees that after I fail to respond. “Why don’t you just tell me what you saw before we make any decisions?”

She picks herself off me and sits up. I get up too and sit crossed leg while facing her.

“The vision was really weird and unclear. Every time I try to picture it again, it only seems to get blurrier, and I don’t know why that’s happening.”

“You can’t make out any full form? Were their eyes covered maybe?”

I try to summon a picture of what I had seen, but like a dream, it’s hard to recall.

“I don’t know. I didn’t hear anything either.” I mutter disappointed in myself.

“Hey, that’s okay.” She pats my thigh. “What was this person feeling? Scared probably, but anything else?”

I had actually been so focused on the picture I hadn’t thought too much about the person’s feelings. Maybe that’s why it was so easy to consider not helping them. Maybe that was my subconscious intention. But it was unavoidable now, so I closed my eyes and tried to remember.

So I’ll admit that I wasn’t trying too hard before, but I’ve finally come to my senses. Or maybe I’ve let go of them. The only thing I know for sure right now is that I’m trying to do the right thing. So I have to put my full focus on this. I have my eyes shut, I’m breathing deeply, and I’m concentrating. Well, I’m trying to.

It’s just that it almost seems impossible when I don’t have anyone to focus on. I don’t know anything about the person I’m trying to pin down. It’s like trying to navigate somewhere when you have no destination in mind.

But I know that after I’ve tuned in once it’s a lot easier from then on. I just have to find the right frequency. Someone was sending out a stress signal, and there is no way I’m going to let it go unanswered.

So what could I do to reconnect? This is where I was at a loss. Maybe I can think about what I do know about this person’s situation, but even then it was spotty. For some reason, the transmission was fuzzy. Like I was watching a show on an old television and the antenna wasn’t in the right position. I could hardly make out any sound or picture, but that wasn’t the only thing that was important. Byul was right. I could get in through their emotions too.

They were feeling scared, of course, but at the same time there was this small curiosity in the corner of their mind, which is not something I was expecting. Yet, the overwhelming feeling that seemed to encompass them was confinement. Not the same trapped feeling that Krystal experienced, but like a hindrance.

Did that have anything to do with the failed connection? For now, I could only assume yes. I tried one last push to get more, but that was all for now. It was a lot more work than usual. It had started coming easier after all the practice I’ve gotten, but it was almost like when I first started. I felt tired.

“Alright, you’ve done all you could. Come on now, let’s put on the show.”

Byul ushered me back against the headboard and made sure I had enough cushion for my back all while trying not to show how anxious she was. I smiled because it was unnecessary, but it was sweet and I didn’t mind anyway.

“Are you hungry? Want me to get you something to eat?”

"No, no. I’m fine just get over here.” I patted spot next to me that shouldn’t have been empty.

“Okay.” She crawled over and stationed herself by me. “But if you change your mind.”

“Byul,” I laughed. “You’re overreacting. I’m all good. Just set it up.”


Hwasa's POV

Wheein looked down at her phone and groaned for the fifth time.

“They still aren’t replying. I guess they didn’t change their minds after all.” Wheein pouted very cutely. I was a little disappointed too because we’ve been seeing them a lot less lately. But at the same time, it meant I got to be alone with Wheein, which was just as good if not better.

“Well then, forget them. I didn’t really feel like watching a movie anyway. Let’s do something else.” I suggest without needing to be hopeful because we were already friends, but that’s all we were. Just friends.

“Like what?” She looks at me with big curious eyes, and it’s reflex for me to smile when she sets those dark eyes of hers on me.

“I don’t know…” I click my tongue thinking. Suddenly my smile turns into a mischievous grin, and I see her eyes become alive with excitement. “You want to go somewhere new?”

“What do you have in mind?”

“How do you feel about surprises?” I turn on the bike and reach for our helmets.

“I am willing to make an exception this time.” She snatches her helmet from my grasp and puts it on in record time. “I just hope I’m not getting excited for no reason.”

“You probably are, but it’s better than here. So I will not tolerate any whining if it’s not your taste.” My grip on the handle bars tighten a little because suddenly I'm nervous that she’d be let down.

My heart jumps a little when she gets behind me and wraps her arms around my waist. Usually, when we’re just hanging out casually, it isn’t a problem. But sometimes, there’s a change. A small change in the atmosphere that allows me to grow hopeful.

“Don’t worry your . As long as it’s you and me, I can’t possibly not have a good time.”

Those words allow my grip to loosen, and the easy smile I usually have with Wheein comes back.

“I feel the same,” I murmur quietly. She may not have even heard me over the rumbling of the bike.


The place I take her isn’t exactly one she hasn’t heard of, but I know she never actually went in. Anyway, I’m sure she hasn’t thought about it since we came here to follow Kai. The Two Keys Tavern.

As soon as I stop the bike, she jumps off. I guess I did good.

“This is where you and Byul went before you broke into the school!” She turns from the building to look at me with a million watt smile that I’m sure could replace the sun. Not even trying to sound cliché. It’s just true.

“Ah, so you’re not disappointed? I didn’t think you’d be.”

“Let’s go in! Then you can tell me how it all happened!” Wheein grabs my arms and starts dragging me towards the door. I let her lead me as I will my heart to calm down.

“But I told you about that already.”

“Pfft. Hardly. Maybe you’ll tell it better in the place it all started. Plus, maybe your story telling skills will improve after having something to drink.” She pushes past the door, and immediately squeezes my arm when the air hits her. “It really does smell like autumn!”

She turns to look at me with amazement. This old run down place isn’t exactly Disneyland, but she’s certainly acting like it is.

Wheein shrinks back a little after realizing that we were still minors. Not that that would stop us, but she wasn’t familiar with how it worked here.

I easily take the lead and walk up to the counter. When the bartender turns to look at whose come in, I nod at him.

“Hey! Haven’t seen you in a while.” The lumberjack looking guy greets me with a friendly smile. “Where’s Moonbyul?” He quickly puts up his hand before I can respond. “She’s with her girlfriend isn’t she?”

“Isn’t she always?”

“Hmm. I know how that is.” He pauses for a second with a nostalgic look on his gruff face. “Well, tell her to bring her girlfriend and her toolbox for a visit. My bike needs a tune-up.”

“I’ll make sure she comes right away.”

“I trust you will. Even if you have to drag her in here.” He grins and grabs two glasses. His attention moves over to Wheein, who’s curiously looking around. “You’re a cute one. What’s your name?”

Her head snaps towards him after I bump her with my shoulder, she hadn’t noticed he was talking to her. She smiles shyly and leans closer to me. “I’m Wheein.”

“Wheein, it’s nice to meet you. I’ve Vince.” He reaches his hand out for a shake.

She moves away from me to grab his hand, and I can see she’s already feeling more comfortable. “Nice to meet you too.”

“I hope a beer will work for you.”

“A beer sounds great.” She hops on the stool and grabs the drink he’s poured for her. “I can’t believe it took her this long to bring me here, Vince.”

I take a seat on the stool next to her and grab the glass he’s poured for me.

“Me neither.” Vince shakes his head in disbelief. “Hwasa, is this bar not good enough for your date? It isn’t easy keeping it smelling this good, and you have the audacity to not visit.”

I almost spat out my drink when he called Wheein my date, luckily I was able to keep it in. I quickly glance over at Wheein to see her reaction, but I can only see her amused eyes behind the glass.

“Um… She’s not-”

“Really Hwasa, this place is ten times more romantic than half of the places you take me.”

I know Vince was a very likeable guy, but I don’t even think I got along with him this fast. I was already getting whiplash from their banter.

“Hwasa, you aren’t treating your girls how I taught you to. I tried my best, Wheein. I told her over and over th-”

“Alright, I get it. We’ll visit more often. Lay off me, will you?”

Vince let’s out a deep laugh. “That’s all I wanted to hear.”

“Hey, Vince?” Wheein calls. Her glass is already half empty.

“What’s up?”

“Do you know about Hwasa and Moonbyul breaking into the school?”

I laugh, already knowing how this is going to go.

“Do I?! Of course I do! Hey Hwasa, that was quite the night wasn’t it?” He asks me with a broad smile.

“Sure was.” I say before taking another small sip. I have to be responsible because I’m not going to risk driving Wheein home in a bad state.

“Ooo! Tell me about it!” Wheein hops excitedly on her stool and looks over at me with a beaming smile. I really didn’t think it was possible to fall deeper for her, but here I was in a grimy tavern doing exactly that.

“Alright, but I should serve myself a beer too. Hey, looks like you need a refill anyway. I got you.”

“Don’t drink too fast, Wheein.”

“I’m okay.”

“Yeah, she’s okay. When did she become a party pooper, Wheein?” He stops moving for a second and smiles. “Ah, I see. It must be l-“ I set my cup down hard so he can’t finish. He glances at me confused, but he soon realizes his mistake when he catches my glare.

“Must be what?”

“Oh, nothing. It’s not my place to say after all.”

He sets a new glass in front of Wheein, and then claps his hands together.

“Story time.”



I stop in front of Wheein’s house and hold her arm as she tries to get off. I knew she was drinking too much. At least I’ll know for next time what she can handle. She’s not too far gone though. She’s just all giggly and it’s really cute honestly.

“Hwasa, unclasp my helmet for me.” I stand up and move towards her where she’s standing on the sidewalk.

“Have you lost all your motor skills already, baby Wheein?”

“Pfft, no. I just have moves.”

“Moves? What’s that supposed to mean?”

She doesn’t answer.

“I had a lot of fun tonight. I really like Vince. Now he knows how to tell a story!” She leans forward as she laughs and grabs my arm. “You broke into the school because you got defensive about your lock picking skills.”

“Wouldn’t you? I’ve been doing that kind of stuff since I was four!”

“And then you were going to use the fact that you were covered in pool water as proof that you succeeded.” I can hardly understand her because she's laughing so hard, but her laughter was contagious. It has me chuckling with her.

“There’s no other pool in the area. It was good proof. Plus, I always wanted to do it. Hit two birds with one stone that way.”

She was laughing so hard now I was almost a concerned, but she eventually took a deep breath and calmed down.

“That’s hilarious. You’re hilarious. I knew there was more to that story too!”

She wiped some water from her eyes and looks at me. Her eyes are clear again.

“Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For tonight, for the ride, for being you.”

“Oh, no problem. I had fun too.”

We quietly looked at each other, neither of us willing to turn away. I glanced at her lips and thought about leaning in, but couldn’t. Nothing usually made me nervous. Nothing. Yet, the thought of kissing Wheein caused a trillion of butterflies to appear in my stomach and flutter around like they were trying to break their way out. I just can't get myself to move any closer.

“Well, I guess I should go inside.”

“Of course. Your parents are probably waiting. Plus, it’s freezing out here.”

She smiles and nods, but it kind of looks sad.

“Goodnight.” She quickly leans up and kisses my cheek.

Before I even process the moment, she’s waving from her door.

“See you later!”

“S-See you later!”

I robotically get back on my bike and clasp my helmet on. It’s not until I’m about to take off that I let out a proud grin.

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TennoujiMegumi #1
author nim... when are you going to update.. i miss this story so much :(
_moongalaxy #2
Chapter 16: this story end here....orrrr there's more?! because i'm not gonna lie, this story is insane🥺i love it....and it shouldn't stop only on S2🥺 S3,4,5... and idk how many because it so good😭💜
waiting for the next chapter! love this story <3
WendyWanD #4
Chapter 16: Love this story!!! Waiting for the next chapter!! Thank you <3
Yehey welcome back otornim ... 💙💙💙
Whalien39 #7
One of the best stories ever read! Can't wait for next chapter!
Jscl38 #8
Chapter 15: Dope chapter thanks for sharing
Chapter 15: no worries, really cool that you’re kinda back!!! this chapter is def a step forward, can’t wait for them to beat and ride off into the sunset
Chapter 15: So glad you're back!!