The Emitted Stress

What A Long Ride

Mark sighs for the hundredth time as he continued pacing back and forth across the room whereas Jaemin is still sobbing under Renjun’s wing and Jisung is in the dining area getting reprimand from Chenle and Donghyuck.

“Waaaahhhh! How could Jisungie do this to me?! My baby betraying me! What an insolence! Waahhh, Renjunnie! You’re the only one I’ve got!” Jaemin kept on wailing and sputtering nonsense amidst his snot covered face. Renjun, being the kind-hearted person he is, doesn’t mind and just kept on patting the strange male’s head, good thing Renjun is the one who’s comforting him, because if it is Donghyuck, the latter might’ve threw Jaemin to another galaxy because of how ugly he is while crying like a child who was given a strawberry flavoured ice cream when he clearly hates it, and it was given by his mother nonetheless, imagine the betrayal.

Mark massaged his temples before stopping on his tracks, “shut it Nana, you’re overreacting again, and Hyuck! Please bring Ji here.” he rolled his eyes before slumping into one of their couches, still massaging his temples in hopes of alleviating the incoming headache he will be sporting because of his crazy housemates.

Jaemin was outraged. How could his favorite hyung do this to him? How can Mark tell him he was overreacting?! It was they who are not reacting properly at all! Can’t they realize the gravity of the situation? Can’t they realize how serious this is?! How this can cause the third World War?! How this is similar to the start of the Trojan War?! This can cause-

“Nana, stop overreacting, or I’ll smack you.” This short statement of Donghyuck sent chills across Jaemin’s back and made him jumped from Renjun’s embrace, trust Donghyuck to actually ensue order even when he’s quite the troublemaker himself, “Now guys, don’t be too hard on Nana, he’s too fragile” Renjun took Jaemin back into his arms before continuing to pat the younger’s head

“Waah, Renjunnie, this is exactly why I liked you, can I just like you again?” Jaemin looked up to Renjun and sniffed while trying to look cute, this statement earned a chuckle from the said male and a scoff from Donghyuck, becaue Jaemin really needs to come back to his senses, it’s getting disturbing (mostly disgusting), and knowing the younger male, he’ll probably develop some sort of disorder along the way, so, yeah, Donghyuck really wants to smack his head often times.

“Okay, Nana, as much as we love you, Jisung really did no wrong, you’re the one who embarrassed yourself in front of-” Mark, being the ever rational oldest, tried controlling the situation without making the maknae feel guilty for triggering the crazed male which is basically close to nothing (other than being savage), but also being the most stupid (courtesy of Donghyuck), he’ll only worsen it, “oh no you don’t! Don’t you dare speak out his name Mark Lee.” Jaemin stood up and tried to looked down on Mark, because no one, I repeat, NO ONE, dares to say a specific arsehole’s name in front of Nana, nobody. Just as nobody wants to be square.

Mark rolled his eyes before nodding, because he doesn’t really want to trigger Jaemin, first, for the younger’s mental welfare, but mainly his own, “fine, but it was really you who embarrassed yourself in front of You-know-who, so stop putting all the blame on Jisung, though Ji, you gotta work on your respect, stop hanging out with Hyuck all the time, and that includes you Lele” there was countless protests around the room with Donghyuck overpowering them all with his “Why am I being blamed again?! Unbelievable!” and Jisung and Chenle’s protest were nonexistent though, because really, who cares even if they don’t have any Lee Donghyuck in their lives? Everyone, because it is such a miracle to shake off that savage man out of their lives (they love Donghyuck, there really are just times when they want to choke him or throw him out of the universe, but don’t mistake them, they do love him).

“Shut up everybody, now back onto the matter at hand, Nana, we love you, really, so much,” Mark took Jaemin’s hand into his as he looks into the eyes of the younger, and Jaemin was touched, because he can feel the love the elder has for him, how much Mark cared for him, how- “so we set a date for you and Jeno.” Mark gave a smile at Jaemin and the latter felt betrayed, two betrayals in one day, one from his favorite dongsaeng, and the other from his favorite hyung, in despise, he screamed before going in a defensive stance, “TRAITOR!”

Jaemin stood on the couch before eyeing all of them, “You think I will succumb to you?! NEVER?! I, Na Jaemin, will never fall prey to the hands of that snake Lee Jeno! And even though you betray me, I forgive you, but you can never make me see that douchebag- t-that, scoundrel! I will never see that python! NEVER!”

Yes, Na Jaemin will never see that scumbag, never again.




“WAAHHHH!! RENJUNNIE! HELP ME!!! YOU IMBECILES! HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO ME?! SUCH AN INSOLENCE! YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS, YOU MORTALS!” Jaemin didn’t stopped on screaming profanities as three fully-grown man tied him to a seat in Jeno’s shared house.

“I’m really sorry hyung for the disturbance, but y’know, we promised Jeno this large piece of insanity.” Mark bowed at Jeno’s housemates who just chuckled and shrugged before slumping onto the couch beside them, amused at the scene Jaemin is creating.

Mark just kept on holding Jaemin’s shoulder in hopes of keeping the younger male still but to no avail, “Yah Youngho, Yuta, why aren’t you helping the poor boy hold down Nana?” Taeyong, another of Jeno’s housemates, entered the living room and smacked the other two’s head before approaching Jaemin and caressing the younger’s head and smiling at Mark, “Nobody can even hold down this cutie, now now Nana, calm down, want a cookie?” the kind elder smiled down at the hysterical young man, whom, at the mention of cookie, stopped growling and smiled sweetly at Taeyong and threw Youngho, Yuta, and Mark glares.

Mark sighed, if only he knew that Taeyong and cookie can calm down Nana, then he would’ve asked help from the elder long before rather than called the two dumbs and spent at least 30 minutes trying to tie Nana down in the chair in the living room.

“Hyung untie me, or I’ll burn all your unfinished manuscripts for your creative writing and your lyrics notebooks.” Jaemin glared at Mark, and of course, this is Jaemin we are talking about, he can plan an assassination and get away with it and still feel no remorse, so what more are his poor manuscripts and lyrics, so Mark being Mark (being a wuss more likely), obliged and let Jaemin go.

Jaemin smiled at Taeyong once more as they head to the dining room where Taeyong prepared some cookies for him.

And where Jeno Lee is waiting.

And sure as hell, the moment Jaemin saw him, a scream broke out.

Mark, Youngho, and Yuta just sighed as they further plopped their asses in the couch, because really, getting Jaemin and Jeno together is such a pain in the .

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What A Long Ride is finally ing done. Oh my goodness, I ing did it. ㅠ.ㅠ


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Chapter 7: wala na finish na
Captain_Sailor #2
Chapter 7: It’s ok author-nim, take your time ❤️❤️❤️
Captain_Sailor #3
Chapter 5: I feel like I'm reliving my own heartbreak a while ago.
Chapter 5: These past few days I've noticed nomin authors keep writing angst even I myself wrote an update for my angst fic why guys why Hahahahahaha
Chapter 4: You had to do this T-T lol good story tho