Chapter Six

The Life of the Painfully Oblivious

The next morning, Yongguk tried to stay awake once more. He really tried. However, when the lunch bell rang and someone bumped into his table, he found he had failed. All around him, classmates were filing out of the classroom. Looking around, he found hoodie-guy at his desk writing or doodling something on a piece of paper.

When everyone but them were out of the room, Yongguk stood up and walked over to his kind-of-friend. He could ask why hoodie-guy had messed his things up. Sitting down in front of him, he found that hoodie-guy wasn’t writing or doodling. The paper was a music sheet that he was filling out with notes.

“Is that your own composition?” Yongguk asked, completely forgetting why he was there in the first place.

Hoodie-guy looked up. “Well kind of, but not really,” he answered.

“How does that make sense?”

“Well, I started out plotting down the beginning of a piece, but then I started improvising,” hoodie-guy explained. “Or writing down what I would be improvising if I had a piano in front of me.”


“It’s not that impressive,” hoodie-guy smiled with a shrug. However, it really was.

“I think it is,” Yongguk countered. “Not anyone can do that.”

“Maybe, but what I’ve written down might not sound as good as it does in my head,” hoodie-guy said.

“It’s a start though.”

Hoodie-guy smiled. “True.”

Yongguk sat in silence for a while.

“Did you want anything?” hoodie-guy asked.

“Uhm, yeah,” Yongguk said slowly, wondering how he should ask. He didn't know how to ask. What should he say? Something like 'hey, are you the person messing up my stuff' or maybe 'why are you messing up my stuff, I thought we were friends'. He didn't know. Both options sounded so accusing. How did people do this?

“You wanna say it, or should I just wait another two minutes?” hoodie-guy asked.

Yongguk felt his face heat up. “Oh, sorry,” he apologized.

“It's okay, I'll wait, I was just curious whether or not you needed more time,” hoodie-guy smiled softly.

He felt his heart skip a beat and he looked down at the table. “Uhm, I was wondering,” he started slowly. He just had to ask now. It was just words. Words were easy. “Whether or not you'd like to come over for dinner?” he asked and internally screamed to the heavens. Why were words so hard when it came to other human beings?

“Dinner?” hoodie-guy replied. He looked up at the other, to find a wide smile on his face and nodded.

“Yeah, dinner,” he confirmed, looking down again. “My parents are out tonight,” he said, which was the truth, but not what he was supposed to say.


Yongguk's head snapped up. Hoodie-guy was still smiling. “Really?”

“Yeah, that would be nice,” hoodie-guy nodded.

“Great,” Yongguk squeaked and coughed. “Great,” he repeated in his normal voice.

“I'll be over at around 6, if that's okay? I need to get some stuff done at home first,” hoodie-guy said.

“Yeah, sure, perfect,” Yongguk nodded. “Uhm, I'll see you then,” he said and stood up. Hoodie-guy gave him a blinding smile in return, and he could feel himself blush as he went back to his seat.

What had he done?


“I've done something stupid,” Yongguk told his three friends on skype. “And now I don't know what to cook.”

“Cook?” Hyosung asked confused, while Youngjae and Daehyun looked just as confused.

“You haven't lit the kitchen on fire or something?” Daehyun asked.

“No, no, no,” Yongguk shook his head, “I invited hoodie-guy over for dinner.”

“What!?” three voices yelled through his computer, all looking confused and surprised.

“It was an accident!” he defended himself. “I was supposed to ask him why he was messing up my things and then leaving apology notes, but I didn't know how to say it!”

“So you asked him over for dinner?” Youngjae asked. “How does that make sense?”

“Yeah, how did you come from asking about the mess of your bag to dinner?” Hyosung questioned.

“I don't know!” Yongguk answered. He might be beginning to freak out, because what should he serve hoodie-guy? He didn't know how to cook anything but ramen!

Daehyun began chuckling. “It must be a subconscious thing,” he grinned.

Hyosung started chuckling too. “Yeah, you wanted him over for dinner, man,” she smiled while wiggling her eyebrows.

“Hyosung!” Yongguk exclaimed at her insinuation.

“I didn't say anything, it's all in your mind,” Hyosung grinned.

“Hyosung, did you not get enough sleep?” Youngjae asked.

“Maybe,” she answered airily, suddenly looking at the ceiling.

“That explains that,” Youngjae nodded. “She does have a point though.”

“Ha!” Hyosung exclaimed in victory.

“Can we get back to me not knowing how to cook anything but ramen?” Yongguk asked tiredly.

“I'll send over one of my dad's recipes,” Daehyun told him. “Then you can get down to business after dinner,” he continued and winked.

“There will be no business of that kind after!” Yongguk groaned. He really needed better friends.

“I meant that you could ask him why he's messing up your stuff,” Daehyun corrected him. “Where is your mind today, Yongguk?” he grinned.

“You did not,” he grumbled.

“He could, you might just have misunderstood. Miscommunication is something that happens often,” Youngjae smiled wickedly.

“Yeah, your mind is in the gutter today,” Hyosung added.

“It's not!” Yongguk protested.

“It is,” Daehyun and Youngjae said at the same time.

Hyosung smiled happily, “See.”

Yongguk buried his face in his hand. What had he ever done to deserve this?

“Anyways, I gotta go,” Daehyun said. “We're eating dinner early today.”

“Will you be alone later?” Youngjae asked.

“You know it, baby,” Daehyun replied and Yongguk could practically hear the wink.

“I'll see you later then,” Youngjae answered, smile evident in his voice. Yongguk looked up. Daehyun and Youngjae were grinning widely, so he had a pretty good idea on what was going to happen.

“Yongguk, I'll send the recipe in like 5 minutes,” Daehyun told him. “I'll see you later,” he said in parting and hung up.

“I'll go eat early dinner as well,” Youngjae smiled. “Bye bye,” he waved and he hung up too.

“Soo, it's just you and I now,” Hyosung sang happily. “But you should probably go see what's in your fridge and get ready for a magical evening of dinner and desert.”

“Desert?” Yongguk replied. “Do I have to get desert too?”

“No worries, just serve yourself,” Hyosung cackled. “But I'm going to go too, so you have time to get ready.”

“No, wait!”

“Bye!” she sang and then she hung up too. Yongguk cursed to himself. They were no help at all. Okay, maybe Daehyun was going to send a recipe, and maybe Hyosung had a good idea with asking hoodie-guy about the thing, but other than that. No help at all.

A ding from his phone shook him out of his misery and he found a message from Daehyun with a picture of a recipe. He locked the phone and stood up, when another ding signaled a message. 'Good luck' it said. Yongguk sighed and went to the kitchen. He had to do his best, so that hoodie-guy wouldn't get food poisoning.


The doorbell rang, just as he was to cut a piece of chicken in two, to see if it was ready. Lowering the heat, he abandoned his task and went to the door. His heart was beating excitedly in his chest and he was nervous. Why was he nervous, it was just hoodie-guy? Either way, he looked into the mirror in the hallway, and hurriedly tried to fix his hair from frustrated haystack to artfully messy. It worked somewhat. With that he opened the door.

“Hi, I have a package for a Bang Yongguk,” said the postman that stood there instead of hoodie-guy.

“Uh, yeah, that's me,” he answered. The postman handed him the package and the small device where he had to sign. He signed horridly, as one does on those small screens, wished the postman a good evening and closed the door again.

So that wasn't hoodie-guy. It was a late working postman. However, he did get a mysterious small package. Going back to the kitchen, he found a pair of scissors and opened it. It was those CD's he had ordered a couple of weeks back in the middle of the night. He had forgotten about them, so it was a nice surprise. Someone knocked on the door again and the nerves came rushing back to him. Hurriedly, he put the CD's back down on the kitchen table, and rushed to the door once more. His hair still looked like it did before.

“Hi,” hoodie-guy greeted him when he opened the door.

“Hi,” he replied and stepped back so the other could come in.

“That doesn't smell like ramen,” hoodie-guy said as they entered the living room.

“I tried something else,” Yongguk smiled nervously. “I just hope we don't get food poisoning,” he continued nervously.

“I'm sure we won't, it smells good,” hoodie-guy smiled at him. He was really trusting him on this. Yongguk really hoped he wouldn't let the other down.

“I’m just going to check on the food,” he said and entered the kitchen. Hoodie-guy followed him and sat down at the kitchen table.

“What’s this?” hoodie-guy asked, and Yongguk turned his head to see hoodie-guy with the CD’s in his hand.

“Oh, I just got those,” Yongguk answered.

“From the postman I saw?”

“Yeah,” Yongguk nodded and cut the piece of chicken. It wasn’t raw. Hopefully it wasn’t dry either.

“These are really good,” hoodie-guy said. “Pink Floyd, Rainbow, Jon Lord, all good.”

“You know Rainbow?” Yongguk asked in surprise and turned off the stove.

“Yeah, my aunt loves them. She introduced me to a lot of different music,” hoodie-guy answered, as Yongguk took the pan of meat and vegetables over on the table.

“Cool,” Yongguk nodded, wishing he had someone like that and turned around for the pot of noodles.

“Yeah,” hoodie-guy nodded. “But I haven’t heard this one with Robert Plant and Alison Krauss,” he said holding up said album.

“It’s a bit different from what I usually listen to, but still good,” Yongguk smiled and sat down across from the other.

“We’ll have to listen to it sometime,” hoodie-guy smiled back and put down the CD’s at the edge of the table, away from the hot pan and pot. “But this smells really good.”

“Let’s hope it tastes as good as it smells,” Yongguk laughed nervously.

“I’m sure it will,” hoodie-guy said and started piling food onto his plate. When he was done, Yongguk followed his example with half a mind. Instead of paying full attention of what he was doing, he looked at hoodie-guy, who was waiting on him with a smile. He had a really nice smile.

“Well I hope it tastes good,” Yongguk said when he had enough food on his plate.

“Stop worrying so much, it will,” hoodie-guy smiled and took the first bite. With inquisitive eyes, Yongguk stared at the other, analyzing every change of expression.

“It tastes good,” hoodie-guy smiled. “The chicken is a little bit dry, but still good.”

Yongguk sighed in relief. “That’s a relief,” he said.

Hoodie-guy laughed and nodded, before taking another bite. Yongguk followed his example and took a bite. It actually wasn’t bad. The other wasn’t lying to appease him. The chicken was a little dry as he had said, but that was it. This was actually a success. His parents would be so proud of him, for finally learning a little bit more about cooking.

Hoodie-guy started talking about the piece he had written in class, which turned out to not sound that good all the way through. Yongguk smiled and found it rather easy to fall into conversation with the other. He was comfortable to be around and it still baffled him that it was so comfortable. However, he didn’t miss the awkwardness that hung around him like a dark cloud in early conversations with other people.

“I’ll help with the dishes,” hoodie-guy offered, when they finished eating.

“No, it’s fine,” Yongguk waved him off.

“I insist,” hoodie said. “Besides, it wasn’t really a question,” he grinned.


“No,” hoodie-guy interrupted. Yongguk couldn’t help but smile back at the other, despite wanting to argue. Hoodie-guy was really nice, and it made his heart swell that someone could be like that.

“Fine,” he gave in and the two of them started doing the dishes.

“What do you think of math?” hoodie-guy asked. “I’ve noticed if you aren’t sleeping before math, then you always are after.”

Yongguk coughed awkwardly. “Uhm, well, I have nothing against math,” he started. “Our teacher is so boring though.”

“You can say that again,” hoodie-guy laughed. “I’ve never met anyone before who can keep the same tone going for so long.”

“Exactly!” Yongguk nodded.

“Reminds me of Professor Binns from Harry Potter,” hoodie-guy grinned and Yongguk couldn’t help but laugh.

“Yeah, he might as well be a dreary ghost.”

“I’m so glad you’ve read the books, and know about him.”

“Well, my friend Hyosung would kill me if I hadn’t. She’s a big fan,” Yongguk smiled.

Hoodie-guy chuckled. “Who is Hyosung, I haven’t seen her around you at school?”

“Well she lives almost at the other side of the country,” he told the other. “I met her on this site for Shakespeare enthusiasts.”

“That’s pretty cool. So you like Shakespeare too?” hoodie-guy asked.

Yongguk nodded. “Though not as much as she does. She has read his plays and sonnets several times, I’ve only read them once or twice in Hamlet’s case,” he told the other.

“Cool, I don’t think I’ve ever had the will to get through those plays willingly,” hoodie-guy laughed. “Though Hamlet was pretty good, when we read that last year in school. I almost considered buying it for myself.”

“You read Hamlet last year? That’s not fair,” Yongguk frowned. “At my old school, we only read Romeo and Juliet and Much Ado About Nothing.”

“We’ve read Romeo and Juliet too, but not that last one. Is it any good?”

“Well kinda. It’s funny and more light hearted, but it isn’t my favorite,” Yongguk told the other. “It’s basically about a man and a woman who hate each other and then get tricked into liking each other, but there’s so much more going on of course.”

“Ah okay, maybe I should pick it up some time. I like a funny read,” hoodie-guy smiled. “My parents would get heart attacks from the shock of seeing me read Shakespeare in my freetime.”

Yongguk chuckled. “You can borrow my copy, if you want? I have the collected works.”

“I might pick you up on that,” hoodie-guy smiled and then started to laugh. “I can see it before me now. My parents enter, seeing me with the collected works of Shakespeare, they clutch their hearts in surprise and start ranting about having their only son replaced by aliens.”

Yongguk laughed along. “They would do that?” he asked.

“Yes, they’re very dramatic,” hoodie-guy grinned. “When I asked my mom about borrowing some history books, she literally gasped and wondered if I would actually become something decent like a historian. When I told her it was for a history project, she was so disappointed I didn’t want them willingly.”

“Wait, so you don’t like history?” Yongguk asked. He had thought the other did.

“Oh I do, just not as much as her,” hoodie-guy smiled. “I get my dose of history from school and her excited ramblings at dinner, not to mention the jokes.”

“History jokes?”

“Yeah, they’re either really funny or really disturbing.”

“Well a lot of disturbing stuff has happened throughout history.”

“Indeed, so it was inevitable,” hoodie-guy said. “But when she comes with a really disturbing one or a really insulting one, she always tells me to never repeat them.”

“That might be for the better.”

“You are so right,” hoodie-guy nodded. “She’s a nice person, but she would sacrifice herself to the gods, just to make a history joke that fits the situation.”

Yongguk chuckled and hoodie-guy started telling about the many ways his mother had ruined him. One of them being singing a British song from the Second World War, every time he did the laundry. He couldn’t help but laugh at that, and almost dropped the pot when handing it to hoodie-guy for drying.

After they had finished the dishes and Yongguk was wiping the table with a cloth, he couldn’t help but wonder what they were going to do now. Would hoodie-guy go home? Would he stay? What should they do if he stayed? He didn’t know, and the uncertainty made his stomach turn. If possible, then he’d like hoodie-guy to stay, as he really enjoyed his company. It was weird being so invested in a friendship so early, but hoodie-guy had an almost addictive voice and he was really interesting.

“Well then,” hoodie-guy said, as Yongguk finished wiping the table. He really hoped the other wouldn’t go. He wanted him to stay. The other could stay the whole night if he wanted to. They could talk and listen to music, maybe play some games. It would be nice, as it always was with hoodie-guy, and maybe Yongguk could figure out what his real name was. Without letting the other know, that he didn’t know.

“I have to go,” hoodie-guy said, saying the one thing that Yongguk didn’t want him to say now. “It’s been nice, but I have to be home before 9.”

Yongguk looked at the clock. It was a quarter to 9. “Oh,” he said, trying to keep the disappointment out of his voice and failing.

Hoodie-guy smiled. “We should do this again,” he said and Yongguk’s stomach filled with butterflies. He nodded at the other with a smile. Hoodie-guy went out of the kitchen and back to the front door, with Yongguk at his heels.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” hoodie-guy smiled at him, when he had put his shoes on.

Yongguk nodded with a smile. “Yeah, see you.” With that, hoodie-guy turned around and walked out the door with a wave. He waved back and closed the door, with a wide smile.

“,” he cursed suddenly and the smile on his lips disappeared. He had totally forgotten to ask about the notes and why the other was messing up his stuff!



Hello! And welcome back to the 'Why Is Yongguk So Oblivious Show'!

In this episode, Yongguk forgets his purpose, but succeeds in cooking!

I hope you've enjoyed it.

Tune in sometime soon (hopefully) to see what happens next in:

The Life of the Painfully Oblivious!

Peace out (^_^)v

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Chapter 17: OMFGBEJXVSKQ!!!! so I don't like to write a long comment but I'm so sad that the story is already over ..... I took a long time to read to be sure to understand and ing I loved as I love life! the guy has a hood and the guy who sleeps a lot is really really exciting !!!! I don't have words it's damn wonderful! BANGHIM POWAAAA and dsvfifhsl hyosung is cute and funny until the end XD love this story very much♡♡♡♡ thank u.
Chapter 12: agree chan is perfect!
Chapter 11: the parents of himchan are annoying ......... but oh my god! the way yg looks at hc and this feeling for his friend... it is the love assured! lol
Chapter 9: Hyosung is cute here haha love it
Chapter 7: poor yongguk ..... himchan too starts to say this mysterious thing about him! I think I have a little idea but I don't want to think more .... I will wait and read the next chapters calmly! very nice job!
Chapter 6: awwwwww this is loooveeee ~~~~
Chapter 5: hahahaha daejae in action ...... yongguk is so confused and this story remains unclear! I want to read more!
Chapter 4: loooollll daejae at the end I CAN'T XD
Chapter 1: to begin, thank you very much for this first chapter! he is long and very captivating! a fiction as I love them! I can't wait to read the rest of the chapters! ♡♡♡♡♡ BANGHIM LOVER