


The first work of her to-do-list that day is to send her borrowed car back towards its rightful owner which is her awfully overprotective cousin, Kim Heechul.

Seulgi walks briskly in the direction of the parking lot and feels a relief when she spots the said car from afar. She is about to open the door after unlocking it first but halts it midway after she sees some scratches on its surface and a visible dent is glaringly engraved on it.

“How is that even possible…”

She starts circling the car, inspecting for other possible damages as she thinks that pranksters might be the one who did it. Instead, she only finds a sticky note in between the windshield wiper later on.

She reads the written note and raises her brows.

“Bae Joohyun?”

Joohyun? Is it her?

Seulgi looks up and scans her surroundings around, noting how quiet the particular place is. She spots a surveillance camera at the corner of the ceiling which is directly facing her car, it might record everything that happened yesterday. That’s it.

The said woman successfully makes her way to see the footage of that day in the security office, without revealing her identity much to her relief—she doesn’t want anyone to know who she is just yet, as she informs them that her car is being damaged to the man in uniform.

“At what time do you think the accident may take place?”

Seulgi ponders a bit before she says, “I arrived at 7 am, maybe around 7 to 8 am?”

The guard nods and processes to track the time. Seulgi watches as out of nowhere a car makes its way to park near hers. Seulgi’s brows twitch as she sees the car’s position.

“Uh… that’s dangerously close-” she doesn’t even able to finish her sentence when abruptly the said car opens its door only for it to collide with her cousin’s sidecar.

“That’s why.” She mutters to herself and finds her eyes widening when the culprit goes out of the said car. “Joohyun?”

Seulgi glances down at the note and back to the cautious figure that walks stealthily around her car at the monitor.

“Can we fast forward to the time around 9 pm?”

The man agrees and does his task. The recording starts with a lone figure, Joohyun, standing rigidly against her car, and Seulgi wonders of what that girl is doing exactly at that time in the middle of freezing weather. But Seulgi soon regrets requesting, the moment her drunken self appears on the screen much later. She palms her face when she sees Joohyun and her interact with each other, feeling stupid most of the time at how she behaves.

Seulgi has almost let out a gasp at the part she doesn’t even remember doing which is engulfing Joohyun into a hug. She feels her cheeks warmer and bites her lower lip to suppress her shock. She’s glad as the camera doesn’t record sound, because if it does, that would be twice horrifying to say the least.

How embarrassing.

“Err… should I fast forward this recording too?” The man voices his concern at her abrupt change of expression.

“I think that’s okay.” Seulgi tries to compose her demeanor after watching herself doing such an embarrassing thing. “But how long did this woman stand at that place?” She points at Joohyun’s still figure on the screen.

“Approximately 8 hours since she entered the parking lot around 4 pm.” He comments while he shows the actual time at the corner of the monitor. He then plays the video when the said woman is no longer in sight. “She left around 11 pm.”

Seulgi lets the information sink in and thanks the person who helps her. “Thank you so much, sir. I owe you a big time.”

The man only shrugs it off with smile and Seulgi mentally notes to thank him later.


“This is so uncanny.”

Joohyun mumbles while she looks at the beeping device telling her current temperature. She shakes and places it inside again, double-checking her result. She then wraps herself with a thick blanket as the room suddenly feels colder than usual. When the device beeps again, she pulls it out and checks her heat again. Holy….

Her eyes widen when she catches the number written and reaches up to touch her own forehead on impulse. Her forehead is indeed burning.

“But forty?”

Joohyun hoarsely says while she stares at the ceiling with teary eyes. Feeling hot tears slowly blur her vision thus she then blinks to get rid of it before blindly placing the thermometer on the bedside table. She processes to take a box of tissues near her bed and securely place it within her arm’s reach. She blows on a few layers of tissues before she comments again at her sudden sickness.

“I rarely got sick… though”

She woke up with a headache and dripping red nose this morning, which is quite a surprise. She slowly gets up from her lying position and hardly tries to inspect the current time with her limited eyesight. She will surely be late and she can foresee being a burden to others if she insists on going to work.

“Well…. Should I call for a day off?”

She quickly makes her decision and grabs her phone that is placed beside her bed lamp. After telling her reason for being absent and her boss does approve it thus Joohyun continues to rest comfortably on her bed.

Joohyun has almost fallen asleep if not for Seungwan’s sudden call that’s successfully jerking her awake. She reaches for her phone and answers her call sleepily, eyes nearly dropping close again. “Hello to you.”

“Wait. Is this you Joohyun?”

She nods although no one can see her at that moment. “It’s me. What’s up, Seungwan?”

“You sound different.” Seungwan then chuckles. “So you really are sick huh?”

Joohyun clicks her tongue, does she need to state the obvious? “I will spread my sickness to you through phone, just you wait.”

She begins faking several coughs on the phone and it makes Seungwan laugh in reply. “Glad to hear that you’re okay.”

Joohyun stares at her phone’s surface. “Excuse me? I’m clearly sick, which means not okay at all, Seungwan.”

“I thought your absence today is the result of meeting the owner of that fancy car.” Seungwan further explains. “Well, if so then you can rest peacefully.”

As if something finally makes sense, Joohyun flicks her own forehead inwardly. How come she forgot about the matter she ought to end yesterday. “Truth to be told, I haven’t met them yet. Last night I was waiting for them but it seemed like they were busy so they didn’t have a chance to contact me at all. The note I left for them is still intact as I recall.”

“So last night you were waiting for nothing?”

“Most likely.” Joohyun agrees and juts her lips out. “I was freezing that entire time.”

“How long exactly did you wait for them?” Seungwan probes again and she tries to evoke her memories.

“I don’t remember but well, it was quite long though. Resulting me to catch a cold because how long I stayed outside.”

“Well, if they need you to pay then they will contact you. So, you won’t need to stupidly wait for them and get sick in return again Joohyun-ah. You already gave them your contact for God’s sake.”

Joohyun smiles earnestly at her scold. “Okay, I will just do that.”

“Yeah, yeah. By the way, I will drop by to bring you lunch so you better not sleep on me. Rest well, Stubborn.”

Seungwan is always being the kind friend she can rely on in whatever situation. “How sweet of you!! Thank you so much Seungwan-ah!”

Joohyun ends the call and places her phone aside, smiling contently despite her unfortunate situation. She recalls unlikely events that happened last night and can’t help but smile to herself.

“What a weird day.”

She closes her eyes, snuggling closer to her blanket in search of warmth and falling asleep almost in a second.


“Err... hello?”

There she sees the exact woman she met and has had mistaken as a student. The woman has a thick coat hugging her slim body, with one hand grasping a drink.


She honestly is surprised to see her standing there and is even more surprised when the latter fishes out what seemed to be keys. suddenly feels dry at the sight.

Soon, the car beside her beeped, and Joohyun can feel her jaw-dropping down almost immediately.

“Are you the owner of this car?”

It’s a stupid question and she perfectly knows the answer to it, but she simply doesn’t know how to react at this moment.

The woman comes closer and stands in front her own car, still having her body against her damaged door. “Yeah. Why? Aren’t you going home?”

She feels like being inspected as the latter runs her eyes on her. “Are you sick or something? You look pale.”

“I-I’m fine.” She bites back a response with an obvious stutter.

“You clearly are not,” the brown girl frowns and raises her stuff. “I’ll settle this first.” She says quickly before she dives down to open her door but stop midway when she realizes her car’s condition.

“Oh my god.”

It is the same word she wants to utter but in ten folds higher tone if her reaction is beyond her imagination. But, recalling their earlier encounter, a splash of ease feelings is making its way to calm Joohyun.

Seulgi seems to be a kind person who will certainly not able to hurt flies. Her confidence is going up slowly, as she thinks that they could end this problem in peace. As she is about to tell Seulgi, the sight before her is making Joohyun suddenly doubt her recent thought of this supposedly kind person.

“My baby…”

She watches as the woman crouches down while running her fingers shakily against the dent surface and all she wants to do is given a chance to seriously dig her own hole and bury herself in it later. There is no way she can let go of this person’s sight without being ripped into two for tainting her precious baby car.

“Who is responsible for this...madness?”

There, her tone changes, now it sounds so grim and Joohyun does her best to stay unaffected. Sure, she would admit her wrongdoing but it would be a lot wiser and less scary if Seulgi doesn’t look like she really does have machine gun lying somewhere inside her car, wanting to find the culprit and kill them later for damaging her ride with large dent and scratches.

She wouldn’t know that I’m responsible for-

Her word of inner reassurance has to come to a stop as the woman loudly exclaims her founding after circling her vehicle in an attempt to inspect it more thoroughly. “What is this…”

Her eyes widen and she holds back her will to just run and rip the said note into pieces containing her full name and number.

Before Joohyun can come up with an alternative way to not get caught, she feels her jaw-dropping lower again as she assumes what Seulgi’s trying to do is dialing the written number in hasty movement.

She looks down and curses as she clearly witnesses the unknown number blinking on her screen. There is no mistaking, her life has to end this way.

Joohyun heaves a long sigh while mumbling some prayer to whoever that is able to save her. She brings her phone near her ear after sweeping the screen and is preparing herself for one heck of seething rage being directed towards her.


The fuming woman stares back at her when she thinks that the sound itself isn’t coming from her phone only. “You are the one who wrecked my car?”

She feels her feet stay rooted and watches as Seulgi charge herself towards her direction, with guns armed on both of her hands. From where the latter gets those said weapons, Joohyun doesn’t have any slightest idea.

You got to be kidding me?!

She now, is straight to stuttering her words out, because the sight has left her eyes to bulge in horror. “I-I will pay! P-Please forgive me, Seulgi!”

“You don’t have to pay for this.” Seulgi’s ferocious growl sends her to scramble to her feet when she sees her directing the said gun towards her face. She doesn’t even have mercy left for her.

“Bye Joohyun.”

The last thing she remembers is screaming loudly to stop Seulgi from firing her alive with gunfire in hands.


Joohyun’s eyes are wide open to the seemingly vivid incident. She lets out a shaky breath while she hardly swallows imaginary lumps inside . Her heart is thumping wildly and she can’t seem to get rid of the aftermath’s taste. “What the heck is that?”

Why it has to be Seulgi? She trails in wonder. And why it’s all about that expensive car?

“I’m going crazy.” Joohyun mutters while she palms her face. “I even dreamed about her going to kill me.”

The ringing bell outside has woken her up from this sudden nightmare. How come her once peaceful nap has turned into a nightmare in a split of a second?

Her eyes then catch a glimpse of her phone which now is blinking Seungwan’s name. She reaches for it and answers her call; it turns out that the latter has been outside for a while and urged her to open the door.

She tries to clear her mind one last time before she gets up and welcomes her guest.


“Wow… you look a bit horrible but it’s okay since you’re sick.”

It’s the first full sentence that coming from Seungwan the moment she steps in. “Oh hi, thanks. Glad that I look sick enough for you.” Joohyun sarcastically responds although the smile that grazes upon her lips doesn’t disappear.

“You should be glad.” Seungwan snickers, walking past her with a basket of fruits and two plastic bags. “I took a liberty to sacrifice myself visiting your weak infected body.”

She follows her best friend towards the kitchen and helps her arranging her stuffs.

“Do you feel better though?” Seungwan comments, eyes glancing from time to time in her direction, hands bustling with kitchen utensils. “You should just rest. I will warm up your lunch.”

Joohyun obediently sits at the dining table and watches Seungwan doing the rest of work, she feels guilty but the latter only points a threatening finger at her in return whenever she moves to help.

“I think I kinda feel better though the fever and runny nose are still there.”

Seungwan occasionally nods while she stirs the liquids inside the saucepan. “Eat those medicines I bought for you.” She cues Joohyun with her right hand at the smaller plastic bag at the table. “Should be able to lessen your sickness.”

“You sure go all out in tending me.” Joohyun cheekily says as she checks the said medicine. She throws a glance and sees Seungwan rolling her eyes.

“Those works are a pain in the without me, aye?”

“You even bought me these fruits.” Joohyun adds then laughs to herself. “I’m flattered.”

Seungwan turns off the stove and shares the soup into a bowl. “Sorry to burst your bubble but that basket of fruits isn’t mine.” She beckons Joohyun to pick it and then brings the rest of her lunch towards the fridge. “I only brought lunch and medicines.”

“Your friend sent you that.” Seungwan says again while she processes to open the fridge, checking the ingredient inside while placing her lunch as well. “I met her after I bought you lunch accidentally. I didn’t know it was even possible but yeah it happened. By the way, you should restock your fridge once you’re healthy because this is basically empty.”

Joohyun nods and looks up from her soup. “My friend? Who?”

Seungwan peeks through the open door. “Seulgi. The one who got my drink instead.”

Her hand freezes in place as she is about to shove a spoonful of her food. “W-wait? What? Seulgi?”

Is this true? Is Seulgi really the owner of that car? That explains why would she go into that car’s direction right? But she doesn’t look like she comes from a wealthy family as she seems nonchalant…

Joohyun blinks her eyes at her internal battling.

Joohyun, don’t judge the book by its cover. You see the last time you did it; you had successfully made the fool out of yourself. Who would have guessed that Seulgi is no longer a student and has got her master degree? Think before you speak okay dear?

“Yeah.” Seungwan bobs her head up and down as she strolls back to sit beside Joohyun. “She told me to tell you to contact her when you’re already feeling well.” She pushes the written digits in a piece of paper towards her. “Just how long have you befriended each other? Like you can contact others through social media nowadays.”

Joohyun stares at the paper and then at Seungwan. “I only met her three times yesterday. We’re not even a friend, Seungwan.”

“Wow. You must really leave such a good impression on her to even send you a gift like this.” Seungwan amusingly tilts her head. “It’s even weird because she seemed genuinely worried when I told her that you were sick and was currently taking some rest at home.”

Joohyun inwardly winces while she places her utensil down, feeling her appetite suddenly evaporate into the air already although her heart feels warmer at the mention of the words. “Wrong. It wasn’t good impression at all. I stepped on her foot and mistook her for a student at my first encounter.” Joohyun mumbles with blank eyes. “My second encounter was at that café, and I didn’t even know why in the hell I gave her your drink as my apology.”

Seungwan narrows her eyes as three fingers being showed by Joohyun in front of her face later on. “And lastly I so happened to meet her in a drunken state, when I had cautiously waited for that owner of the car last night.”

She sees her best friend looking at her strangely.

“Is that possible that Seulgi is the owner?” Joohyun inquiries more with scrunched eyebrows. “I suffered a nightmare a moment ago and in my dream, Seulgi was going to kill me with guns because of it.”

Seungwan nearly falls from her seat as she can’t control her sudden burst of laughter.

“Joohyun…” She extends her hand to touch the said person’s forehead. “I think your fever has made you overthinking things. How come your logic has become so silly like that? Is she a mafia or something?” She almost cries at her best friend’s words when she retracts her hand. “Did you take my jokes about mafia seriously? For real? Joohyun, I was kidding.”

Joohyun slumps her head down on the table. “You’re right. This fever is making me think weirdly. I might think too hard that I mix my wariness of wanting to meet the owner and those encounters with Seulgi in my dream.”

“There… so you have to eat your medicine and rest well.” Seungwan agrees as she pats her head and stands up. “I will be going okay, there’s still some soup left in the fridge so you can warm it up for dinner.”

Joohyun glances and smiles thankfully. “Thanks, Seungwan-ah.”

“Don’t sleep on the dining table and don’t forget to lock your door.”

“It’s automatic.”

“I know, tech person.” Seungwan bids her goodbye while she opens the door. “Get well soon, Joohyun-ah!”

With that Joohyun is left alone in her apartment, once again dealing with her cloudy mind. She grabs the laying paper and scans it. She sighs and closes her eyes, feeling something is somehow off.

“We don’t even know each other aside of names though.”


“Good afternoon Ms. Kang.”

He bows politely when she is about to step out her room. She returns his manner by a slight nod and a polite smile. “Good afternoon, Jongin.”

She closes the door behind her and spins to face him again. “Oh, were you going to check on me?”

He bobs his head when Seulgi starts walking. He follows behind her timidly soon after. “Yes, Miss. Mr. and Mrs. Kang are going to have dinner.”

“Oh.” She mutters lowly and glances back, noticing his careful steps. “You don’t need to walk behind me you know and how many times did I tell you that you can call me Seulgi. We are at the same age after all.”

“It’s impolite, Miss.” He chimes and Seulgi rolls her eyes at the comment playfully. She narrows her eyes a bit. “You hear me. I insist.”

“Will do, Miss.”

The man rushes forward when they turn into the corner and descend down the floor. Now, Jongin is one step ahead of her and Seulgi can’t help but shake her head at his antics. They stand a foot away from the large door where her parents currently at.

The man pushes the large door and side steps to let her in first. Seulgi enters and walks calmly inside after saying her thanks. She makes her way and sits quietly at the end of the table, facing her parents who occupy the other side.

“What took you so long?”

His voice resonates inside the large dining room and she peels her eyes off the upside-down plate to him. “I’m sorry, I was taking a nap and couldn’t help but overslept.”

“Just don’t make me wait for any longer if it’s not even important. I’ve things to do later and I believe you do have as well.” He speaks while turning the utensils, eyes never leaving her. “Don’t be a careless being person if you want to maintain everything perfectly, Seulgi. Even for the simple things. Learn it.”

Seulgi shifts her gaze back to the dining table. “Yes, father. I really am sorry.”

“Is it too early to discuss such a serious topic?” The woman beside him utters while scooping some foods to his plate. She glances towards Seulgi and says, “Just dig in okay, honey?” She shifts her back towards him. “Please no talk about work in this quiet and peaceful nice dinner.” She ignores his displeasure look and goes to take her own food.

“Thank you,” Seulgi mutters with a tight smile as she throws her gaze somewhere. “...mother.”

The butlers start to fill Seulgi’s food and the latter begins feeding herself after they’ve done doing so.

“Anyway, what about the contract with Hwang Enterprise, Seulgi?”

“I told you not to.” The earlier woman comments dryly. Her father only shrugs, waving her warning off. “I only ask about its progress. It’s not like we are brainstorming about getting a great tender and set it as another plan on road.”

He says after the silence ensues as the sound of his wife’s complaints wave off. “I hope to hear a good progress, Seulgi.”

The said person looks up after chewing her food properly which tastes bland out of sudden. “We could safely say that we are one step away from getting it. We just need to settle little things right there and then to be able to fully claim it a success. Conjoining our group will gain many profits as we already stated at these meetings. So I think they aren’t that stupid to let this chance slip.” She finishes in one breath, talking automatically like a robot when it comes to working.

Her father nods in accomplishment after hearing her news. “Good, that’s my daughter.” He smiles, picking his spoon back in an eager attempt to finish his food. “Keep track on it and notify me soon if you get any problem.” He resumes eating with a big smile on display.

She smiles back, hiding her true feelings behind an obedient daughter’s mask.

“Yes, father.”

Another fast update~
Hope you enjoy this story so far :)


Ps: Oh and get very well soon, Baeeeee!!! As she couldn't attend yesterday event after stubbornly performing at May 25th event :")

Have a nice day everyone~~

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Do check out the Summer Bosses's comeback -> https://youtu.be/aiHSVQy9xN8. Thank you~ ^^


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Chapter 15: Nooooooo its over ??
Chapter 15: Awwwwwwwwwwu! :(
cjmoo_ #3
Chapter 15: I really enjoyed reading this chapter, especially in terms of the flow of the story. We have Krystal knowing that Joohyun might have feelings for Seulgi or vice versa, and her also knowing what Joohyun thought her relationship with Seulgi is. I thought it was quite funny how you showed Joohyun internalising or rationalising Krystal and Seulgi's relationship, and then after all the uncertainty on her part, we get to know that they're actually just cousins xD I like the part where Seulgi says Joohyun shouldn't get accustomed to waiting. The atmosphere between them suddenly changed. I also like how Joohyun knows how to pick the right time to talk about Seulgi. That simple question of whether Seulgi's okay is such a loaded one. It's no wonder Seulgi reacted that way. The last part was just so soft. "It's okay not to be okay." - I really love it that Joohyun said this line. It allows Seulgi to know that she's not alone, that Joohyun's there for her... :') Ah, the last line... Seulgi lets herself fall :') My heart :') I'm looking forward to the next chapter!! :)
Chapter 15: thats it, let her be herself around Joohyun omg ;;
kyrljj #5
Chapter 15: Whoa whoa whoa.. Joohyun, please be the comfort that Seul deserves :(
cjmoo_ #6
Chapter 14: Wow at that description of Joohyun's appearance. I can just imagine how beautiful she is. It's great that Joohyun has made friends with Krystal. I enjoyed reading their interaction. That question Seulgi asked Heechul is so deep. It shows that even the richest people have their own problems. I'm glad that Heechul's there for Seulgi. This part is so sad though: 'Seulgi truly cherishes him with all her heart because it is the actual moment when she feels like she has a family who actually loves her for who she really is.' Also wow at the description of Seulgi's appearance as well! I would say their appearances quite fit their characters. Ahaha at Joohyun letting slip that Seulgi looks dazzling. Ooh at Seulgi initiating skinship! I kinda choked a little at this line: 'Taeyeon here is too lethargic to even move a muscle.' Oh no at that last paragraph. Poor Joohyun. I hope in the future, like what Joohyun hoped, Seulgi won't leave her no matter what happens. Enjoyed the flow of this chapter. Thank you for this chapter, and a happy belated 1 year anniversary to this fic! :)
kyrljj #7
Chapter 14: Yeay, new chap! Thank you for not abandoning this great story of yours ^^
kyrljj #8
Chapter 13: I felt warm reading this story. The developing ‘friendship’ between Seulgi and Joohyun is just at the right pace. It is heartwarming. Please do not abandon this fic. I’ll be looking forward to your next update. :)