
Lipstick Traces

     O5. C R A Z Y      


When Hoya woke up the next morning, he couldn't open his eyes properly because they were both swollen from crying last night. He didn't even bother to change out of his work clothes and just went to sleep. 
Hoya sat up and glanced around. The placed seemed eerily quiet and he didn't like it. 
Hoya walked out of the room and saw breakfast made ready on the eating table. His eyes widened. Was he dreaming? Was it possible that Hyunji was still in his life? 
Hyunji came over with a bowl of kimchi soup. She brightly smiled at Hoya and waved him over. "Come eat, Howon. I made breakfast. Your favourite, too."
Hoya blinked fast and he was frozen on the spot. The sight of Hyunji making him breakfast was heavenly and it was as if everything that happened last night was just a nightmare. 
Hoya slowly sat down on the chair seat and Hyunji sat on the seat beside him. She smiled and watched lovingly while he started to drink the soup. He nodded and smiled. "It's really good. You make the best kimchi soup," he complimented.
Hyunji chuckled then softly smiled. "I just wanted to give you a last meal before I move back into my parents' house," she explained. Hoya's mouth dropped open and his hand went limp, causing the spoon to drop into the bowl with a loud clank.
Dreadfully, he turned his head towards Hyunji and she lightly smiled at him. "I already packed up my things and after that, I'll move out. You can do whatever you want with the house," she said and nodded to her luggage which was sitting in the corner, all ready to go.
Hoya shook his head and whispered, "No, you can't leave me. Why can't we still be together?"
Hyunji's forehead creased as she stared at him, hurt. "Do you honestly think that I can still look at you the same way again, Hoya? Do you think that after the rant I gave you last night that we can still be together? How can I trust you again?"
At the mention of last night, Hoya's mind clouded. *So it wasn't a nightmare...but reality...* His dark brown orbs were starting to fill up with tears. "Look, babe, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't of had done that. I know that this whole relationship messed up because of me, but I can change that. I can and I will," Hoya stammered, determined.
Hyunji shook her head. "It's too late," she whispered and stood up to her feet and walked over to her luggage. Hoya watched her every move and quickly stood up. He stepped over and wrapped his arms tightly around Hyunji's waist. The force caused Hyunji to lunge forwards and miss the handle of her bags. 
She could feel Hoya's deep breaths on her ear and cheek. "Please..." he begged. "Don't leave," he whispered. Hyunji shook her head and wriggled out of his strong grasp. She grabbed her luggage and opened the door. "I said it was too late, Lee Howon," was all she said before stepping outside of the house and never walking back in again.
It took a few minutes for Hoya to come to his senses and figure out that Hyunji, the love of his life, had just stepped out of his life and will never appear ever again.
He hastily and roughly opened the door and ran out, not even bothering to lock it. The elevators had took too long to come and scowling, he ran towards the staircase. Jumping down and skipping flights of stairs at a time, Hoya finally reached the main floor. 
He opened the automatic doors and his steps slowed down. Hoya watched the sight in front of him, panting with terrified eyes. Hyunji and a handsome boy were smiling while the boy helped Hyunji put the luggage into his car. Hyunji and the boy laughed before getting into the car. They drove off with a loud zoom and Hoya stood there, numb.
She had moved on already? She found a new person who would succeed in making her happy, unlike him, who failed to do so?
Hoya dropped onto his knees and was heartbroken at the thought fact. People passed by and took a glance at Hoya, but he didn't care. He just cried helplessly, calling 'Hyunji' with every breath he took.
Meanwhile, in the car, Hyunji's smile slowly faded. "I can't believe your flying off tomorrow," she sighed. Myungsoo smiled, keeping his eyes on the road, and shrugged. "Can't help it. My dad wants to see me. It's been years since I've been to America," he casually said.
Hyunji pursed her lips and said, voice filled with hope, "You'll be coming back regularly, right?" "Yeah, of course." Myungsoo smiled. "Thank you for picking me up," Hyunji smiled.
Myungsoo shrugged, "The only thing I can do for you before I leave." Hyunji nodded and stared outside the window, deeply thinking about Hoya.
Hoya stumbled back to their home that night. He threw his blazer somewhere and slumped onto the couch. He let out a tired and stressed sigh/groan and ran his fingers through his dark auburn hair.
When Hyunji left, all he could do was mope around and make mistakes. At work, he got scolded twice.
Hoya got out his favourite wine and poured himself a full cup before wolfing the liquid down his throat. He rested his back on the couch and whipped out his phone, dialing Jinhee.
"Oh, Hoya! Hey, babe, what's up?" Jinhee's bright voice could be heard from the other line.
Hoya tightly shut his eyes as he felt a wave of pain pass his head. He could feel a heavy headache coming along. "Um, Jinhee..." he groaned. "Eo?" Jinhee asked, curious. "I don't think we can see each other anymore. I'm sorry, but I think it's the best way," Hoya replied and quickly shut his phone, hearing a protest from Jinhee before doing so.
Hoya was in a mess and he knew that he was going crazy without Hyunji. Just thinking about his life without her made him panic. 
And now, Hoya knew the answer to why he cheated. It was because Jinhee reminded him of Hyunji- before they started fighting, before they started drifting away from each other.
So every single time they fought, he would run to Jinhee, just exactly like running to the past, when he fell for Hyunji, when he fell for her smile and laugh. He just wanted to live in the past where everything was happy, but he couldn't find the words to say so in front of Hyunji.
Hoya couldn't even forgive himself, nevertheless, Hyunji forgiving him. 
That night was when Hoya realised what he needed the most in his life. But it was too late. They left, and won't come back.
     N D     
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blossomblackandwhite #1
Chapter 7: awww.... love this story.... they are sooo cute together
Chapter 7: damn i really love this >< this fanfic makes me cry and cry everytime i read it >< i mean i think i read this for how may times already and i cant get sick of it >< wahhh good job author-nim ^_^b
toinfinite-y #3
Reading it again and again. This made me cry, every time.
Great story, author-nim.
sara0821 #4
I really really really loved your fic! I hope you make other like this <3333
HANchesterLUnited #5
Omoyaaaa you're such a good writer. I cried ya know. It's nearly 1AM and I have tears drying on my face. I like stories like this. With angst and the cutesy stuff and the "you're such a babo!" moments :) (and I love Hoya...after Woohyun and after Jongie ^^)
seyongi-sshi #6
i like this fic!!
LE CRYING sob sob
Gina_11 #8
Awww! It was such a cute story!!<3
wow you made me cry so much thinking that they not going to made up. I love your story especially with my bias Hoya. the story is sp sweet