
Lipstick Traces
     O2. M E E T  A G A I N     
Hoya, quietly as possible, stepped into the apartment. It was quiet, indicating that Hyunji had already gone to bed. He went to have a quick shower and once he got out, he examined his clothes. On left side of his shirt had lipstick traces from Jinhee.
Without knowing what to do with it, he just shoved the shirt in the dawer, underneath all his other clothes, and softly hopped into bed, scared of stirring Hyunji awake which will just start another ugly argument.
The morning sun shone on Hoya's face, slapping him awake. He glanced at the clock and saw that he had just enough time to get ready for work. He turned to the other side of the bed and saw it empty. Usually, Hyunji would wake up much later than he would. 
Hoya hopped out of bed and heard noises in the kitchen. He stopped at the kitchen doorway and gazed at the sight of his girlfriend's back cooking breakfast for him. Without even knowing it, a smile came upon his face.
How long has it been since he has smiled so happily seeing Hyunji? The answer- too long.
He quietly walked behind Hyunji and wrapped his strong arms around her waist. She gasped and turned around. She slapped his bare chest and squealed, "Go put on a shirt!" Seeing her blush at the sight of a topless Hoya made him smile, *So cute.* 
Just like nothing happened the night before, Hoya cupped Hyunji's face with both his palms and kissed her puckered lips. She squirmed and protested, "Yah! Your breath smells! Go put a shirt on and brush your teeth!"
Laughing, Hoya went into the bathroom and shut the door with loud bang.
That was when Hoya startled awake. He looked at his surroundings and sighed, "It was a dream." But oh, how he wished it was true. He walked out to the kitchen and saw Hyunji making breakfast. It was deja-vu of his dream as he smiled. 
But Hyunji noticed his presence and turned around. "Oh, you're awake..." she said. "Uh, go put on a shirt, wash up and come to eat. I made breakfast," she just simply said.
Hoya was disappointed. Where was the cute chest slap or sweet morning kiss? He had missed that all. 
While they were eating breakfast, Hyunji glanced up at Hoya and slowly swallowed her food. "I'm...I'm sorry for last night. I shouldn't of had gotten angry over something small like that..." she apologized. Hoya nodded but just before he could say sorry, Hyunji continued, "Where did you disappear to last night?"
Hoya stopped eating and guilt washed through his body. He remembered the kiss he had with Jinhee and swallowed hard. "Wh-Why aren't you answering me?" Hyunji curiously studied his expression.
"O-Oh, I was with a-a friend," Hoya trembled. He hadn't lied right? Jinhee was his friend after all.
"Which friend? Woohyun? Dongwoo?" Hyunji asked, "...Or was it a girl?"
Hoya choked on his saliva which caused Hyunji to frown. "O-Of course not. I have no girl friends. I was with the boys," he fibbed.
"Lee Howon, don't you dare lie to my face like that," Hyunji snarled.
"I'm not lying!" he protested. He grew more guilty the more he talked.
"I've known you for more than 3 years, I should know when you're lying or not."
Hoya sat in his spot, frozen, and unable to move. 
There were three options he could've chosen to take, one, tell her the truth, two, change the subject, or three, act like nothing happened the night before and get angry. He decided to go with the third option. 
"Why can't you just trust me when I tell you something?" Hoya asked. Hyunji's eyebrows perked up and she had no answer to that. "Why do you always assume that I'm lying? Do you just hate me? That's the key point in a relationship. You have to learn how to trust. I've had enough." Hoya slammed his spoon on the table, grabbed his things and left for work.
Hyunji sat there and scoffed. But was it really her fault this relationship was falling apart? Because she didn't learn how to trust Hoya?
On his way to work, Hoya was confused. Why did he snap at Hyunji when she was just worried for him? It was his wrong doing for flirting with Jinhee, but he never thought that way. He let his pride take over and blamed everything on his girlfriend, Hyunji.
After work, Hoya was planning to go to the club to see Jinhee again. Hopefully like last time, she would wash away Hoya's troubles. As soon as he stepped in, a voice called his name and he turned around to the voice. 
There she was, sitting there, waving at Hoya. Hoya smiled and walked over. Jinhee kissed Hoya on his cheek and his smile grew wider. 
They were both dancing on the dance floor again, slowly swaying to the beat of the music. They both knew Hoya was taken, but it didn't matter, they just wanted to enjoy the night together. 
     N D     
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blossomblackandwhite #1
Chapter 7: awww.... love this story.... they are sooo cute together
Chapter 7: damn i really love this >< this fanfic makes me cry and cry everytime i read it >< i mean i think i read this for how may times already and i cant get sick of it >< wahhh good job author-nim ^_^b
toinfinite-y #3
Reading it again and again. This made me cry, every time.
Great story, author-nim.
sara0821 #4
I really really really loved your fic! I hope you make other like this <3333
HANchesterLUnited #5
Omoyaaaa you're such a good writer. I cried ya know. It's nearly 1AM and I have tears drying on my face. I like stories like this. With angst and the cutesy stuff and the "you're such a babo!" moments :) (and I love Hoya...after Woohyun and after Jongie ^^)
seyongi-sshi #6
i like this fic!!
LE CRYING sob sob
Gina_11 #8
Awww! It was such a cute story!!<3
wow you made me cry so much thinking that they not going to made up. I love your story especially with my bias Hoya. the story is sp sweet