When In Love V

When In Love

Jimin doesn't avoid Taehyung and Jungkook anymore, with more important things he need to think about than dwell on the fact that his two best friends are together now. He has thought about it carefully, considered that maybe, they didn't tell him sooner because they didn't want to hurt him - although at the end, that was what hurt him most. But he thinks he can ask them why they didn't tell him sooner when they talk but for now, his mind is only with Yoongi and what he told him.


His heart is in a turbulence up to now considering it's been over ten hours since the older's confession. He feels like he is on a perpetual roller-coaster ride and his stomach is turning so wildly he feels like throwing up anytime. He hasn't imagined to be with anybody after what happened with him and his best friends.


"Hey," the voice that's hunting him since last night suddenly breaks the glass of thoughts in his head. 


Surprised, he turns around and sees Yoongi in his usual school get-up, with rubber shoes and statement shirt under his school blazer. The older looks at him blankly and he gulps multiple times, in an attempt to say something.


"What I said last night," the older continues when Jimin is too flabbergasted to say anything. "Don't worry about it, alright? I didn't say it to demand an answer and I also didn't say it to justify what I did. Although I'm not sorry."


Jimin finally returns to the planet and stares at Yoongi like a proper human being. The blonde looks back at him and is about to turn his back and walk away from the direction of the school, finding school less attractive than ever because it seems like he and Jimin are back to zero. He doesn't think it's stupid, though. He doesn't regret anything.


He wants to say take care to Jimin but decides against it. Too much has been said already, although mostly from him, and he doesn't want to make things more difficult for the younger.


"Where are you going, hyung?" This time, it's Yoongi who's brought back to the planet as Jimin grabs his hand and drags him back to the direction of the school. "This is the way to the school."


He almost falls because the younger is dragging him too fast but he can't find the strength to break free from Jimin because this is the closest, safest distance they have since he kissed him.


When they finally arrive at the school, Jimin doesn't let go of his hand until he brings both of them behind the school building. He finally lets go of the older's hand and tries catching his breath.


Yoongi stares at him and what he's done to this friendship he suddenly doesn't want to lose, doesn't want to sacrifice for the satisfaction of telling Jimin how he feels for him. He opens his mouth to speak but this time, the younger beats him to it.


"I - I never looked at you like that, hyung," Jimin starts, looking earnestly at the older and knowing his words are probably pricking him like thorns he didn’t see.


Suddenly, Yoongi loses the courage to speak, his mouth dries and the words he wants to say disappear in the black ocean of rejection he seems to be swimming now.


Jimin takes a deep breath, his mind going into a mild panic for hurting the person who's been there for him when no one is but he knows he needs to do this because if not, he might not only end up losing a great friend but also hurting a good person.


"You are a good person, even if I know you yourself will argue against it. You are there for me when no one else is and you are there for me even when I am not for you. I like you a lot, hyung," Jimin continues with a shy smile, keeping his gaze at the older. "But only as a friend."


"Jimin -" Because he can't hear anymore. He's heard enough.

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HanneyLee #1
Chapter 5: Holddddddddddd up.. Jimin rejected Yoongi..? O.O
exoexoexocd #2
Love it!
Destroyed777 #3
Chapter 2: Oh !!!! I read badly and thought it would only be a XD chapter. Ah I love yoonmin !!! Jimin did well to kiss it, siiii !!! Jajajajaja surprised me even jiminie is so brave jojojojo hope he can reconcile with his feelings and be happy :). Until the next
Chapter 1: Ooh, I love it already! I'm excited for the next update!
Destroyed777 #5
Chapter 1: Oh my God, I love it. Poor jimin, he loves his friends too much, too, I felt sad for him but at least he's lucky that yoongi would come and try to cheer him up a little (although in a weird way XD) .. yoongi makes me He's the bad boy and cool of the school. You have done a good job :) . I would love a sequel or something, esque made me so short. !!!!!