
Lipstick Traces

As promised, here's the update :)

     O4. T R Y I N G      

 Hoya came home early one night to find the house lighted by vanilla cashmere candles. He frowned and shut the door behind him. When he took a few more steps, he realised that the dinner table was set up neatly with candles, wine and expensive cutlery. 

Hoya tilted his head and walked towards the dinner table. "You're home?" a voice called from the kitchen. He turned around to see Hyunji wearing a revealing, loose white dress with heavy make-up while leaning onto the door of the kitchen. His eyes slightly widened and he hasn't seen her wear such clothes in what- 2 years?
"Take a seat. Dinner will be served soon," Hyunji quietly spoke, nodding to the seat.
Hoya obliged and sat down, deeply thinking. He was thinking about the change of Hyunji. He didn't mind it and he actually thought it was hot. Hyunji stepped over with two plates of Western food. She softly placed one plate on Hoya's table and walked to the opposite side where she'll be sitting. 
Hoya complimented Hyunji on her new look while cutting his steak. Hyunji smirked and thought, *I knew you'd like the style.*
After eating, the couple sat on the couch watching a romantic movie. Hoya put an arm around Hyunji's neck and she cuddled closely to his chest. Hoya thought it was too good to be true that they're not fighting and thought he was dreaming. If it was a dream, he would never want to wake up. But images of Jinhee flashed in his head and he frowned, *But I want to see Jinhee again.*
Hyunji peeked at Hoya and leaned in. She started to softly kiss underneath his jawline. At first, Hoya thought it was just a sweet kiss and paid no attention, but Hyunji grabbed Hoya's face and pulled him towards her. She started to on Hoya's bottom lip a bit too roughly. 
Hoya kissed back but couldn't keep up with Hyunji. Hyunji placed her hands on his shoulders and pushed herself so she could land on his lap. After that being successful, she continued to kiss Hoya.
Their make-out session started to become hot, and Hoya needed to breathe. He pulled back and chuckled, "Woah, calm down, babe."
Hyunji didn't show any emotion when she replied with, "Isn't this what you want?" She leaned in again, but Hoya pulled back and asked in disbelief, "What?"
"Isn't this what your mistress does to you every night?" 
Hoya frowned and stood up, making Hyunji also fall to her feet. "What are you talking about?" he spat.
"You thought I didn't know? About the girl you're seeing behind my back?" Hyunji asked, barely even in a whisper. Hoya opened his mouth to speak, but couldn't say anything. Tears welled up in Hyunji's eyes as she croaked, "I changed everything so this relationship could stay alive, but why couldn't you change anything?"
Hoya stayed quiet and Hyunji continued, heart-broken, "I wore different clothes, similar to the girl your seeing, and I also tried not getting you angry, so we could have a normal relationship. I waited and waited. I trusted you. I wanted to wait until you broke up with her. I gave you time so you could get back to your senses and realise that what you were doing was wrong. But in the end, who betrayed my trust? You didn't stop. You continued to go and see her while I waited for you at home. Worrying. Crying. And thinking that maybe- maybe he'll come home early." By the time she finished, Hyunji was sobbing, crying and yelling. During the the whole time Hyunji was talking, Hoya was staring at his feet, guilt running all over his body.
Hyunji stared at Hoya with watery eyes. "What is it Hoya that told you to cheat? You got bored of this relationship? Sick of all this fighting? Am I not pretty enough? Not as beautiful as her, so that's why you cheated on me with her? Do I not make you laugh anymore, that's why? Because I'm overprotective and you needed freedom? Is that the reason?"
Hoya didn't reply because he didn't know either. He wanted to know the reason as well.
Hyunji wiped her tears and whispered, hurt, "Why? I'm trying, Howon, I am. I am trying so hard so that you'll notice me. So you won't treat me like a stranger anymore. But why did you just-" Hyunji couldn't even speak anymore. Everything was too much, so, crying, she ran outside the house.
Hoya stood there, frozen. He knew what to say, but just couldn't find the words to say it. He just watched as her tears fell onto the floor. Every tear felt like someone was tightly squeezing his heart, suffocating him. 
He wished time had stood still so that he could think. So he could hug and tell her what's on his mind. But it was too late. She just stepped out of the door, and probably won't come back into his life again. 
"I'm sorry, Hyunji," Hoya whispered as his own tears hit the floor, mixing with Hyunji's.
Half an hour later, Hyunji was walking around an empty park, dabbing her face with tissues she bought. She rubbed her cold arms and looked around, *Damn. It's so cold.*
Out of nowhere, a black blazer was placed on her shoulders, covering her bare arms. The person behind her fixed the blazer and sighed. *H-Hoya?* Hopes high, Hyunji turned around, "Hoya-" 
Her face fell when she saw the someone else. "M-Myungsoo. What are you doing out here?" she sniffled.
Myungsoo shrugged and said, "I got bored." He looked at Hyunji and frowned, "Aigoo. Why are you crying?" He cupped her face and wiped the remaining tears on her cheeks. 
Hyunji searched Myungsoo's eyes, "I- I..."
Myungsoo pulled back and sat on the swings. He chuckled, "Come on, we've been work buddies for years and also desk partners in highschool, what's there to hide? It doesn't hurt to tell, anyways." He shrugged. Slowly, Hyunji sat on the swing beside Myungsoo's and sighed. 
"Let me guess...Howon?" Myungsoo guessed, looking at Hyunji. She stared at him, wide-eyed. "How did you..." she trailed off. "Figures." He smiled.
Hyunji started to spill everything to Myungsoo. He was a great listener and didn't do anything, but intently listen. Hyunji miserably sighed, "Now we end up here." 
Myungsoo nodded, and started to comfort her with his soothing voice. Hyunji looked at Myungsoo and smiled, grateful that she had such a great friend like Myungsoo. 
"Hmm...So where are you planning on staying tonight?" Myungsoo asked, concerned. Hyunji shrugged, "I don't know, stay over at Jimin's or someone." Myungsoo handed her his phone and said, "Here. It looks like you have nothing with you so use it." Hyunji gratefully smiled and thanked him before calling her best friend, Jimin. 
Jimin said that she'll pick Hyunji up, so Myungsoo and Hyunji waited there for her car. After a while of talking, Jimin's car appeared and they both walked over. Hyunji turned to Myungsoo and smiled. "Thank you for comforting me tonight. It was interesting to have a D&M with a boy," she chuckled.
Myungsoo chuckled and shook his head. "No problem. You should smile more often." Hyunji smiled and got into the car. After saying good-bye's the car left and Myungsoo let out a content sigh and put his hands in his pockets before walking back home.
In the car, Hyunji sighed and rubbed her shoulders. She noticed that Myungsoo's blazer was still with her and she smiled, *I guess I'll be talking to you more often now, Kim Myungsoo.*
     N D     
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blossomblackandwhite #1
Chapter 7: awww.... love this story.... they are sooo cute together
Chapter 7: damn i really love this >< this fanfic makes me cry and cry everytime i read it >< i mean i think i read this for how may times already and i cant get sick of it >< wahhh good job author-nim ^_^b
toinfinite-y #3
Reading it again and again. This made me cry, every time.
Great story, author-nim.
sara0821 #4
I really really really loved your fic! I hope you make other like this <3333
HANchesterLUnited #5
Omoyaaaa you're such a good writer. I cried ya know. It's nearly 1AM and I have tears drying on my face. I like stories like this. With angst and the cutesy stuff and the "you're such a babo!" moments :) (and I love Hoya...after Woohyun and after Jongie ^^)
seyongi-sshi #6
i like this fic!!
LE CRYING sob sob
Gina_11 #8
Awww! It was such a cute story!!<3
wow you made me cry so much thinking that they not going to made up. I love your story especially with my bias Hoya. the story is sp sweet