Rec #63

Stranger Harmony

I swear I'm working on the masterlist, there's just a lot of stuff to put on it (oops) so it's gonna take a while to finish it.... 

But in the meanwhile!

I've got you a nice underrated/누구 song:

[MV] 24K(투포케이) _ BINGO(빙고)

Standing with 2 364 011 views (the max views to get on this list been 5 000 000) it's not a tottally unheard of song/band but let's be real, 24K & Bingo needs more views! The song is sooo good! Ok I did notice the Mamajama dance and the high recemblance to one shot M/V wise, but the song is still catchy, and worthy of your time. (besides tve m/v is still very good, and the dance looks great too)

Kuvahaun tulos haulle 24k bingo gif
Aaaand I've gotta add a the mamajama dance just to make a side by side..
Kuvahaun tulos haulle bad mamajama gif
And yes, mamajama was out first. Still love both songs, so no hate~

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I wanna join this but u cud u explain to me more about what this is all about? :)