Rec #3

Stranger Harmony

Today's song is:

U-kiss give it to me

Ok so this is a real underrated song, by an extremely underrated band. I could go on for hours about how great U-kiss is and how they deserve more but instead I'll just drop some of their less known songs, and this is one of them. It doesn't even have an MV! And ok, this isn't my personal favorite song from them, and if you're new to U-kiss then You should probably check some of their other songs first, but I still love this song and nothing's gonna stop me from promoting it here~

So go ahead, click the link, and try not to get too offended by the lyrics (I'm sorry I couldn't find a proper vid that wasn't a remix or a live so I had to go with eng sub :)) 

Kuvahaun tulos haulle u-kiss


(be prepared to see some more U-kiss on this list) 

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I wanna join this but u cud u explain to me more about what this is all about? :)