chapter 7

love moving forward
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Luhan POV

I sat beside my bed and took a glanced at this little girl figure that was sleeping soundly under the blanket. After she was done changing into some of my clothes that looked awfully big on her (not to mention that this hardheaded girl still have the urge to fight with me despite her unstable condition), I tucked her in and assured her to have some rest. Her eyes were a little bit puffy because of the crying she had just now. I also noticed that her face was  imprinted with bruises and there were a few of visible scratched marks at her jawline.

Fortunately, my parents was away from home for a week and the house was empty besides the maids on duty. I was just arrived at my parent's house to take some references book that I left the last time I was here when I received a call from Sehun, asking for help, because this Hana girl ran away from home few minutes ago. I quickly grabbed an umbrella and start searching around the neighborhood, thinking that she might still be wandering around here in spite the rain pouring heavily and wet my clothes a little bit.

I don't know why but I found myself felt protective over her and my heart breaks a little when I saw her all vulnerable and weak state. I felt relieved when I found her stumbled upon me and instantly wrapped my arms around her petite body even though she was soaked everywhere but I couldn't care less as long as she was safe and sound, that was enough for me.

After notifying Sehun that his cousin was safe, I heard the man let out a huge relieved and thanks me for be the one that found her. While I'm treating her wound and bruised ( which I had no idea where it came from) her phone rang. For the first and second time, I ignore it, continue to treat her but when it was the third round it rang, I get up from my seat and reached for it to answer. Maybe it was an important one.


Should I or should not?

Later, I found myself talking to her dad who was madly worried about her. After introducing to her father that I was her friend, he relaxed a little. After a long conversation about how she end up in my house, her father trusted her to me to take care for while since her household was in a wrecked ship already and I finally began to understand what life she was actually in before this despite being showered in wealth and easily get everything she want, that doesn't make her happy. She had another painful story untold and that  why her wall of defense was way too high to crush. She was suffering lacked of affections from her own parents and she desperately long for one.

About the wound she got, maybe I can ask her later after she woke up. For now, I'll just let her rest her sore body as long as she want.

POV ended.




When I opened my eyes, everything was dark. 

Where am I?

I can't see well with my still blurry eyes that just woke up from deep slumber, I guess, because my body feel like I'm in such a good condition. I slowly crawled out from the bed to find any source of lights, which I had no idea where, only to be greeted with a hard wall and my mouth instantly let out a loud of yelp at the surged of pain on my forehead. It's too dark here and the door suddenly cracked open, along with a soft concerned voice and a sudden exposed of oh-so-bright light flashes in that room.

" God Hana! You're awake finally. Come, I'll serve you your so called dinner down stair. By the way, what are you yelping at?"

This doe-eyed man obviously in confusion at my current situation, isn't he? I rubbed my forehead and annoyingly pointed at his darn wall for causing me pain. Okay now I remembered that I was in Luhan's place. He burst in laughter after finally grasped the whole scene happened to me.

I mouthed him 'It was all because of dark room mister!' before followed him to the kitchen. My stomach crazily growled at the sight of food in the table. It was 11 pm and I can't believe that I've been sleeping for 8 hours long especially on someone's else bed. Woah, what kind of spell did he cast me earlier for being able make me fall into sleep that long? When he finished preparing for my meals, he signaled me to feel free to dig in the food while he sat in front of me with an anticipating look. I scooped a spoonful of soup and god, that was heaven!.It was really tasty. He really can cooked. I nodded in approval with his cooking skill. Not even 15 minutes, I was already done eating. I was very grateful for his willingness to take me in and sheltered me from danger today. 

I was thinking, should I visit my dad's or mom's parents or just boarded Sehun's house for a week for my detention because I am obviously trying to avoid going back home and definitely not going to stay in Yul oppa house. Its been a long time I didn't go back to my hometown. Well, I have a week to make up for that but before, I need to get my clothes first. How should I went home being noticed by them?. I'm sure mom already gone berserk at me. What should I do now? I exhale and caught Luhan staring but more to observe i guess at me. Why? Is there anything wrong or weird with me besides my messy appearance right now?.

" Hana," 

" Hmm?" I fixed eyes at him,

" Your dad called " he said. And it's shocking me.

" And?" I said stoica

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