I'm officially dead now.

Stranger Harmony

You are welcomed to my,
Schoolwork has me officially dead. 



                                                                                                              Kuvahaun tulos haulle R.I.P

[Jk, still breathing.] 



But I really need to gather my s together. It's been quite some time now since block b and I still haven't finished the post about it. I haven't even touched it for a long time. But hey, next post (that I'll write), I promise, will be it. 

Now that that's said, let's move on.

Lia, you talked about "healthy eating". In my opinion, eating a little bit of chocolate isn't unhealthy (But if it was, I'd be super unhealthy). Actually, it's a known fact that eating dark chocolate has health boosting properties. So munch up! Ok I rarely eat dark chocolate, but I'm not unhealthy either; chocolate is made of cocoa nuts, which are plants. Salads are made of plants. Thus, chocolate is salad. End of the conversation. (Ok white chocolate doesn't count, since there's no cocoa in it but shhhhhh) 


Other than that, 
I'll simply advise you to sleep. Sleep is underrated. Sleep is your friend. Sleep is good. (Can you hear my tiredness in this post? CAN YOU)


Ok this post is a mess so I'll just end it quickly with my question for the week:
Do you count white chocolate as chocolate? Technically it doesn't have the element that makes chocolate, well, chocolate (cocoa). So should it count as chocolate or not? 


Goodbuy GIF, and I'll read from you later! 

Kuvahaun tulos haulle kpop chocolate gif



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I wanna join this but u cud u explain to me more about what this is all about? :)