Sweet summer

Stranger Harmony

Summer break huh?

'bout time if you ask me!

Kuvahaun tulos haulle kpop summer gif

*Me to self*
"Way to be creative with these topics"

But hey what do you want, I'm a generic girl who just got outta school. And I know some of you [haha, at least when we'll have readersAiheeseen liittyvä kuva] got summer jobs and whatnot, but I failed at life and I'm just gonna stay home. 
I think I'll spend my time writing, drawing, practicing choreos, eating and sleeping. Not that I'm good at eny of those things (ok maybe eating and sleeping... or at least in not waking up and stuffing my face w/unhealthy and then complain about the zits that are bound to pop-up in my face) 

But yeah,
What yall gonna do this summer? 

I think that as a celebration to my unsuccessful attempt at having a job,
and my therefor rather empty schedule,
I'll start updating daily here.

Not as in full on chapters about stuff, but more like random facts, underrated songs/artists, and fics.

So you better watch out for that "rec-list" tag, cuz it's going to be added in a matter of seconds.

Question of the week:
Am I making a mistake? 

Thanks for reading, this was 


Goodbye GIF and I'll read from you later!


  Kuvahaun tulos haulle kpop goodbye gif

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I wanna join this but u cud u explain to me more about what this is all about? :)