Chapter Seventeen

The Life of the Painfully Oblivious

There's some more swearing at a point in this chapter, because yes.


Silence dominated the small room. They didn’t move, they didn’t talk. Yet the single word Yongguk had uttered seemed to echo in the silence. He could see the thoughts whirring around in his best friend’s head, and he feared the conclusion. What if Himchan didn’t feel the same? Granted, he had been leaning in too, but Yongguk wasn’t completely sure the other did lean in or if it was him imagining things. He had been so sure before but now he doubted everything.

Everything but that Daehyun, Youngjae, and Hyosung had been right. He did feel something more for Himchan. Himchan who was just… staring at him. Himchan, who hadn’t moved for a while now and it was starting to worry Yongguk.

However, he didn’t know what to say. What could he say? ‘I like you’ or ‘I’m fond of you, like no one else’? Or should he inquire if his best friend was okay first? Maybe if he made sure Himchan felt the same? Should he ask? Or should he ignore the whole ordeal? Maybe change the topic? He didn’t know! Yongguk felt like he was drowning in what he should do now. Which was weird. He had never felt so out of sync with Himchan, where he didn’t know how to act nor what to say. His best friend had helped him through his struggles and made him felt at ease with all this talking business right from the start.

So, what was happening now? What should he do now? It didn’t seem like Himchan was going to say anything because he was just staring. However, he could see Himchan thinking. He could see the way the other was obviously at a loss of what to do too. Yongguk didn’t want his best friend to be like that around him, with him. They were best friends. He should say something for once. He should be there for this boy whom he was so fond of. The question was what?

“I don’t know what to say,” Yongguk finally said, breaking the silence. His voice seemed to bring Himchan back from the deep depths of his mind, so he spoke again, “I don’t know what to say, but are you okay?”

Himchan nodded slowly.

“Good, uhm,” Yongguk nodded but didn’t know what else to say.

“I-uh, you… did you mean that?” Himchan asked, before taking a deep breath and continuing. “Did you mean what we were about to do?” He sounded so careful.

Yongguk nodded. “Yeah,” he said in a soft voice that he didn’t think had ever sounded from his mouth before.

“Okay,” Himchan nodded.

Silence fell over them again, but now Himchan wasn’t looking at him anymore. Instead, he was looking at the opposite end of his room. This was so weird and Yongguk was slowly starting to stress about not receiving an answer on if his best friend had meant it too. Himchan was so silent. Maybe he needed a moment to process things? Yongguk sometimes needed that, and Himchan had always given him time to do so. So, he turned his head to look at the same wall as his best friend and waited.

“Yongguk,” Himchan finally said, after who knows how long of silence. It felt like forever and a moment. Yongguk turned to look at his best friend, who now had wiped the surprise off his face and instead looked determined.

“Yongguk,” Himchan repeated with more force, “I meant that too.”

Yongguk couldn’t help the instant wide smile that spread across his lips. A bubble of warmth extended from his heart and spread throughout his entire body. Beside him, Himchan smiled back with the same warmth that he felt.

“I propose we try again,” his best friend said.

“Seconded,” Yongguk smiled and leaned in happily. Somewhere along the way, he had closed his eyes and he met Himchan’s lips with his own. It was a soft and brief kiss, but when Yongguk opened his eyes and met the warmth Himchan’s eyes seemed to embrace him in, he couldn’t remember a time feeling as blissed out as now.

“We’re lucky we didn’t miss,” Himchan said casually, but the grin on his lips was wide.

Yongguk chuckled. “Otherwise we’d just have to practice some more,” he replied.

“Hey!” the other exclaimed. “Since when are you smooth?” he asked, sounding a little bit insulted.

“I have always been smooth!” Yongguk protested with a laugh.

“Liar! You’re too oblivious,” Himchan replied happily.

“I am not.”

“Are too.”

“No, I’m no-” Yongguk was interrupted by Himchan’s lips on his own again, and he happily responded to the kiss. It was still so soft, so gentle, so warm. When they pulled back, Yongguk couldn’t help but smile his widest smile again.

“Are too,” Himchan whispered with mischief twinkling in his eyes.

Yongguk rolled his eyes with a huff. “Wait and see.”

“I’ll look forward to seeing you try,” Himchan chuckled happily.


The jackets had gotten detention until the end of time, and some of them were suspended. It meant peace, it meant quiet, it meant Yongguk was really tired after such a full week. People looked at the two of them so intensely in the halls that he noticed it before Himchan pointed it out. Sleep was his only escape, and he welcomed it. Also, he still didn’t really sleep at night, so it wasn’t much of a difference from before.

“Yongguk,” Himchan familiar voice called, rousing him from the edge of sleep. “It’s time to go.”

“Whazzat?” he mumbled drowsily and looked up to find the other sitting in front of him. The rest of the classroom was empty.

“Day’s over, time to go home.”

“Okay,” Yongguk nodded and rubbed his eyes before standing up. Collecting his things, he stood up and followed Himchan out of the classroom. Even the hallways were almost empty.

“How long did you wait before waking me?” he asked, following it with a small yawn.

“Just a few minutes, it’s Friday, remember?” Himchan answered with a smile in his direction. It didn’t seem like his full smile.

“Oh yeah,” he nodded. “Weekend.”


Yongguk turned his head to study the other. “You’re nervous,” he concluded after a short while.

“Since when are you observant?” Himchan asked.

“Since I met you,” Yongguk answered with a grin and a silent ‘thank you’ to Daehyun for helping him prepare lines such as these.

Himchan turned a little pink. “I do have great influence,” he nodded seriously, but he couldn’t hide the little warm smile.

“The best,” Yongguk nodded. “Is it about meeting the others?” he asked after a moment of silence. Himchan had told him he was nervous about it, even though he shouldn’t be. When Himchan nodded in answer, Yongguk reached out to grab the other’s hand.

“You know what my mother always tells me?” Himchan asked, to which Yongguk shook his head. “She quotes this movie or book, I don’t know which, where a character says something along the lines of ‘history is man messing up time after time, history is women, following with a bucket’.”

Yongguk chuckled. “I can’t entirely disagree at this point.”

“Well, we don’t have a woman in this relationship, so I need you to follow me with a bucket,” Himchan told him.


“Because I’m going to say some really stupid things tonight, and I need you to salvage my image, so they don’t disapprove.”

“Don’t worry about anything,” Yongguk laughed, “the three of them need at least five buckets each, so you’ll fit right in.”

“You little ,” Himchan exclaimed and pushed him lightly. He was laughing along though, so Yongguk wasn’t worried. They changed subjects to the upcoming Roger Waters concert instead and gushed about the ‘The Wall’ album. He was so excited about the concert, and best of all… he was going with his boyfriend.


Hyosung, Daehyun, and Youngjae were all on the screen of the computer. Yongguk had just called them, saying he had important news. While Daehyun and Youngjae already knew about Yongguk and Himchan’s relationship, Hyosung had been abnormally busy the past couple of days, so he hadn’t had time to tell her. In theory, he could have texted her, but Youngjae had convinced him not to. Daehyun had supported that suggestion, which was surprising for no one.

“My dudes, my sweetays, my fellow nerds, I am so exhausted,” Hyosung greeted them, throwing them a tired hand-sign. She had bags under her eyes that were visible even in the bad quality of a webcam. Youngjae and Daehyun had dark marks on them as well, except they were mostly based on their necks.

“Are you sure you’re up for chatting then?” Yongguk asked concerned, looking shortly out of the corner of his eyes to Himchan, who sat right outside the reach of his own webcam.

“You said important news, and I’ve got coffee,” she replied holding up a mug with Darth Vader and the text ‘I like my coffee on the dark side’ written on it. Hyosung took a sip, sighed in content and looked back up. “So, tell me what is up, my favorite Care Bear?” she finished.

“Should I be jealous?” Himchan asked loud enough for the three on the screen to hear, grinning.

“Who the was that?” Hyosung perked up.

Youngjae squinted his eyes at the screen, while Daehyun tilted his head slightly beside him.

“Don’t embarrass me,” Yongguk warned them first, to which the three of them looked equally affronted, “but I’d like you to meet Himchan.”

Himchan rolled in on the screen on his chair with a smile. “Hey,” he greeted them.

Daehyun and Youngjae smiled widely and return his greetings one by one.

Hyosung greeted him gladly as well, before glaring at her screen. “Yongguk, you little , why the didn’t you say we were meeting him today!” she exclaimed.

“Not my idea,” he protested.

“Was too,” Himchan countered.

It had been Yongguk’s idea, but he wasn’t about to admit that right now. However, he couldn’t help but grin at Himchan, which he knew would give him away to his friends immediately. His boyfriend shook his head at him, tiredly, but with a twinkle in his eyes.

“You would think he’d be better behaved with that sweet gummy smile of his, but he’s really a little devil in disguise,” Himchan told them, before giving Yongguk a small smile and kissed him on his cheek.

“The is this!?” Hyosung yelled instantly. Yongguk couldn’t help but laugh, which Himchan, Daehyun, and Youngjae joined in on.

“Hold up, hold up, hold up, go back, rewind,” the girl on the screen said quickly while glaring at the screen. “Daehyun and Youngjae knew about this! What the ing empty cookie jar is this?” she threw her hands in the air in despair, before pointing at the screen with a dead serious face. “Yongguk, you are hereby disowned,” she told him, before softening her voice, “Himchan, welcome to the family, I’m happy you two are finally together, but what the , Yongguk?”

Himchan was laughing happily, and Yongguk grinned along. Daehyun and Youngjae were leaning on each other grinning wickedly, while Hyosung continued glaring.

“I wanted to tell you in person,” Yongguk told his friend, “and you’ve been busy.”

“Bruh, my day to day life is not important, you forget I live through all of your relationships,” Hyosung deadpanned, but he knew he was forgiven.

“I apologize on behalf of my boyfriend,” Himchan said.

Hyosung clasped her chest. “Oh, sweet Aslan, Great Lion, King of Beasts, I thank you for this magical moment you have blessed me with,” she told the ceiling.

“Is she always like this?” Himchan chuckled.

“No, only when she’s low on sleep and purely running on caffeine,” Youngjae told him before Yongguk could answer.

“And she usually makes references to the latest books she’s read,” Daehyun added.

“I’m guessing Narnia, then,” Himchan smiled. “You used Aslan as a deity like many religious people use their own god or gods.”

“Yes!” Hyosung sat up straight. “Aslan is written like a sort of Jesus Christ in the Narnia series, which is pretty obvious, however!” she interrupted herself. “You two are going to tell me exactly what has happened here, down to every single tiny detail.”

Yongguk laughed and took Himchan’s hand in his own and settled it on his boyfriend’s thigh. For a moment, Himchan smiled back at him, so fondly, so softly, and he felt the warmth that had encompassed him these past few days with a new vigor again.

“This is so cute,” Hyosung whispered, “please continue this forever.”

Youngjae’s laughter accompanied by Daehyun’s ‘hey, what about us?’ broke the moment.

“Oh, come on, Dae, they’re basically making out with their eyes,” Youngjae told his boyfriend.

“But you’re the cutest, baby, so not even them making heart-eyes at each other can beat that!” Daehyun protested. Youngjae turned slightly pink and looked like he was going to say something, but Hyosung beat him.

“I’m surrounded by people in love,” she sighed loudly. “I think I might die from the feels.”

“Shouldn’t you get someone yourself?” Youngjae suggested.

“Yeah, I’m sure you can find someone who would like such a vivacious girl as yourself,” Himchan added.

“Thank you, but no,” Hyosung replied, “sadly the only people I tend to fall in love with are fictional.”

“You should hear her when she starts gushing about Jack Frost or Hiccup,” Yongguk told Himchan.

“Excuse me, but who doesn’t have a crush on them?” Hyosung defended herself.

“She’s got a point,” Himchan nodded. “Nobody can truly resist those two.”

“Thank you!” Hyosung beat her chest twice and threw another hand-sign. “My bro, I know we’ll get along.”

Himchan returned the gesture. “Bro,” he repeated.

“You better not mess this up, Yongguk, I like this boy,” she said.

Yongguk looked at Himchan fondly. “Me too,” he agreed, to which Himchan’s cheeks lighted up. He could feel his own cheeks on fire as well.

“Now! Story time,” Hyosung demanded and settled back in her chair with her mug. “Tell me everything!”

“Don’t just skip things like when you told us!” Daehyun added.

Yongguk rolled his eyes at them, while Himchan laughed happily beside him. His boyfriend squeezed his hand softly and gave him a small look to tell him to begin.

“Okay, okay,” he smiled, and started telling them what happened. Himchan added details here and there, but mostly it was Yongguk talking. When it came to the part where they almost kissed he paused for a moment, remembering his boyfriend’s mother walking in on them. That had been horrifying. However, not as horrifying as meeting her in the living room afterwards, where she sat with Cheshire cat smile when they came down for something to drink.

“So, boys,” she had said, as soon as she saw their clasped hands, “I hope you behave.” Himchan had promptly told her to shut up, facepalming like it hurt him to hear those words. Yongguk didn’t think his face had ever felt so warm in his life. He was sure he could have been compared to a tomato at that point.

“Watch your back, Caesar,” Himchan had replied after he was done facepalming.

“This is your 30-day warning, if you do not pledge yourself to the Goddess that is your mother, the inquisition will come for you,” she had simply replied with a laugh. Yongguk hadn’t been able to keep back his chuckle. Their relationship was wonderful, and he loved history jokes.

Yongguk smiled at his boyfriend after their story was finished and his three friends started asking Himchan question after question. The usually hooded boy was answering every question happily, while returning some. Currently, they were discussing the Shakespearean Sonnet.

“Hey Yongguk,” Hyosung smirked, “I just thought of something.”

Yongguk slightly feared her evil look but motioned for her to go on.

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other word would smell as sweet.
So Himchan would, were he not Himchan called,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes,” she quoted Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliette with a slight alteration.

“What?” Yongguk asked, wondering why she recited that. And then it hit him. “Oh,” he said and shrunk a little in on himself in embarrassment.

“What’s going on here?” Himchan asked with a confused smile.

“Your boyfriend didn’t know your name for a long time,” Hyosung sang, “and during this time you were known as ‘hoodie-guy’.”

Himchan turned to Yongguk, a look of utter disbelief on his face. “Really?” was all he said.

Yongguk blushed. “Yeah, sorry.”

For a moment his boyfriend stared at him in disbelief. And then he burst out laughing. Hard.

“This, is so you,” the laughing boy gasped in between laughs. Yongguk blushed further and wanted to hide. Of course, his friends would out him like this and join his boyfriend laughing. At least Himchan was laughing instead of leaving. Though he could never imagine his boyfriend leaving over that. Not with his kind heart and the gentle smiles he had for Yongguk.

“I’m not wearing a hoodie now though,” Himchan said after calming down.

“Which means I can see your face better,” Yongguk replied fondly.

“Well, Sir Sleep-a-lot, I can’t say my silent nickname for you was any better,” his boyfriend told him.

Daehyun let out a bark of laughter. “Sir Sleep-a-lot and Hoodie-guy.”

“Almost sounds like a fairytale,” Youngjae grinned.

“Personally, I would read the out of The Tales and Adventures of Sir Sleep-a-lot and Hoodie-guy,” Hyosung grinned. “The Nocturnal Knight and the Daylight Ninja.”

“You guys need to stop,” Yongguk told them.

Himchan tugged him closer and kissed him. “Let the kids be, they need their good night stories,” he told him. Yongguk smiled at his boyfriend and kissed him again. A chorus of coos sounded from his computer, but he ignored them in favor of looking at his boyfriend, his best friend, hoodie-guy, Himchan.


What's this? An update already? And what's more?? This fic is finished!?!?!?

Yeah. Finally. It's finished. Though it doesn't feel like it. I feel weird. Like this baby isn't done yet. But here it is, in its final chapter.

I've been playing with an idea or two for an epilogue, but I don't know if I should write it or not. So I'm marking this story complete. If anyone has any protests and wants an epilogue, please comment and tell me to do so, and I'll follow your command xP

But for now, it's done. And I just wanted to thank you for reading despite my horrible updating schedule.

I hope you've enjoyed this fic about Sir Sleep-a-lot and Hoodie-guy, the Nocturnal Knight and the Daylight Ninja.

Peace out (^_^)v

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Chapter 17: OMFGBEJXVSKQ!!!! so I don't like to write a long comment but I'm so sad that the story is already over ..... I took a long time to read to be sure to understand and ing I loved as I love life! the guy has a hood and the guy who sleeps a lot is really really exciting !!!! I don't have words it's damn wonderful! BANGHIM POWAAAA and dsvfifhsl hyosung is cute and funny until the end XD love this story very much♡♡♡♡ thank u.
Chapter 12: agree chan is perfect!
Chapter 11: the parents of himchan are annoying ......... but oh my god! the way yg looks at hc and this feeling for his friend... it is the love assured! lol
Chapter 9: Hyosung is cute here haha love it
Chapter 7: poor yongguk ..... himchan too starts to say this mysterious thing about him! I think I have a little idea but I don't want to think more .... I will wait and read the next chapters calmly! very nice job!
Chapter 6: awwwwww this is loooveeee ~~~~
Chapter 5: hahahaha daejae in action ...... yongguk is so confused and this story remains unclear! I want to read more!
Chapter 4: loooollll daejae at the end I CAN'T XD
Chapter 1: to begin, thank you very much for this first chapter! he is long and very captivating! a fiction as I love them! I can't wait to read the rest of the chapters! ♡♡♡♡♡ BANGHIM LOVER