
Lipstick Traces


     O6. F A T E      
Hyunji's sat up from her bed as soon as she heard a crash from downstairs. Wondering what the sound was, she opened her door and stepped outside. Her siblings also did the same thing from the other rooms. 
Quietly as possible, Hyunji walked down the stairs with her siblings following behind. When she reached the bottom, she recognized the sound coming from the kitchen- her parents were arguing.
"What do you mean 'it was an accident'?!" Mrs Park shrieked at Mr Park.
Mr Park sighed and said, "It was! I was drunk!"
Hyunji's brothers and sisters were quietly gossiping, "Sleeping with another girl?!" Hyunji turned around and ordered them to go back upstairs. They obliged and quickly ran upstairs. 
Hyunji took a step closer to the kitchen to listen more clearly. Mrs Park started to sob helplessly, "I can't believe you would lie to me and go to an adult club like that. How could you?" 
Hyunji frowned and she realised the similarity of her relationship with Hoya. 
"Honey, look, I'm sorry, but it was only for a few nights," Mr Park explained.
"But you slept with one of the girls! Which counted as cheating on me! How can I trust you anymore?!" Mrs Park cried.
Hyunji stared at the floor in front of her and remembered the night she left Hoya and the night she found out he was cheating on her. She was in so much pain, and thinking about it again now, it made her blood boil. 
Tears welled up in her eyes when she remembered the sight of Hoya and Jinhee kissing. 
Hyunji clutched onto the sides of her head and shut her eyes tightly. She couldn't get rid of those painful memories and the arguing of her parents didn't help one bit.
After a minute of trying to hold it in, Hyunji cracked. She ran into the kitchen and stood in between her parents. She let out an ear piercing scream while squeezing her hair tightly in her palms.
Her parents' eyes widened when they heard Hyunji scream. She stopped screaming, and ended up crying. "JUST STOP! STOP YELLING AND FIGHTING!" Hyunji cried. 
"Hyunji, sweetie-" Mrs Park started, but before she could continue, Hyunji ran outside and into the cold. She couldn't handle her messed up life anymore, so she just ran and ran to where her legs took her.
After a few minutes of running, she slowed down and started to walk slowly.  Hyunji glanced around at her surroundings. *Why- Why did I end up here?* she thought.
*No, it's wrong. I shouldn't be here...But...But why can't my legs stop moving?* 
Hyunji stopped walking and sat down at the edge of the fountain. She hung her head low in deep thought. *Why did you run here? You're so stupid, Park Hyunji.*
The fountain had left a great memory in Hyunji's head. It was where Hoya asked Hyunji to be his girlfriend and they also shared their first kiss here.
She remembered years ago when her parents had fought with each other, and she couldn't take all the noise and fighting, so she ran to this fountain. She cried her eyes out at the fountain and just like in movies, Hoya saw her and cheered her up.
Hoya did a really good job and helped her smile again. Hyunji remembered him doing his awkward aegyo, and let out a chuckle. Then she remembered him asking her out and kissing her. Hyunji softly smiled at the memory.
She let out a long sigh while a couple walked past and stared at Hyunji in a weird way. Hyunji realised she was still in her pajamas and her eyes widened. Because it was at night, the fountain park was empty, so she didn't panic too much. 
"I guess I should be going home now," Hyunji sighed before sniffling and standing up. She turned to leave when a familiar voice called her name. She froze on the spot and didn't move one bit. *That voice...*
"H-Hyunji, is that you?" Hoya softly spoke.
Slowly and dreafully, Hyunji turned around on her slippers. She locked eyes with Hoya and her heart stopped beating for one second. He look so good in his fashionable clothes, but he also looked messed up. She could tell. Stubbles were visible on his cheek and it trailed down to his chin. He had slightly dark bags underneath his mesmerizing eyes that told her that he hadn't got a lot of sleep.
For a second there, Hyunji wanted to run up to him and hold him tightly. But she remembered what happened and she mentally slapped herself for wanting to do that.
Hoya ran his eyes from Hyunji's toes to the top of her head. She was so beautiful. He chuckled mentally when he saw that she was in her favourite pink pajama pants with red dice on them and her casual long-sleeved grey v-neck. *She hasn't changed. Careless of what she's wearing as always.*
A minute later, the two ended up sitting 2 metres away from each other at the edge of the fountain. 
*, what happens now?* Hyunji bit her lip and flicked her fingers. 
Hoya noticed the awkward tension and was the first to speak, "U-Um, so how are you?" Hyunji didn't answer and melted at his soft and soothing voice he used to coo her to sleep every night. How long has it been since she heard that voice? Two months?
When Hoya didn't answer, he chuckled, forming a white visible cloud. "Do you remember this place? We had good times here..." Hoya whispered. Hyunji swallowed the big lump on . 
Hoya turned to look at her and noticed that she was shivering. Without wasting a second, he took off his warm puffy jacket and leaned over to put it over her shoulders. Hyunji quickly leaned back and put out a hand. "I-I'm fine. Keep it," she said.
Hoya sighed and took back the jacket, "So stubborn...as always."
Hyunji ignored his comment and stood up. "I think I should go. It's getting late and my parents are probably worried," she quickly said and started to walk back home. "Hyunji, wait," Hoya called, jogging up to catch up to her short and fast steps.
She stopped and Hoya said, "Before you leave...can you tell me why you came here?" Hyunji didn't answer. She, too, didn't know how the answer. When she didn't reply, Hoya guessed, "Did you parents fight again?" 
It was quiet and Hoya continued, "I told you before, when that happens, you need to-"
Hyunji quickly flipped her head around and glared at Hoya. "No," was all she said to cut Hoya off. Hoya had his mouth slightly open and he couldn't say anything else, scared of hurting Hyunji more than he already had.
Hyunji turned around once again and began to walk back home. "...Do you still love me?" was what Hoya had said for Hyunji to completely stop in her tracks and freeze.
*Yes! Of course I do!* was what she wanted to scream out, but her voicebox said otherwise. "No..." she quietly whispered, shaking her head and turning around to face the love of her life. 
Hoya's shoulders deflated and the words he wanted to hear the least came out of . *So she did move on...with that boy...*. "Then if you want to...you can just forget about me and what I just asked..." 
"For your information, I already moved on. You see, I have Myungsoo now. While you were busy cheating, I was with him-"
"I know. I saw," Hoya answered short.
Hyunji paused for a second before taking a deep breath and nodding, "Then that's good. We can both forget about each other. I can go with Myungsoo, while you can stay with your girl. Everyone's happy."
"I broke up with Jinhee the night you left," Hoya said.
Hoya looked up and they met eyes. They stared into each other's dark and lonely eyes for a few minutes. It was like as if they could communicate just my gazing into each other's eyes. 
Hyunji could feel that Hoya's eyes were full of sincerity and regret and slightly softened. 
Hoya sighed and said, "The reason I asked if you still loved me was because...I still love you, Hyunji." Hyunji's eyes slightly widened and she could feel her organs melt, although it was in the middle of winter. Tears brimmed her eyes, but she didn't know why. 
Was it because she was happy he still loved her? Or was it because she was hurt being reminded of what had happened 2 months ago? 
Without wasting another precious second, Hoya swiftly grabbed Hyunji's face and tilted his head to meet her lips. 
As soon as they made contact, electricity flashed through their bodies and they both felt alive again. 
Hoya had missed this feeling so much and poured all his emotions into kissing Hyunji, emotions of desire, longing, and love. He deepened the kiss by wrapping an arm around Hyunji's waist and kissing her with his tongue and all.
Hyunji hesitated before slowly closing her eyes to have a single tear drop from her eyes to the cold ground. She steadily started to kiss him back and slowly pulled him closer to her by grabbing his jacket. 
It was as if it wasn't close enough for them to feel each other. 
No words were being spoken for them to know how much they loved, missed and needed each other.
After a few minutes, which wasn't enough, the couple reluctantly pulled back to catch their breath after the kiss. They gazed into each other's eyes, breathing deeply. Hoya wiped the remaining tears on Hyunji's cheek with both his thumbs and Hyunji closed her eyes to savour the moment.
But Hyunji quickly opened her eyes again and stared at Hoya. "...But if you still love me, why did you cheat?"
Hoya took a deep breath before explaining to Hyunji that Jinhee reminded him of Hyunji before they started arguing and that he wanted to live in the past.
"I don't know why, but I couldn't talk things through with you anymore. I get scared every single time I get a chance to talk to you. I just feel that we'll start arguing again and I hate that..." Filled with guilt, Hoya let his head hung low.
A minute passed of silence and Hoya was still standing there, head down. It was until he heard a sob that made him perk up. His eyes widened when he realised that Hyunji was crying.
Hyunji wiped her tears with her shirt and continued to cry out loud. Alert and worried, Hoya grabbed her arms. "Hyunji! What's wrong?! Why are you crying?!"
Bawling, Hyunji looked up at Hoya and cried, "You babo!"
Baffled, Hoya pointed to himself. "M-Me?" he stuttered.
"You are so stupid!" she yelled and slapped his hard chest. She continued to curse him while slapping his chest and arms. Hoya panicked and didn't know what to do to stop Hyunji from crying.
He cupped her face and started to wipe her tears. "Okay, okay, I'm the bad person. I'm sorry, okay? I'm really sorry for whatever I did," he cooed, although he really didn't know why she was actually crying.
Hyunji cried into Hoya's chest and he held her tightly and the back of her head. "It's okay..." After a few minutes, Hyunji's cries turned into sobs and she lightly pulled back with swollen eyes and nose. Hoya chuckled at the sight, *She's so cute.*
"Now that you've stopped crying, can you tell me what I did?" Hoya asked, curious.
"You're so stupid! Why didn't you talk to me?! I would've listened! We could've listened to each others' thoughts and that way, we wouldn't of had fought too much! It was all your fault! Why couldn't you man up and become the man of this relationship?!" Hyunji started crying all over again. *So she was just chucking a sulk...* Hoya chuckled and cooed sweet words while wiping her tears.
Hyunji pushed Hoya's chest and glared at him, "And how could you compare me to that Jinhee of yours?! Do we look that alike? Because I don't see a resemblence at all! How dare you say that she reminded you of me?!" 
"No, babe. Not at all. Your much better than her," Hoya said and smiled. He pulled her close again and Hyunji scoffed, "That's what I thought." But she pulled back again and Hoya rolled his eyes at Hyunji sulking over small things.
"And what were you going on about- 'and if you want to, you can just forget about me'?! What did you mean about that?! If you loved me, you would've tried to get me back but instead, you say those words? Girls want their boy to fight for them, but what about you, huh?!" she poked his chest, "How come you said those words that girls hate to hear-"
Hyunji was cut short with Hoya cupping her face and pressing his lips against hers to stop her from blabbering on. Hyunji found her eyes automatically closing and started kissing him back. Hoya slid his hands around her waist and pulled her closer to kiss her deeper and much more passionately.
*Park Hyunji, you're the babo. You should know yourself how much I love you...I love you, Park Hyunji...only you...*
     N D     
Really sorry for not updating for two weeks!
Just to let you, know, this was supposed to be the last chapter of 'Lipstick Traces', but as an apology for such SLOW updates, I'll be adding a quick BONUS chapter in the next update, plus, I'll be promoting my next Hoya fic, so please stay tuned with the update!
Probably will come out in a few days after I write it, create my new fic, and yeah... :)
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blossomblackandwhite #1
Chapter 7: awww.... love this story.... they are sooo cute together
Chapter 7: damn i really love this >< this fanfic makes me cry and cry everytime i read it >< i mean i think i read this for how may times already and i cant get sick of it >< wahhh good job author-nim ^_^b
toinfinite-y #3
Reading it again and again. This made me cry, every time.
Great story, author-nim.
sara0821 #4
I really really really loved your fic! I hope you make other like this <3333
HANchesterLUnited #5
Omoyaaaa you're such a good writer. I cried ya know. It's nearly 1AM and I have tears drying on my face. I like stories like this. With angst and the cutesy stuff and the "you're such a babo!" moments :) (and I love Hoya...after Woohyun and after Jongie ^^)
seyongi-sshi #6
i like this fic!!
LE CRYING sob sob
Gina_11 #8
Awww! It was such a cute story!!<3
wow you made me cry so much thinking that they not going to made up. I love your story especially with my bias Hoya. the story is sp sweet