Rough hands but still gentle

That infuriating chunk of muscle
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Soonyoung sighed under his breath. He gazed outside the window, his mind floating everywhere and anywhere. The voice of his teacher entered one ear and immediately exited on the other. He just couldn’t focus his mind on the subject at all; the lecture definitely falling on deaf ears. Even the noise of his classmates studiously writing down notes and their low murmurs and chatters had been drowned out into nothingness. Everything around him had become a mere static noise, a blur of insignificance which couldn’t soothe or hold his interest. He sighed again.

He checked his watch. Lunch was still a long way to go. ‘I’m getting hungry,’ he internally whined. ‘I hope they’d serve pork cutlets today.’

Soonyoung really couldn’t shake off his boredom. He then decided to subtly watch his classmates.

Jihoon, ever the serious student that he is, was busy writing down notes and listening attentively to the teacher's lecture. ‘I’ll ask him for notes later.’ It might take a lot of begging but Soonyoung knew his best friend would give in. The latter might be a bit too harsh at times but his heart was certainly golden.

He then saw Jun scribbling away on his notebook, a smirk on his face as his eyes clearly twinkled with mischief. ‘That guy’s definitely up to something,’ he mused to himself, the corners of lips twitching upwards. ‘Well, he’s always plotting things after all. Seeing him planning someone’s demise or other whatnot isn’t entirely new…’ The dancer couldn’t help but snicker at his thought. ‘Whomever’s at the end of Jun’s plots, I wish thee good luck!’

He glanced at his front and saw Wonwoo writing down notes too. Soonyoung hadn’t had much of an opportunity to hangout with the quiet student council representative but whenever they did, the dancer didn’t mind his presence. ‘He’s quite an introvert though,’ he observed.

Despite his student council role, Jeon Wonwoo never really actively participated in their class. He did what was expected of him as their representative but he’d never do anything more than that. He also usually kept to himself, always a book in his hands or within his reach. He hardly talks, not bothering with anyone at all.

‘But seeing him with that chunk of muscle is even more surprising!’

His eyes briefly strayed to that person.

It always baffled Soonyoung how the reserved Wonwoo and this brute of a caveman became extremely close friends. The other was the epitome of calmness and tranquility, like water flowing through the river; whilst the other seemingly like the wind - wild, undeterred, free and callous. He doesn’t get their friendship at all… ‘Who am I to judge? I’m friends with Jun,’ he mentally shrugged.

He stared at Wonwoo again and noticed he was seemingly in a daze. ‘Oh? Isn’t that an interesting sight,’ he mused. As far as he knew, he was very studious like Jihoon. ‘Wait a second!’ He squinted his eyes and realized Wonwoo wasn’t dazing off at all. ‘He’s staring at someone!’ he mentally screamed.

Soonyoung checked the angle where Wonwoo’s eyes strayed to and almost fell off his chair in disbelief. ‘He’s staring at Jihoon! Oh my God!’ He stared at Wonwoo and then at his best friend, going back and forth between the two. The dancer was honestly having a mental breakdown. ‘Does Wonwoo like my best friend? Should I tell Jihoon about this or-?’

He couldn’t finish off his thought as he heard the lunch bell ring. He quickly fixed his things on his desk and was about to approach Jihoon but Soonyoung suddenly felt a strong grip on his arm, forcefully dragging him out of the classroom.

“What the actual-” Soonyoung’s words were cut off by a hand on his mouth. He stared, wide eyes, at the culprit. Seething rage immediately burned in his blood.

The brute of a caveman, that frustrating chunk of muscle, C

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Chapter 8: I was SHOOK when I saw you tossed out all these feeling chapters at me and to be honest I was going to make a comment when I'd finished reading them all but.... CHOI SEUNGCHEOL KISSED SOONYOUNG'S FOREHEAD!
Chapter 11: I haven't even recovered with that confession chapter and then suddenly it's the ending?! /grabs my hair and screams
ths is so sweet and wonderful and fluffy that it makes my heart flutter and grin so widely. gahd, i'm a er for fluff fics and this is a great story of the genre.
YOU DIDN'T GIVE THEM A PROPER KISS THO ASLDKJAFGJFSDGKLH nah, it's fine. i'm still happy with how it ended <3
thank you so much for this fic. it's so difficult to find stories for this pairing, and a great one at that. i hope you will write another Sooncheol in the future <3 <3 <3
Chapter 8: "Feeling a little brave, he lightly kissed Soonyoung on the forehead." MYGAHD Y U MAKE ME SCREAM AND WRIGGLE LIKE A WORM AT 4 AM?! This fic is even softer when read in the early hours. I'm crying ㅠㅠ these small things that Soknyoung notices, they make me cri I cannot OTL thank you for this update! ♡
Simple-J #5
Chapter 8: I need all this soft stuff tbh. Thanks!
Chapter 7: I can imagine Cheol hugging Soon and BOII THIS LIKE A SCENE IN A TAYLOR SWIFT MV lol I can relate to Cheol when you can't believe something and you just space out like that...AND THE FIRST PERSON YOU WANT TO HUG IS THAT SPECIAL SOMEONE ASDFGHJKL Is it okay to hope for a kiss next time? <3
Chapter 7: GIIIIRRRRLLL okay this chapter... hollup... lemme get the tissues. *grabs them and tries not to sob*
We readers out here finally getting some physical touching of the two like there is no tomorrow! ugh Seungcheol... boi just confess! I already know dang well you weren't upset about that basketball game being a close call, nah you were upset because Soonyoung wasn't around you... mhmhm... I predict that Seungcheol didn't like that distance.... unless... unless Soonyoung was cheering waaaayyy to loud and Seungcheol heard him and was like "Yes. My number one fan!" ahahah oh man I seriously love your updates! this one made me feel as though I were watching a drama straight up and finally getting to hand holding at episode 17 (pfft) Girl imma cry now. :'D bless!
Chapter 6: I'M SO SOFT RN YOU CAN CUT ME UP AND PUT ME IN YOUR MISO SOUP u.u cuddles are the most wonderful things on Earth <3
Chapter 6: Okay listen... this chapter be hitting me in some feels... 1) Soonyoung over here lookin at those defined fluffy lashes and not that body ;D kekeke
2) I bet you Seungcheol was the one that crept up on Soonyoung for a cuddle since it's obvious the 'cHuNk of muscle' is secretly crushing on Soonyoung!
3) Hide that smirk Seungcheol hide it! you can't deny your love for the Hosh though hahaha!
I love it so much thank you!
Chapter 5: boi if they don't end up together imma smack that choi freaking seungcheol for not confessing in the last chapter ahahaha!