Act 1 Scene 2

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Mily was upstairs in her room rummaging through her closet for anything that fit the bill of what Jungkook described as “casual yet pretty” for the evening. The boy had left about thirty minutes ago to get himself ready for the party saying that he would be back within the hour to pick her up. To say that she was nervous was quite the understatement, but that was completely understandable since tonight was her first date. She fumbled as she pulled out dress after dress deeming them unfit for the occasion; one by one they piled onto the floor, the select few that she thought would be contenders were placed on her bed though she greatly doubt they were the befitting for the night.

      “This one is too short,” she said as she threw it on the floor, “this one is too dressy, and this one…what in the world was I thinking when I bought this dress?!” She groaned in frustration, flopping onto her bed in resignation, “I’m doomed!”

Before she could bask in her misery any longer, her mother came barging in, “Honey why aren’t you ready yet?!”

        “I have nothing to wear to this party,” Mily sulked dramatically causing her mom to chuckle.

        “Here, let me help you,” her mother said as she walked towards the closet and began searching more towards the back of the closet, “you have a closet full of clothes but you say you have nothing to wear.” The elder grumbled as she she reached farther back and pulled out a dress with a triumphant smile, “Here try on this one.”

It was a teal halter dress that hit just at the knee, it was very casual but what dressed it up was the thin golden chained belt that wrapped around the waist area. Mily remembered that the dress was actually a gift from Scott two birthdays ago and never had a chance to wear it until now. She was astounded as she looked at herself in the mirror, it fit her perfectly; it was modest yet it fit her body in such a way that it made her look more of the young lady she was becoming with each passing day.

       “Oh honey, you look gorgeous! You almost look like Princess Jasmine!” She exclaimed as she hopped around the room excitedly, “now it’s time to do your hair and makeup, we better hurry, we don’t want to keep your handsome prince waiting too long now, do we?”

Her mom sat her down at the vanity mirror and quickly rummaged through her makeup drawer, “let’s give you something light like a matte brown on the lid and then add in some effect with a winged eyeliner, oh how exciting!” Instantly she began to apply the makeup with precision making sure Mily’s entire face was flawless before moving onto her hair.

      “I forgot to bring the curling iron, be right back!” Her mother called as she scurried out of the room. Mily looked at herself in the mirror, her mom was right, she did look like princess Jasmine in a way. Her tan skin was really brought out by the color of her dress and complimented her well; her big brown eyes looked elongated and sparkled more like a starry night sky thanks to the eye makeup. “Ok, where were we?” her mother said as she came back in, the curling iron ready to be plugged into the wall before patiently curling the young girl’s hair.

Once she was done, her mother looked down at her with all the affection in the world, “You’re going to take his breath away. You look absolutely stunning, Mily. I can’t believe my baby girl is actually going on her first date tonight.” She embraced the younger girl who was doing her best to not be a nervous wreck. A knock on the bedroom door came, “Yes?” your mother called.

       “Sorry to bother you, but Mily’s date is here and he waiting for her downstairs,” said Youngjae, one of your co-workers.

       “Tell him that she’ll be right out!” she called out again then grabbed Mily’s hands; “this is it, Mils, go get your flats and your bag and then be on your way. Good luck,” her mom said while kissing her forehead.

Mily quickly put her gold flats on and grabbed her gold clutch before heading down the stairs; her heart was racing faster than a speeding bullet with every step she took. When she finally reached the first floor she looked up to see Jungkook standing there, and to her surprise, he was wearing a white dress shirt with a teal cardigan over it, blue jeans and Timberlands; she blushed at the realization that they were somewhat matching one another. He, on the other hand, looked like he was star struck as he drank in her appearance, she looked like a pure vision of what he would imagine a goddess would look like, and he was more than willing to worship her should she allow him to.

         “Wow,” he said, astonished by the girl before him, “you look…” he gaped as he tried to find the right words, however,  none seemed to come to mind, “wow” he finished, a dashing grin adorned his face, eyes turning into adorable crescent shapes shining in the florescent light of the restaurant.

Mily shifted from one foot to the other, wariness completely consuming her as her eyes averted to the tiled floor, “is…is this okay for the party?” she questioned.

          “It’s perfect,” he answered reassuringly, taking a few steps towards her and extending his arm for her to take, “Shall we?”

           “We shall,” Mily giddily spoke, locking her arm with his making their way to the cab that was waiting just outside. Jungkook played the role of a true gentleman as he held the car door open for her to slide into her seat and he quickly followed after her making sure to stay close beside her.

         “It’s nice to get out of Telly’s for once on a Friday night,” she tittered doing her best to make light conversation despite the entanglement of nerves within her.

Jungkook laughed along with her as he gave the cab driver the directions to the party, “I’m glad I was able to get you to come with me. Every time I see you, you’re always so caught up in stress both at Telly’s and at school that I always think you’re on the brink of a mental breakdown.” Jungkook joked, laughing freely when Mily hit his arm out of annoyance, “What? It’s the truth!” He defended, the corner of his lips twitching upwards, “You really need a change of scenery and I’m glad that I was able to help with that.”

The pair continued to exchange lively teasing along with the occasional touch; stolen glances and coy smiles passed between them both unknown to the other but not gone unnoticed by the cab driver who was smiling to himself.

        “You two make a nice couple,” The middle aged man stated out of the blue, “It reminds me of my wife and I when we first started out.” He chuckled as he glanced back at the pair through the rearview mirror before looking back at the road, “we even matched our clothes the same way you both do,” he shook his head with a thoughtful smile on his lips as he continued to speak but this time more towards Jungkook, “the things we do for love, right, boy?”

Jungkook glanced down at his clothes then to Mily, it seemed like comprehension had just struck him that they indeed were coordinating with one another. Jungkook smiled up to the cab driver as he spoke, “you bet,” he replied but his face scrunched up at his wording, a sickly feeling gnawing in the very depths of his stomach. He glanced at Mily, her long brown hair lightly curled away from her face letting him see the light blush that was dancing upon her cheeks. Her eyes dazzled with sincerity and innocence, a concept Jungkook long since has forgotten about thanks to being exposed to the adult world way before his time. Though he didn’t mind it, Jungkook thought it was cool to be under-aged and had already been exposed to the world of alcohol, smoking, and night clubs, after all, how many guys his age could say they they’ve gotten laid by girls twice their age at least once a week under the impression that he was of course of legal age. Though when he looked at Mily who always smiled so freely and so genuinely, he couldn’t help but want to have that naivety back; to look at the world with such wonder and amazement despite all the negativity around. He never realized he was staring at her until she locked eyes with his, a beautiful smile crossed her lips as she spoke, “what is it?” she questioned.

Jungkook smiled back at her as he took her hand in his, “you look absolutely gorgeous tonight,” in truth she was by far the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on and he felt completely unworthy of her company for more than one reason. She glanced down at their intertwined hands, his were much larger and certainly much warmer than her own which looked quite fragile in comparison. Her heart fluttered sporadically at the thought of how well they blended together, there was certain chemistry between them and she knew he felt it too, he was the one to bring it up in the first place! Though she did have to remind herself to be cautious, after all, it was Jeon Jungkook she was with but it just felt so right between them, thoughts and ideas passed freely between the two without judgment and they both found out that they were more alike than they could have imagined. In truth, Mily was starting to get scared, she had never felt such a strong connection with someone, it was wild and spontaneous but all the same, she felt that it was nothing short of wonderful.

          “Hey Jungkook,” she timidly called his attention, “Thank you,” she said.

          “For what?” he questioned, a warm smile on his face as he looked at her.

She let out a shy laugh, “for inviting me tonight, you know this is the first time I go out with a guy that’s not Scott.” He could tell she was embarrassed admitting that by the way her cheeks flushed a deep shade of scarlet, “It’s a nice change, and I’m really glad to be here with you on such a lovely night.”

His smile faltered momentarily, “you don’t need to thank me at all,” he then turned away sighing audibly, what the hell was he doing to her? The sickly feeling in his stomach growing more intense as they grew closer to the venue, “stop here, please.” Jungkook called to the cab driver, it wasn’t too late to turn back.

 The cab driver glanced at him through the rearview mirror, a brow arched in confusion, “we aren’t at your destination yet,”

Jungkook smiled hopefully as he turned to Mily, “why don’t we just ditch this party and have ourselves a more romantic date.”

To say she was lost was an understatement, she was flat out befuddled, “but what about the party? A-and the dancing,” she stammered a bit trying to grasp at his sudden change of heart.

      “To hell with it!” Jungkook exclaimed exasperatedly, “it’s just going to be a bunch of drunk people, loud music blasting, and too many people packed in one hole.” Jungkook paused for a moment as he looked at her questioning expression before trying a different approach, “I mean, I would just rather spend tonight doing things that will bring us closer, like a candle light dinner at a nice restaurant and then a stroll around the city.” She deserved that, he thought.

Mily tried her best to smile at his thoughtfulness but she couldn’t help the tug of her intuition telling her that he was hiding something from her, “Jungkook, are you…embarrassed by me?” She questioned, a choking feeling rising slightly at the back of , of course he would be, she would be going to hang out with his friends and since she was considered a goody two shoes and on top of that, a foreigner, of course his friends would be quick to poke fun at him.

Jungkook immediately refuted her statement with a determined shake of his head, “of course not, it’s just that you’re a great girl and that is just a ed up place. You deserve better.”

           “Oh,” Mily replied, looking down at her lap and fiddling with her fingers. Though she wanted to believe him, she couldn’t bring herself to it; he was definitely hiding something from her and she was more than positive it was that.

          “What’s the matter?” Jungkook asked, the atmosphere between them was growing awkwardly tense by the second and he wasn’t about to let that happen.

Mily glanced back up at him, a tight-lipped smile on her face doing her best to hide her disappointment however she failed miserably, “N-nothing,” her eyes wandering everywhere except to him after she spoke. Gently, he placed his index finger under her chin and adjusted her line of sight, leaning in dangerously close to her, he spoke, “tell me what’s wrong, and don’t you dare say it’s nothing.”

             “W-well, it’s just that, you promised me a night at a party and that we’d dance around a bit and hopefully get some lyrics for my song out of it. I mean, I even passed on my shift to someone else tonight to go with you so…” she didn’t need to finish her sentence it was already self-explanatory; he practically begged her to attend this party and made everyone including Mily’s mom to go out of their way to cover for her, and in the end never take her to the party, dancing or the experience he promised her to help her with her song. It was like selling her a new car but all she was really getting was a used unicycle that was already rusted; she was feeling like she was being cheated out of the agreement and on top of that, she thought he was embarrassed by her; he completely understood her which backed him into a corner.

He ran a hand through his hair as he let out a sigh of defeat, a deal was a deal after all, “do you really want to go to this party?” He asked, his eyes looking deeply into hers to make sure that was really what she wanted. She nodded her head as she looked up at him with her innocent eyes that stirred in him the need to take care of her, he had to force himself to look away from her as he spoke to the driver, “please take us to the party.”

The rest of the way there, the atmosphere between them was still as awkward though they both tried t

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Killerkhaos #1
Chapter 3: I like what you've got so far, Can't wait to see what you have in store for Mily!