
Civilizing Oh Sehun

Haebin stumbled back and screamed out of shock. She clutched her heart and breathed heavily. “What in the world?!”

Sehun waved his arms in the air. “Please dry me off! I can explain!”

She looked around for a towel and reached for it. “I hope this is a ing joke.” She snapped. “A merman? Seriously?” Then she watched and she felt the hairs on her arms stand when his tail disappeared into thin air. After Sehun patted his tail down, his legs seemed to appear within a blink of an eye. “What?!”

Sehun put the towel around his waist and stood up. “Please don’t be alarmed, I’m a merman.” He said. “We’re real creatures, we don’t come onto land often, but we’re real!”

“Is this magic?” She whispered skeptically. Haebin reached for the knob and turned the water on again. It only took seconds before Sehun’s legs turned into a tail and again he lost balance and fell onto the floor.


Haebin gasped. That sounded like it hurt. “Oh , are you okay?”

Sehun’s lips quivered before looked away in pain. He sniffled a few times before adjusting his tail in discomfort. “I don’t know what to do…” He cried. “I didn’t know you would react like this- Cheong seemed so happy to be in Seoul-“


He nodded and sobbed. “My mermaid friend came here and she adapted really well. Life was so boring in the ocean I thought the same would happen to me but you seem to be appalled and freaked out-“

“I’m not scared! I’m just really surprised, my dude, you have a ing tail!”

Sehun wiped his face and looked at her. “Can you dry me off?” He whispered.

Haebin sat in her spot for a few minutes and took it all in before cringing at the sea smell that lingered in the air. “Oh my,” She pinched her nose and slowly reached for the shampoo bottle. “After this,” She squeezed a huge droplet of pink liquid out of the container and reached for his head.

He shrunk back and held his hands up as a shield. “What are you doing?”

Haebin rubbed her palms together and lathered up the soap. “I’m cleaning you,” She said. “If we got this far, I should I at least clean you up, right?”

Sehun tilted his head towards her as she worked the bubbles into his locks. He closed his eyes tightly when she rinsed all the foam out of his head.

Haebin grabbed the fluffy sponge that hung under the knob and doused it in a peach scented body wash. She scrubbed him down in silence and almost smiled at the merman who closed his eyes in bliss.

“This smells nice,” He mumbled. “What is it?”

“Soap,” Haebin hovered over his tail. “Uh…?”

Sehun held his palms out. “Can I try it?”

She handed him the sponge and watched in amusement as he wiped down his tail. Then she rinsed him off and dried him off with a towel.


Sehun was a fast learner and within minutes he learned how to dress himself. Soon the two of them were sitting across each other in the kitchen. Sehun with a towel over his head and Haebin with a bottle of soju by her side- well, you know, in case this situation gets bizarre enough that she has to drink to forget.

“You are a merman,”

Sehun nodded. “Yes,”

“And you came here because you got bored of the ocean,”


“And you know little to nothing about human anatomy which explains-“Haebin closed her eyes and shook her head. “Never mind,”

Sehun tilted his chin towards the table and avoided her gaze. “Sorry about that,”

“I hope you don’t need to take a leak or excrete anything else until those two wake up sober, I am not going to teach you how to use your little friend!”

Sehun nodded. “I understand!”

“So, you’re not going back to the ocean?” Haebin asked. “Not even if I kicked you out?”

“Probably not, it took me a lot of effort to get here.” He admitted. “I don’t have anywhere else to go either,”

Haebin blinked a few times and jiggled her leg as she tried to deduct a few things in her head. “Alright, I guess I can’t send you home.” She said. “Fine, I suppose you can stay here until you figure yourself out.”


“Yep, you can take the couch.” She flicked her arm behind her and pointed to Chanyeol and Baekhyun. “It’s brilliant, if you take the couch that means they can’t come to my house drunk anymore and expect a place to sleep in,” She grinned. “We both win!”

“Do they always come here like that?”

Haebin scowled. “It’s a long story, I’m sure they’ll tell you soon.” She cleared and stuck her hand out. “Well, nice to meet you, roommate.”


He stared at her hand and lifted his into the air. “Nice to meet you?”

She put a firm hold on his fingers and shook their palms together. “Yep, nice to meet ya! I’m Kim Haebin once again and I’m the real queen bee all up in this !”

“What does that mean?”

“I run this place!”

[a/n]: Comments are much appreciated!

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wherethedreamslie #1
Chapter 26: This had so much potential. I loved reading this but since it's discontinued, so I'll just think as if sehun gave haebin necklace as a love/proposal gift & they lived happily ever after. So that it gives peace to my mind. Good story author. Also I found this after reading barcode tattoo. And now barcode tattoo is one of my favourite sehun ffs on this app.
Elocin_ #2
Good story