Chapter Twelve

The Life of the Painfully Oblivious

“I don’t think I’ve ever eaten as much as I have today,” Yongguk groaned to his friends on the screen. “I feel stuffed.”

“It’s a good thing to happen every once in a long while,” Youngjae smiled.

“I want lasagna too,” Daehyun said, sounding as pathetic as they came. “Why didn’t I get lasagna today?”

“You got to eat a giant hamburger in the presence of me, what are you complaining about?” Youngjae replied, a slight smirk on his face.

“I want to have lasagna while in your presence as well,” Daehyun whined. “That ‘giant hamburger’ wasn’t that big.”

“It was as big as my face!” Youngjae exclaimed.

“Yeah, I saw the post on facebook,” Hyosung butted in. “Youngjae’s got a very valid point. It was a giant hamburger.”

“But JaeJae’s face is so small, that it doesn’t take much,” Daehyun argued.

“My face isn’t that small!”

“Yes, it is, remember when we measured it with all the burgers we found on our school trip? The conclusion was that your face is small,” Daehyun pointed out.

Yongguk could vaguely remember that. It had been around a year ago, when something odd had started being weird with the two boys. There had been a constant push and pull between them, that Yongguk and Hyosung had picked up on. Hyosung said it was around that time they realized that they liked each other as more than friends.

He smiled to himself as the couple argued about the size of Youngjae’s head, while Hyosung commented occasionally. They had been so obvious with their flirting, yet neither of them had dared to take a step towards becoming more. Youngjae was convinced Daehyun didn’t like him that way and vice versa. It was taken straight out of one of those teen romance novels, but it had been very real nonetheless. Yongguk had spent hours upon hours with Hyosung, trying to convince the one or the other to make a move.

In the end, it had been Daehyun (with endless encouragement) who had taken the step, and Youngjae had taken the step with him. The two moved slowly and steadily with their relationship in some aspects and fast in others, but it worked for them. That was the important part.

“Okay you two, it’s time to stop,” Hyosung interrupted, pulling Yongguk back to the conversation. Both Youngjae and Daehyun wore matching challenging expression. “We need to hear the next chapter in Yongguk’s story,” she continued, and their expressions changed to excitement.

“Oh yeah!” Daehyun exclaimed. “Yongguk! Tell!”

“Tell what?” Yongguk felt attacked, suddenly being the center of attention out of nowhere.

“Tell us about your evening at Himchan’s place,” Youngjae clarified.

“I just told you?”

“Not the lasagna part, everything else,” Hyosung explained.

“Oh, well, Himchan’s parents are really nice,” Yongguk replied. “They were energetic and chan a lot.” He went on explaining how there had been a lively mood all throughout dinner, how Himchan teased back as good as he got, and the way they had welcomed him with open arms. He had almost felt like a part of the family, even though it was his first time there. The warmth he had felt had been genuine.

He told them how he had seen Himchan without a hoodie for the first time, and that he looked good underneath the hoodie, but he didn’t linger on the subject. The odd feeling, he had had was something to examine on his own later. It felt private. So he went on to tell them how Himchan had done his best to make him feel comfortable, while still joking around with his parents. On one side, he had sensed that Himchan was embarrassed about his parents, but on the other side, it had been like he was proud of being part of their family.

“Wow, you’re being awfully observant today,” Daehyun interrupted.

“Oh, come on,” Yongguk sighed. “I’m not completely oblivious as you make me seem.”

“Uhm, yes you are,” Youngjae agreed with his boyfriend.

“I’m sorry, Yongguk, but you’re out numbered,” Hyosung grinned.

Yongguk sighed again. Why was he friends with these people again?

“Think of it this way, Harry Potter was oblivious to a lot of stuff as well, but that doesn’t take away the fact that he was smart and saved the world from Voldemort,” Youngjae smiled.

“So, you’re saying I can still save the world?” Yongguk asked.

“No, humanity is doomed,” Youngjae waved him off. The rest of them laughed, Daehyun exclaiming ‘amen’.

“No what I’m saying is, despite obliviousness, you are still important,” Youngjae explained after they had stopped laughing.

“Thank you,” Yongguk smiled. This had turned into an oddly cheesy moment.

“However!” Youngjae added. “I will say you should work on noticing stuff,” he grinned.

“The truths thou speaketh today, darling of mine,” Daehyun chuckled.

“That reminds me!” Hyosung exclaimed. “There’s a showing of Richard III coming to my city soon! It’s amateur, but guess who is going!”

Yongguk chuckled as they started discussing theatre and the Shakespeare play in question. He could barely remember it, but Hyosung was happy to remind him.


Sunday afternoon, Himchan was back in Yongguk’s living room, the two of them chatting away happily. They had finally finished their project, and Himchan was staying to talk to Yongguk. He felt relieved somehow, yet it also felt natural. Like he had been a tiny bit worried that his friend would leave once the project was over and that it had all only been for the sake of the project. However, he knew that it wasn’t. Himchan wouldn’t have done all those things, talked so easily, confided so much in him, if they weren’t friends.

It was nice, like all things Himchan were nice.

Yongguk honestly felt like every day he came up with new realizations about Himchan and how much his friend meant to him. It was a bit weird, but it all just felt so new, and Himchan was one of kind. He felt like he could use several lifetimes getting to know the other and discovering new things, both about Himchan and himself.

His friend also encouraged him in his dreams, from a whole other perspective than his other friends. He kept saying they’d do things together when possible, where his other friends encouraged him from the sidelines. It was incredibly heartwarming and just nice to know that their dreams had an overlap, and that they could actually follow each other on that road.

It was nice, like all things Himchan were nice. Nice in all these different nuances and colors, which just made everything more wonderful. Yongguk couldn’t remember a time he had been this kind of happy. Right now, in this moment, where Himchan was expressing his adoration of Pink Floyd’s music, Yongguk was incredibly happy. He found himself engaging in the conversation more than he had in other conversations. It wasn’t that he didn’t talk, it was just that he was usually the quiet one in a conversation, but now he felt like he had more to say. He felt safe enough to say it too, which was quick in relation to his other friends.

There was just something about Himchan. Some great, comfortable, nice, beautiful thing. He found himself noticing how his friend had proper smiling wrinkles when he laughed, and how his eyes shone with happiness. It was like he was cataloging everything about Himchan, so that he’d have it for later when the other went home.

Yongguk’s stomach grumbled, interrupting their conversation. Himchan laughed and suggested something to eat, which Yongguk was quick to agree with. He hadn’t had breakfast yet, finding he didn’t have time before his friend came over.

“So, I’m guessing ramen?” Himchan asked, as they went into the kitchen.

“You know me well.”

Himchan chuckled. “It doesn’t take long knowing you have a love like no other for ramen,” he replied.

“True,” Yongguk chuckled along. He couldn’t deny that. They resumed an easy conversation, while they found the things they needed and made the ramen. There was some kind of domestic bliss over it. They simply fit well together, like it was meant to be. It was almost like…

“Yongguk?” Himchan’s voice interrupted before he could think the thought through.


“You zoned out for a moment there.”

“Oh sorry, I was just thinking,” Yongguk felt his face warm a little. He hadn’t meant to zone out.

Himchan waved it off. “What were you thinking about?” he asked

“Oh, nothing,” Yongguk answered. His friend raised an eyebrow at him, clearly not believing him and urged him to tell. “It’s nothing,” he said again.

“I don’t believe you,” Himchan replied, with a smile.

“Fine, I’ll tell you,” Yongguk sighed and his friend’s smile turned wider. “It’s just that you’re really nice to be around,” he told the other, feeling his cheeks heat up.

“Oh,” Himchan looked slightly surprised, his face turning a little red. “Thank you, you’re nice to be around too,” he continued, smiling softly and fondly. Yongguk could feel his stomach doing a flip at the sight of it. His friend truly was beautiful.

For a while they just looked at each other. Yongguk got lost in his friend’s face, and the way his lips were turned upwards in that soft way, just showing his cute bunny teeth. The way his eyes shone with fondness and this light that never disappeared. The way his cheeks rounded, and the small wrinkling beside his eyes that only showed when he smiled. If he could, he would like to keep this moment, where Himchan looked like this, forever.

Himchan’s smile turned a bit wider and brighter, as he chuckled once more. “This suddenly turned cheesy,” he said.

Yongguk smiled back and nodded. In his stomach and heart, he felt something move, but he didn’t want to examine it now. He would do that later. “It’s your fault,” he said instead.

“How is it my fault?” Himchan asked, looking mock offended.

“You were the one who insisted on me telling you what I was thinking of.”

“Well I like cheese,” his friend replied with a smile and a wink. Yongguk chuckled and rolled his eyes. Himchan really was one of a kind. The best kind.

“Hey, I’ve been wondering,” Yongguk began. “And you don’t have to answer, but why do you always wear a hoodie?”

His friend turned silent and a frown replaced the smile on his face. “You don’t have to answer,” Yongguk told the other, feeling it was a sensitive subject.

Himchan shook his head. “It’s fine, but it’s a bit… hard to talk about,” he explained.

“If you don’t want to talk about it…” Yongguk kept the option of leaving the subject alone open.

“I told you I was bullied at my previous school, but I didn’t tell you exactly what,” Himchan started and Yongguk nodded. “Well I was bullied about my weight and how ugly I am, that was part of it anyways,” he said, his voice trembling slightly.

Yongguk’s head snapped back in surprise. How could anyone bully his friend about that? Himchan was one of the most beautiful beings Yongguk had ever had the pleasure to meet. Then the way his friend had worded the sentence sunk in. Was Himchan still affected by what they had said?

“I’d be lying if I told you it didn’t affect me anymore, which is kinda why I wear a hoodie,” Himchan told him, looking down at the table. He looked sad and vulnerable.

“They were lying s,” Yongguk told his friend. “You’re perfect.”

Himchan looked up at him with a half-smile. “No one is perfect, Yongguk,” he replied.

Yongguk smiled back softly. “That’s where you’re wrong. You’re perfect in every imperfection you have,” he told Himchan. “You’re perfect as you are.”

His friend smiled and looked down into the table, and Yongguk could see his ears go red. When he looked up again, his smile was brighter. His eyes shone even brighter, and there was that fondness again, which Yongguk would happily drown in.

“Thank you,” Himchan said with sincerity. Yongguk hoped that meant the other had taken it to heart, for his friend was indeed perfect as he was.

That night, as it was turning into morning and Yongguk went to sleep, his thoughts went back to Himchan’s smiles and the way he laughed. With warmth in his heart and a thought at the tip of his tongue, he fell asleep smiling. Himchan was indeed perfect.



And I'm back with another update.

University has been busy so far, and I don't see it slowing down immediately. However, it shouldn't be as overwhelming soon ^^

Hope you enjoyed this update and have a nice day/night/whatever ^^

Peace out (^_^)v

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Chapter 17: OMFGBEJXVSKQ!!!! so I don't like to write a long comment but I'm so sad that the story is already over ..... I took a long time to read to be sure to understand and ing I loved as I love life! the guy has a hood and the guy who sleeps a lot is really really exciting !!!! I don't have words it's damn wonderful! BANGHIM POWAAAA and dsvfifhsl hyosung is cute and funny until the end XD love this story very much♡♡♡♡ thank u.
Chapter 12: agree chan is perfect!
Chapter 11: the parents of himchan are annoying ......... but oh my god! the way yg looks at hc and this feeling for his friend... it is the love assured! lol
Chapter 9: Hyosung is cute here haha love it
Chapter 7: poor yongguk ..... himchan too starts to say this mysterious thing about him! I think I have a little idea but I don't want to think more .... I will wait and read the next chapters calmly! very nice job!
Chapter 6: awwwwww this is loooveeee ~~~~
Chapter 5: hahahaha daejae in action ...... yongguk is so confused and this story remains unclear! I want to read more!
Chapter 4: loooollll daejae at the end I CAN'T XD
Chapter 1: to begin, thank you very much for this first chapter! he is long and very captivating! a fiction as I love them! I can't wait to read the rest of the chapters! ♡♡♡♡♡ BANGHIM LOVER