And so the recs begin. (#1st rec)

Stranger Harmony

This is the first of my daily recs, which will consist of mainly underrated songs, or songs that deserve more views. here's a few examples of songs that will not be included: 

exo monster (126 181 536 views)

NCT_U the 7th sense (30 896 838 views)

bts blood sweat and tears (142 465 417 views)

(still love all of these songs, don't get me wrong here!)

NOTE! The recs won't be in any -particular- order

So, let's start this daily mission with a nice underrated song/group: M.I.B's 치사BOUNCE 

M.I.B consists of four rappers (from which one is a well-we-need-one vocalist) and the song is nice and catchy.

The song has currently 2 153 482 views which isn't the smallest amount we'll see on this list, but honestly, it deserves more.

Hope you'll like it~

Kuvahaun tulos haulle m.i.b chisa bounce gif

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I wanna join this but u cud u explain to me more about what this is all about? :)