When In Love IV

When In Love

It is safe to say for anybody who knows both Jimin and Yoongi that the two is suddenly acting like awkward puppies with each other. It is also notable that ever since Taehyung and Jungkook became a couple, Jimin hangs out with Yoongi like second skin so when they become awkward, Jimin is almost unseen in school. Avoiding his two best friends has been a piece of cake when he is hanging out with his blonde friend because the older isn't exactly the friendliest person in school but now, it's like he's avoiding an entire plague in a mission to take him down.


When the kindest, most cheerful and bubbly person in school willing to give a hand to anybody who may need his help became friends with the coldest, most aloof person they say has stares that can kill, it's no wonder people are slightly wondering, even worrying, how it happened. But since Yoongi obviously doesn't give a damn about what strangers think of his business and for Jimin, they don't know how he cries behind the building whenever he catches his two best friends steal glances at each other or share short smiles during classes or touch hands under the table or see them hanging out in a café when they told him they both can't hang out with him and how smoke rings are the only thing that can comfort him during those times. How something ordinary like cigarettes can make something so cool like rings out of smoke from someone's mouth and disappear in thin air.


Unlike how his friendship with Taehyung and Jungkook started way back since they were in diapers, his friendship with Yoongi is unconventional and vague. How the older coincidentally sees him crying as he hides behind the building to smoke, how he doesn't care if someone sees him crying because he feels so useless like , how Yoongi doesn't care if someone is crying because he can't breathe properly with too many stupid people around him he needs to smoke and how neither of them can remember who said the first word.


Since becoming friends with the older, his two best friends' secret hang outs without him doesn't feel less of a betrayal but feels something he can live with, something he can accept. Living while watching the best friend he has loved ever since and the best friend he cared for like a blood brother love each other became more bearable.


It's no wonder he misses Yoongi more than he misses Jungkook or Taehyung.


He is finishing two glasses of strawberry daiquiris with slices of lemons, wondering if he should get himself a shot of vodka or vermouth. He gives the couple with hands intertwined and he swears he sees sparks and little hearts on their eyes the daiquiris as they briefly tear their gaze with each other and thank him with smiles on their faces.


He decides on red wine instead. It's no night to be getting drunk if he has a plague to avoid tomorrow still.


Neither of them stops working at the club even after they stopped talking because of what happened, both love and need the job and the pay to help with school fees. But the nights have become slower and they go home with neither learning a new mix of music that brings the house down nor a new mix of liquor customers enjoy.


"Strawberry daiquiri."


Jimin almost chokes on the sour aftertaste of the red wine as he hears a familiar low voice he misses. He turns around and sees Yoongi sitting on the bar, his eyes on him and his hands together. He is wearing a nice red checkered polo and white pants, complimenting his pale complexion and bleached hair.


He quickly fixes a strawberry daiquiri for the older, adds an extra lemon just how the older likes it and stirs it for him, all the while going crazy because he doesn't know what to say or how to act.


"Act like normal, Jimin," the older says, as if reading the younger's mind.


"Here," Jimin serves his strawberry daquiri.


"Thanks," Yoongi says, stirring the cocktail again before sipping.


Jimin watches him as he stirs his drink and sips, wondering if he's going to act like nothing happened or question the older's act. He figures he can always blame it on the alcohol but he's never the one to believe alcohol makes you do things you don't know. He believes alcohol makes you do things you want to do that you never had enough courage to do so.


"Hyung," Jimin starts, deciding that if he truly wants to save his friendship with Yoongi, he can't pretend nothing happened. Because something did and they need to figure it together. The older quickly interrupts him though. 


Staring at the older's eyes, Jimin can't see sparks and little hearts but he can hear truth and he thinks he likes that more than sparks and little hearts. He can hear the first conversation they had about how people hurt the ones they love. He can hear the way the older smiled at him the first time when he showed him a great mix tape. He can hear the laughter and the ideas about the future they shared behind the building. He can hear the first time he saw the older revealed his weakness to him. He can hear the first time he learned that beneath his intimidating persona, there is something inside him capable of loving and being loved.


The older gazes at him and locks eyes with him no intertwined hands above the bar or under the table can surpass. "I like you, Jimin."

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HanneyLee #1
Chapter 5: Holddddddddddd up.. Jimin rejected Yoongi..? O.O
exoexoexocd #2
Love it!
Destroyed777 #3
Chapter 2: Oh !!!! I read badly and thought it would only be a XD chapter. Ah I love yoonmin !!! Jimin did well to kiss it, siiii !!! Jajajajaja surprised me even jiminie is so brave jojojojo hope he can reconcile with his feelings and be happy :). Until the next
Chapter 1: Ooh, I love it already! I'm excited for the next update!
Destroyed777 #5
Chapter 1: Oh my God, I love it. Poor jimin, he loves his friends too much, too, I felt sad for him but at least he's lucky that yoongi would come and try to cheer him up a little (although in a weird way XD) .. yoongi makes me He's the bad boy and cool of the school. You have done a good job :) . I would love a sequel or something, esque made me so short. !!!!!