When In Love I

When In Love

Taehyung guiltily looks at Jimin, who can't help the tears he doesn't want to show neither his best friends, and almost reaches to him but stops shortly when the shorter hastily wipes the streaks of tears cascading from his pretty lashes to his smooth cheeks and smiles at him and Jungkook.


"It's - Um... It's great, guys!" Jimin says, grinning at them huge and pulling both of them into a quick hug. "Congratulations! I'm happy for the two of you."


But there isn't anything happy in the way he ends the hug too soon to actually mean it and the way he abruptly starts turning to walk and then run and finally, stop at the back of the building, lean on the dirty wall to support himself and cry because it's so painful it's killing him. Like tiny needles pricking his heart in all sides, in all corners drawing blood from each little hole until there is no side or corner untouched anymore and the entire thing collapses beyond repair.  That's what Jimin is feeling and it's worse than any wound his skin ever encountered ever since they were only three young boys playing until someone bleeds.


It's like during that spin-the-bottle game, when he was asked to choose if he would rather lose Taehyung or Jungkook. It was unthinkable for him so he answers wittily, "I'd rather give up myself than either of them. They're my two best friends."


Even if he said that, even if he meant that, the contraction and mild palpitation of the organ in his chest called heart can't stop that he isn't sure anymore if it's because Taehyung and Jungkook just told him they're together now or he is seriously developing a terminal heart ailment. To be honest, he'd rather have the terminal heart ailment because now, as much as he meant what he said, he can't help feeling like he already lost both of them.


He tries catching his breath until he falls down and a familiar shadow casts itself above him. Pale skin with blonde hair hovers and when Jimin looks up, he can't help but smile weakly at the figure, "Yoongi-hyung."


Yoongi sighs and throws his still-half cigarette to the ground and stomps on it to kill the fire. He helps Jimin sit up properly without looking like he is dying against the wall before he sits beside the younger and lights a new cigarette.


Jimin speaks first, "Taehyung and Jungkook are together."


Yoongi barely lifts his head to acknowledge what Jimin said, puffing the smoke of his cigarette into little rings which always amazes the younger. Just like always, Jimin's eyes grow in amazement as he stares in awe at the little rings coming from the older's thin lips until they slowly disappear in the air, effectively distracting him from slowly but surely dying inside.


"Want me to teach you?"


Jimin enthusiastically nods as the older begins digging for another cigarette inside his jacket.


It's not even rings, what Jimin is making, as they decided to cut the rest of the afternoon for Yoongi's special class of making smoke rings only for the younger but as Jimin finishes two, three, four cigarettes that afternoon, the older knows it's not enough to erase the pain, but he's willing to give it a try.


"You're too nice, that's why," he mutters, staring at Jimin's rings of failure.


"What, hyung?" Jimin asks, eyebrows crossed as he focuses on the smoke rings again.


"Nothing," Yoongi answers softly, glancing at his phone for time before standing up just as the dismissal bell rings. He brushes off the dirt from the ground on his pants and looks at Jimin. "Want to go somewhere with me?"

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HanneyLee #1
Chapter 5: Holddddddddddd up.. Jimin rejected Yoongi..? O.O
exoexoexocd #2
Love it!
Destroyed777 #3
Chapter 2: Oh !!!! I read badly and thought it would only be a XD chapter. Ah I love yoonmin !!! Jimin did well to kiss it, siiii !!! Jajajajaja surprised me even jiminie is so brave jojojojo hope he can reconcile with his feelings and be happy :). Until the next
Chapter 1: Ooh, I love it already! I'm excited for the next update!
Destroyed777 #5
Chapter 1: Oh my God, I love it. Poor jimin, he loves his friends too much, too, I felt sad for him but at least he's lucky that yoongi would come and try to cheer him up a little (although in a weird way XD) .. yoongi makes me He's the bad boy and cool of the school. You have done a good job :) . I would love a sequel or something, esque made me so short. !!!!!