When In Love VI (Final)

When In Love

"Please let me finish, hyung," the younger pleads and Yoongi can't say no to that, to those sincere doe eyes looking straight at him. He's afraid he can't turn his back on him even though he'd rather have him vaguely than not have him at all.


"I like you a lot but only as a friend," Jimin repeats, feeling the need to reiterate it, looking carefully at the older because he wants to see if it will be enough to make him turn away to him. But the older firmly keeps his feet on the ground and listens.


He smiles at him, "But you are someone I don't want to lose. You are someone I want to keep by my side for a long time."


Yoongi can't help but squint his already small eyes at the younger and blink several times, wondering where the younger is getting, what he is trying to say.


"I'm not sure if I like you the way you like me now," Jimin continues, remembering the only person he liked was his best friend and how it brought him pain. He doesn't want them to be like that, for their friendship to end like that. "I don't want to pretend to feel something I'm not sure I feel. I don't want to hurt you in the process of trying to keep you by my side."


Jimin takes a deep breath and keeps his eyes on Yoongi.


"So, hyung, can we go the unusual way?” Because on romance movies he watched with Jungkook and Taehyung, this is just the right time for him to say he likes Yoongi, too. But that’s unfair if he that’s not what he is truly feeling for him, right? At least not right this moment.


Besides, this is no romance movies. This is him and Yoongi.


Yoongi slightly moves his head in puzzlement, "What?"


"Say, watch a movie at the mall this weekend? Or rent movies and watch it together at my place? We can order takeout or pizza or we make popcorn to eat while watching," Jimin further suggests, looking hopeful at the older and suddenly considering if he's suggestion is too much for Yoongi.


Maybe Yoongi doesn't want them to start like that. Maybe Yoongi wants to start like usual people do, in the same footing. But Jimin can't do that or he'll end up hurting the older.


"So we're going on a date?" the older finally says something, looking in amusement at Jimin.


The younger blushes even though that's exactly what he is trying to say. Start slow with friendly dates and see where it will take the two of them, not just one. He looks away and decides the ground suddenly looks interesting, nodding his head lightly and mumbling inaudible agreement.


Yoongi can't stop the smile coming from his face. He's always thought the younger is adorable so he loathed it whenever someone brought tears to the almost permanent smile on his face but he looks absolutely precious that moment, like a fragile baby he needs to cherish and take great care.


He looks away for a second because if he looks at Jimin for another second, he might not stop himself from pulling the younger in his arms.


Then, he turns to Jimin again with all seriousness and asks, "So what time do you want me to pick you up? Are we going Saturday or Sunday?”




A/N: So it's done. This one last chapter came later than I should have unhidden it. Sorry, guys.

Next time, it'll be a JiKook mini-series.

Thank you for reading, as always! - E.K.

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HanneyLee #1
Chapter 5: Holddddddddddd up.. Jimin rejected Yoongi..? O.O
exoexoexocd #2
Love it!
Destroyed777 #3
Chapter 2: Oh !!!! I read badly and thought it would only be a XD chapter. Ah I love yoonmin !!! Jimin did well to kiss it, siiii !!! Jajajajaja surprised me even jiminie is so brave jojojojo hope he can reconcile with his feelings and be happy :). Until the next
Chapter 1: Ooh, I love it already! I'm excited for the next update!
Destroyed777 #5
Chapter 1: Oh my God, I love it. Poor jimin, he loves his friends too much, too, I felt sad for him but at least he's lucky that yoongi would come and try to cheer him up a little (although in a weird way XD) .. yoongi makes me He's the bad boy and cool of the school. You have done a good job :) . I would love a sequel or something, esque made me so short. !!!!!